Schweregrad: : Crítico
  Identificador(es) CVE: : CVE-2012-4792,MS13-008
  Data do informe: 21 julho 2015


Use-after-free vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 through 8 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted web site that triggers access to an object that (1) was not properly allocated or (2) is deleted, as demonstrated by a CDwnBindInfo object, and exploited in the wild in December 2012.

  Exposição das informações

Apply associated Trend Micro DPI Rules.


  Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Number: 1002061
  Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Name: 1002061 - Identified Suspicious JavaScript Encoded Shellcode

  Software infectado e versão:

  • microsoft internet_explorer 6
  • microsoft internet_explorer 7
  • microsoft internet_explorer 8