This spammed message arrives as an advertisement for diplomas on sale. To bypass spam filters, it has salad inserts or random text on the top and bottom sections of the message. In addition, it appeals to the recipients who want to earn diplomas but lack the time needed to earn one. The message tries to further convince users by saying that better opportunities await for those who buy diplomas. It also includes phone numbers so that anyone across the globe can avail of the offer. 

Users should be wary of offers they encounter online, particularly more so from unknown sources. Offers such as this one might end up costing users more than what they bargained for. Recipients should ignore and delete messages such as this one.

 スパムブロック日時 : 2012年5月17日 22:00:00 GMT-8
  • TMASEエンジン:
  • TMASEパターンバージョン:8912