BKDR_TDSS.KARU connects to this URL to send and receive information.
BKDR_TDSS.KARU connects to this URL to send and receive information.
TROJ_FAKEAV.KQWL connects to this URL to send and receive information.
TSPY_ZBOT.IW connects to this URL to download its configuration file.
TSPY_SPYEYE.BY connects to this URL to send and receive information.
TSPY_ZBOT.SMMY connects to thus URL to download its configuration file.
BKDR_CYCBOT.EI connects to this URL to download possibly malicious files.
BKDR_CYCBOT.EI connects to this URL to download possibly malicious files.
This URL is malicious due to its Trojan redirection routines.
BKDR_CYCBOT.EI connects to this URL to download possibly malicious files.
BKDR_CYCBOT.EI connects to this URL to download possibly malicious files.
HTML_HTAPORN connects to this malicious URL which contains pornographic content.
HTML_PORNY connects to this malicious URL which contains pornographic content.
http://c1.{BLOCKED}oaddatamy.info/?step_id=10&installer_id={Installer ID}&publisher_id=625&source_id=0&page_id=0&affiliate_id=0&country_code={Country code}&locale={Language}&browser_id=4&download_id={}&external_id={}&session_id={}&hardware_id={}&q={file to be downloaded}&q={file to be downloaded}&product_name={file to be downloaded}&installer_file_name={file to be downloaded}&external_id={}&self_redirect=0&filesize=

ADW_INSTALLREX connects to this URL to download its component files.

ADW_INSTALLREX connects to this URL to download its component files.
http://{BLOCKED}adcardd.info/?e=bsp&publisher=625&country={Country code}&dd=5&cid=519&vn=114&ind={}&exid={}&ssd={}&hid={}&osid=501&channel=0&sfx=1&jc=1&category_name=&install_date={Installation date}

ADW_INSTALLREX connects to this URL to download its component files.
ADW_INSTALLREX connects to this URL to download its component files.
ADW_INSTALLREX connects to this URL to download its component files.
ADW_INSTALLREX connects to this URL to download its component files.
ADW_INSTALLREX connects to this URL to download its component files.