Schweregrad: : Medium
  Identificador(es) CVE: : CVE-2009-3830
  Data do informe: 21 julho 2015


Microsoft SharePoint is prone to a vulnerability that lets attackers access certain files that contain source code. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to retrieve certain files from the vulnerable computer in the context of the webserver process. Information obtained may aid in further attacks. The download functionality in Team Services in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and allows remote attackers to read ASP.NET source code via pathnames in the SourceUrl and Source parameters to _layouts/download.aspx.

  Exposição das informações

Apply associated Trend Micro DPI Rules.


  Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Number: 1003815
  Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Name: 1003815 - Microsoft SharePoint Team Services Download Feature Source Code Information Disclosure Vulnerability

  Software infectado e versão:

  • microsoft sharepoint_server 2007