Schweregrad: : Medium
  Identificador(es) CVE: : CVE-2012-5615
  Data do informe: 21 julho 2015


Oracle MySQL 5.5.38 and earlier, 5.6.19 and earlier, and MariaDB 5.5.28a, 5.3.11, 5.2.13, 5.1.66, and possibly other versions, generates different error messages with different time delays depending on whether a user name exists, which allows remote attackers to enumerate valid usernames.

  Exposição das informações

Apply associated Trend Micro DPI Rules.


  Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Number: 1005045
  Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Name: 1005045 - MySQL Database Server Possible Login Brute Force Attempt

  Software infectado e versão:

  • MySQL Server