解析者: Christopher Talampas

 ブロック日時: 2011年4月15日 7:35:00 GMT-8
 ドメイン名: testfinal.php
 カテゴリ: Disease Vector
 概要 : Cybercriminals have recently created a supposed "glitch" related to Facebook Credits to get users to click their malicious links. TrendLabs engineers found newly created domains showing a fake page with instructions (Figure 1) on how to take advantage of the said glitch. There is also a video to accompany these instructions.

Once users have copied and pasted the supplied code (Figure 2) into the browser address bar, they are redirected to several purported verification pages (Figure 3), an occurrence commonly seen in Facebook clickjacking attacks. Users are then led to a fake event invite which is automatically posted on the user's Facebook wall (Figure 5) for their contacts to see and click. These URLs are also related to fake Canadian pharmacy sites.

Users are advised to be wary of the links they click on Facebook.