Schweregrad: : Alto
  Data do informe: 23 fevereiro 2012


Microsoft Host Integration Server has vulnerabilities wherein inputs sent to it are not properly validated. These vulnerabilities could allow denial of service if a remote attacker sends specially crafted network packets to a Host Integration Server listening on UDP port 1478 or TCP ports 1477 and 1478.

As a workaround, users are advised to block TCP ports 1477 and 1478 and UDP port 1478 at your firewall.

  Exposição das informações

Users of Trend Micro Network Virus Wall can detect this exploit at the network layer with Network Virus Pattern (NVP) 10308 or later.

Download the latest Network Virus Wall pattern file from the following site:

  Software infectado e versão:

  • Microsoft Host Integration Server 2004 Service Pack 1
  • Microsoft Host Integration Server 2006 Service Pack 1
  • Microsoft Host Integration Server 2009
  • Microsoft Host Integration Server 2010