A newly uncovered ransomware family was found targeting QNAP network-attached storage (NAS) devices. Named eCh0raix, the malware was reportedly designed for targeted ransomware attacks.
Microsoft found a malware campaign pushing the Astaroth info stealer into the memory of infected computers. This particular campaign was notable in its fileless distribution method and complex attack chain.
A newly discovered backdoor malware dubbed Godlua was discovered conducting DDoS attacks. Unique to this Lua-based malware is its abuse of the DNS over HTTPS (DoH) protocol to secure its communication channels.
With social media becoming more relevant to businesses today, organizations can take a proactive stance to secure it and even make it safer for everyone else connected to it.
Criminal sellers are peddling ready-to-use ATM malware in underground markets for hacking into banks. In this report, we discuss how criminals advertise and even provide instructions on how to pull off a digital heist.
The Silex malware quickly spread and wiped IoT devices’ firmware. The malware, which only operated for a day or so, has already managed to brick thousands of IoT devices.