All Vulnerabilities

  • 20-012 (March 10, 2020)
     Publish Date:  11 de марта de 2020
    * indicates a new version of an existing rule

    Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

    Mail Client Miscellaneous
    1010190 - OpenBSD OpenSMTPD 'mta_io' Out Of Bounds Read Vulnerability (CVE-2020-8794)

    Suspicious Server Application Activity
    1010195 - Backdoor.Linux.Rrtserv.A Runtime Detection (Cloud Snooper HTTP Proxy Commands)

    Web Application Common
    1010183 - Microsoft Exchange Validation Key Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0688)
    1010194 - WordPress 'GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin' Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability

    Web Client Internet Explorer/Edge
    1010187 - Microsoft Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0832)
    1010188 - Microsoft Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0833)
    1010186 - Microsoft Internet Explorer VBScript Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0824)
    1010189 - Microsoft Internet Explorer VBScript Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0847)

    ZohoCorp ManageEngine Desktop Central
    1010197 - Zoho ManageEngine Desktop Central Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-10189)

    Integrity Monitoring Rules:

    There are no new or updated Integrity Monitoring Rules in this Security Update.

    Log Inspection Rules:

    There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.
  • 20-011 (March 3, 2020)
     Publish Date:  04 de марта de 2020
    * indicates a new version of an existing rule

    Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

    Apache JServ Protocol
    1010184 - Identified Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) Traffic

    Oracle E-Business Suite Web Interface
    1010160* - Oracle E-Business Suite Human Resources SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2020-2586)
    1010170* - Oracle E-Business Suite Human Resources SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2020-2587)

    Remote Desktop Protocol Over UDP
    1010125* - Microsoft Windows RDP Gateway Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities (CVE-2020-0609 and CVE-2020-0610)

    SolarWinds Dameware Mini Remote Control
    1010174 - SolarWinds DameWare Mini Remote Control Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-3980)

    Web Client Common
    1010182 - Google Chrome Type Confusion Vulnerability (CVE-2020-6418)
    1010180 - Microsoft Windows LNK Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0729)

    Web Server Common
    1010096* - Total.js CMS Widget JavaScript Code Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2019-15954)
    1010172 - WordPress InfiniteWP And Time Capsule Plugin Client Authentication Bypass Vulnerability (CVE-2020-8771)

    Web Server Oracle
    1010168* - Oracle WebLogic Server Untrusted Data Deserialization Vulnerability (CVE-2020-2555)
    1010171* - Oracle Weblogic Server Insecure Deserialization Vulnerability (CVE-2020-2551)

    Integrity Monitoring Rules:

    There are no new or updated Integrity Monitoring Rules in this Security Update.

    Log Inspection Rules:

    There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.
  • 20-010 (February 25, 2020)
     Publish Date:  26 de февраля de 2020
    * indicates a new version of an existing rule

    Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

    Mail Server Common
    1010145* - OpenBSD OpenSMTPD Remote Command Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-7247)

    Oracle E-Business Suite Web Interface
    1010160* - Oracle E-Business Suite Human Resources SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2020-2586)
    1010170 - Oracle E-Business Suite Human Resources SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2020-2587)

    Pivotal RabbitMQ HTTP Protocol
    1010144* - Pivotal RabbitMQ X-Reason HTTP Header Denial Of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2019-11287)

    Web Server Common
    1010136* - ELOG Project ELOG NULL Pointer Dereference Vulnerability (CVE-2019-3995)
    1010096 - Total.js CMS Widget JavaScript Code Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2019-15954)

    Web Server Oracle
    1010168 - Oracle WebLogic Server Untrusted Data Deserialization Vulnerability (CVE-2020-2555)
    1010171 - Oracle Weblogic Server Insecure Deserialization Vulnerability (CVE-2020-2551)

    Zoho ManageEngine
    1010109* - Zoho ManageEngine Applications Manager MASRequestProcessor 'serverID' SQL Injection Vulnerability

    Integrity Monitoring Rules:

    There are no new or updated Integrity Monitoring Rules in this Security Update.

    Log Inspection Rules:

    There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.
  • 19-049 (October 1, 2019)
     Publish Date:  20 de февраля de 2020
    * indicates a new version of an existing rule

    Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

    DCERPC Services
    1009801* - Microsoft Windows NTLM Elevation Of Privilege Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1040)
    1001839* - Restrict Attempt To Enumerate Windows User Accounts (ATT&CK T1087)

    DCERPC Services - Client
    1004373* - Identified DLL Side Loading Attempt Over Network Share (ATT&CK T1073)

    DNS Server
    1009667 - DNSmasq 'add_pseudoheader' Memory Exhaustion Denial Of Service (CVE-2017-14495)

    Database Oracle
    1001832* - Oracle Database Server Possible Brute Force Attempt (ATT&CK T1110)

    FTP Server Common
    1002413* - FTP Server Possible Brute Force Attempt (ATT&CK T1110)

    File Sharing Applications
    1004707* - Dropbox (ATT&CK T1102)
    1002472* - FTP Client (ATT&CK T1048)
    1003651* - Windows Live FolderShare (ATT&CK T1102)

    Instant Messenger Applications
    1002103* - AOL Instant Messenger (ATT&CK T1102)
    1004663* - IP Messenger (ATT&CK T1102)
    1002507* - Jabber (ATT&CK T1102)
    1003067* - MSN Instant Message URL Blocker (ATT&CK T1102)
    1002162* - MSN Messenger (ATT&CK T1102)
    1002462* - MSN Messenger File Transfers (ATT&CK T1102)
    1004941* - QQ Messenger (ATT&CK T1102)
    1003243* - Yahoo Instant Message URL Blocker (ATT&CK T1102)
    1002163* - Yahoo! Messenger (ATT&CK T1102)
    1002384* - Yahoo! Messenger File Transfers (ATT&CK T1102)

    Mail Client Applications
    1001112* - SMTP Client (ATT&CK T1071,T1048)

    Mail Server Common
    1010001 - Dovecot And Pigeonhole Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-11500)

    Remote Login Applications
    1002508* - RDP (ATT&CK T1076)
    1002490* - Radmin (ATT&CK T1219)
    1002487* - SSH Client (ATT&CK T1032,T1071)
    1004364* - TeamViewer (ATT&CK T1219)
    1002475* - Telnet Client (ATT&CK T1021)
    1002503* - VNC Client (ATT&CK T1076,T1219)

    SSL/TLS Server
    1006293* - Detected SSLv3 Request (ATT&CK T1032)
    1006297* - Identified CBC Based Cipher Suite In SSLv3 Response (ATT&CK T1032)
    1006311* - Identified Too Many SSL Alert Messages In SSLv3 Traffic (ATT&CK T1032)

    Suspicious Client Application Activity
    1001162* - Detected HTTP Client Traffic (ATT&CK T1071,T1048)
    1005324* - Detected SSLv2 Response (ATT&CK T1032)
    1006247* - Identified Potentially Malicious RAT Traffic - VI (ATT&CK T1094)
    1005401* - Identified Suspicious HTTP Traffic (ATT&CK T1048)

    Suspicious Server Application Activity
    1003806* - Detected Rlogin Server Traffic (ATT&CK T1021)
    1003593* - Detected SSH Server Traffic (ATT&CK T1021)
    1003594* - Detected SSL/TLS Server Traffic (ATT&CK T1032)
    1005321* - Detected SSLv2 Request (ATT&CK T1032)
    1003595* - Detected Telnet Server Traffic (ATT&CK T1021)
    1002378* - Detected Virtual Network Computing (VNC) Server Traffic (ATT&CK T1021)
    1001163* - Detected X11 Server Traffic (ATT&CK T1021)
    1005463* - Identified Finger Service Traffic (ATT&CK T1021)

    Unix Telnet
    1002414* - Telnet Server Possible Brute Force Attempt (ATT&CK T1110)

    Web Application Common
    1009991* - Jenkins Core 'FileParameterValue' Directory Traversal Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10352)
    1009970* - PHP EXIF Parsing Heap Overflow Vulnerability (CVE-2019-11041 and CVE-2019-11042)
    1009975* - Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager OS Command Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2019-5475)

    Web Application PHP Based
    1008970* - Drupal Core Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2018-7600)
    1009978* - Joomla! Component JS Support Ticket 'com_jssupportticket' Arbitrary File Deletion Vulnerability

    Web Client Common
    1009986* - Microsoft Jet Database Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1243)
    1009760* - Microsoft Windows Jet Database Engine Multiple Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities (May-2019)
    1010004 - Oracle Java ActiveX Plugin Uninitialized Window Handle Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2010-3555)

    Web Media Applications
    1009913* - Identified Pastebin Communication (ATT&CK T1102)

    Web Server Common
    1009996* - Atlassian Confluence Server PackageResourceManager Information Disclosure Vulnerability (CVE-2019-3394)
    1005567* - Identified No Ending Protocol In HTTP Request

    Web Server HTTPS
    1009998* - Microsoft Windows HTTP/2 Server Denial Of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2019-9511)
    1009968* - Microsoft Windows HTTP/2 Server Denial Of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2019-9513)

    Web Server Miscellaneous
    1009992* - Microsoft Azure DevOps Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1306)

    Web Server Squid
    1009997* - Squid Proxy Digest Authentication Denial of Service (CVE-2019-12525)

    Integrity Monitoring Rules:

    1002776* - Microsoft Windows - Startup Programs Modified (ATT&CK T1112)
    1006803* - TMTR-0001: Suspicious Files Detected In Operating System Directories
    1006800* - TMTR-0002: Suspicious Files Detected In Operating System Directories
    1006798* - TMTR-0005: Suspicious Files Detected In Application Directories
    1006797* - TMTR-0006: Suspicious Files Detected In Application Directories
    1006796* - TMTR-0007: Suspicious Files Detected In Application Directories
    1006682* - TMTR-0008: Suspicious Directories Detected In Program Files Folder
    1006805* - TMTR-0009: Suspicious Files Detected In System Folder
    1006804* - TMTR-0010: Suspicious Files Detected In System Folder
    1006795* - TMTR-0011: Suspicious Files Detected In System Folder
    1006677* - TMTR-0013: Suspicious Files Detected In Windows Folder
    1006799* - TMTR-0014: Suspicious Service Detected
    1006684* - TMTR-0015: Suspicious Service Detected
    1006683* - TMTR-0016: Suspicious Running Processes Detected
    1006691* - TMTR-0017: Microsoft Windows - SAM Domain Account Users Modification Detected
    1007210* - TMTR-0018: Suspicious Files Detected In User Profile Directory
    1007214* - TMTR-0019: Suspicious Files Detected In System Drivers Directory
    1007215* - TMTR-0020: Suspicious Directories Detected In System Drive
    1007216* - TMTR-0021: Suspicious Files Detected In System Drive
    1007217* - TMTR-0022: Suspicious Files Detected In Recycle Bin
    1007218* - TMTR-0023: Suspicious Changes In NTLM Settings
    1007219* - TMTR-0024: Suspicious Files Detected In C Drive
    1007221* - TMTR-0026: Suspicious Files Detected In Program FIles Folder

    Log Inspection Rules:

    There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.
  • 19-050 (October 8, 2019)
     Publish Date:  20 de февраля de 2020
    * indicates a new version of an existing rule

    Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

    DCERPC Services
    1007134* - Batch File Uploaded On Network Share (ATT&CK T1105)
    1007065* - Executable File Uploaded On Network Share (ATT&CK T1105)
    1007064* - Executable File Uploaded On System32 Folder Through SMB Share (ATT&CK T1105)
    1001852* - Identified Attempt To Brute Force Windows Login Credentials (ATT&CK T1110)
    1006906* - Identified Usage Of PsExec Command Line Tool (ATT&CK T1035)
    1007114* - Portable Executable File Uploaded On SMB Share (ATT&CK T1105)
    1007020* - Remote CreateService Request Detected Through SMBv1 Protocol (ATT&CK T1021)
    1007035* - Remote DeleteService Request Through SMBv1 Detected (ATT&CK T1021)
    1007057* - Remote Registry Access Through SMBv1 Protocol Detected (ATT&CK T1012)
    1007021* - Remote Registry Access Through SMBv2 Protocol Detected (ATT&CK T1012)
    1007069* - Remote Service Execution Through SMBv1 Detected (ATT&CK T1021)

    DCERPC Services - Client
    1007120* - SMB DLL Injection Exploit Detected (ATT&CK T1039)

    Database MySQL
    1005045* - MySQL Database Server Possible Login Brute Force Attempt (ATT&CK T1110)

    File Sharing Applications
    1007608* - Amazon Cloud Drive (ATT&CK T1102)
    1007605* - BOX (ATT&CK T1102)
    1007463* - Microsoft OneDrive (ATT&CK T1102)

    Mail Server Over SSL/TLS
    1010010 - Exim Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-16928)

    Remote Desktop Protocol Server
    1009343* - Identified Too Many SSL Alert Messages In SSLv3 Over RDP (ATT&CK T1032)

    SSL Client
    1006561* - Identified Usage Of TLS/SSL EXPORT Cipher Suite In Response (ATT&CK T1032)

    Suspicious Client Application Activity
    1008946* - Heuristic Detection Of Suspicious Digital Certificate (ATT&CK T1032)
    1005283* - Identified Potentially Malicious RAT Traffic - I (ATT&CK T1094)
    1005299* - Identified Potentially Malicious RAT Traffic - III (ATT&CK T1094)
    1005300* - Identified Potentially Malicious RAT Traffic - IV (ATT&CK T1094)
    1005473* - Identified Potentially Malicious RAT Traffic - V (ATT&CK T1094)
    1008756* - Identified Potentially Malicious RAT Traffic - VII (ATT&CK T1094)
    1007197* - TMTR-0005: GHOST RAT TCP Connection Detected (ATT&CK T1094)
    1007200* - TMTR-0010: FAKEM RAT TCP Connection (ATT&CK T1094)
    1007207* - TMTR-0014: NJRAT TCP Connection (ATT&CK T1094)

    Web Client Common
    1010000 - Adobe Acrobat And Reader Out-of-Bounds Read Vulnerability (CVE-2019-7110)
    1000943* - Detect UPX Packed Executable Download (ATT&CK T1045)
    1010021 - Microsoft Graphics Components Information Disclosure Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1361)
    1010009 - Microsoft Windows Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1364)
    1009981* - Microsoft Windows GDI Information Disclosure Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1252)
    1010015 - Microsoft XML Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1060)

    Web Client Internet Explorer/Edge
    1009787* - Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1024)
    1009788* - Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1051)
    1009792* - Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1052)
    1010018 - Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1307)
    1010019 - Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1308)
    1010008 - Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1335)
    1010020 - Microsoft Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1366)
    1010016 - Microsoft Internet Explorer VBScript Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1238)
    1010017 - Microsoft Internet Explorer VBScript Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1239)

    Web Server Common
    1005434* - Disallow Upload Of A PHP File (ATT&CK T1105)
    1003025* - Web Server Restrict Executable File Uploads (ATT&CK T1105)

    Web Server Miscellaneous
    1005604* - Apache Struts Multiple Remote Command Execution Vulnerability

    Web Server Oracle
    1009816* - Oracle Weblogic Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-2729)

    Integrity Monitoring Rules:

    There are no new or updated Integrity Monitoring Rules in this Security Update.

    Log Inspection Rules:

    There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.
  • 19-033 (June 18, 2019)
     Publish Date:  20 de февраля de 2020
    * indicates a new version of an existing rule

    Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

    IBM WebSphere Application Server
    1009803 - IBM Websphere Application Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-4279)

    Jenkins Remoting
    1009436 - Jenkins Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2015-8103)
    1009435 - Port Mapper for Jenkins Remoting

    Mail Server Exim
    1009797* - Exim 'deliver_message' Command Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10149)

    SolarWinds Orion NPM
    1009805 - SolarWinds Orion NPM OrionModuleEngine Remote Code Execution (CVE-2019-8917)

    Web Application Common
    1009700* - Ghostscript Denial Of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2017-9835) - 1
    1009691* - Ghostscript Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2016-10220) - 1
    1009531 - Jenkins CI Server Groovy Plugin Sandbox Bypass Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1003000)

    Web Application PHP Based
    1009795 - Pimcore Unserialize Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10867)

    Web Client Common
    1009800 - Microsoft Windows SymCrypt Denial-of-Service Vulnerability

    Web Server Oracle
    1009707* - Oracle Weblogic Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-2725)

    Web Server Oracle HTTPS
    1003476* - Oracle BEA WebLogic Server Plug-ins Certificate Buffer Overflow

    Web Server RealVNC
    1009386 - VMware VNC VMWDynResolution Heap Buffer Overflow Vulnerability (CVE-2017-4933)

    Web Server SharePoint
    1009706 - Microsoft Windows OData Library Denial Of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2018-8269)

    Integrity Monitoring Rules:

    1009643 - Clear Command History (ATT&CK: T1146)
    1002859* - Local Security Authority (LSA) Notification/Authentication Packages modified (ATT&CK: T1131,T1174)
    1002778* - Microsoft Windows - System .dll or .exe files modified (ATT&CK: T1013)
    1009638 - NetSh Helper DLL (ATT&CK: T1128)
    1009704 - Port Monitor (ATT&CK: T1013)
    1006076* - Task Scheduler Entries Modified (ATT&CK: T1168)

    Log Inspection Rules:

    There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.
  • 19-048 (September 24, 2019)
     Publish Date:  20 de февраля de 2020
    * indicates a new version of an existing rule

    Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

    DCERPC Services
    1004542* - Windows Netlogon Service Denial Of Service (CVE-2010-2742)

    FTP Server Common
    1003784* - FTP Server Restrict Executable File Uploads (ATT&CK T1105)

    HP Intelligent Management Center (IMC)
    1009947* - HPE Intelligent Management Center Various Expression Language Injection Vulnerabilities

    Mail Server Common
    1005344* - POP3 Mail Server Possible Brute Force Attempt (ATT&CK T1110)

    1006307* - Detected Too Many Suspicious TLS/SSL Client Hello Messages (ATT&CK T1032)
    1006012* - Identified Suspicious OpenSSL TLS/DTLS Heartbeat Request (ATT&CK T1032)
    1005474* - Identified Weak Cipher Support From TLS/SSL Server (ATT&CK T1032)

    OpenSSL Client
    1006184* - Identified OpenSSL DTLS Anonymous ECDH Cipher Suite (ATT&CK T1032)
    1006190* - Identified OpenSSL SRP Cipher Suite In Server Hello Message (ATT&CK T1032)
    1006017* - Restrict OpenSSL TLS/DTLS Heartbeat Message (ATT&CK T1032)

    Remote Desktop Protocol Server
    1007969* - Identified Suspicious Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Brute Force Attempt (ATT&CK T1110)

    SSL Client
    1006740* - Identified SSL/TLS Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Using Weak Parameters Client (ATT&CK T1032)

    SSL/TLS Server
    1006026* - Identified Compression Algorithm In SSL/TLS (ATT&CK T1002)

    Suspicious Client Application Activity
    1007201* - TMTR-0011: FAKEM RAT TCP Request (ATT&CK T1094)
    1007205* - TMTR-0012: FAKEM RAT TCP Connection (ATT&CK T1094)
    1007208* - TMTR-0016: SPLINTER RAT TCP Connection (ATT&CK T1094)
    1007209* - TMTR-0017: ZIYAZO RAT BKDR Connection (ATT&CK T1094)

    Suspicious Server Application Activity
    1009549* - Detected Terminal Services (RDP) Server Traffic - 1 (ATT&CK T1015,T1043,T1076,T1048,T1032,T1071)

    Web Application Common
    1005427* - Identified Suspicious Upload Of Archive File (ATT&CK T1105)
    1009991 - Jenkins Core 'FileParameterValue' Directory Traversal Vulnerability (CVE-2019-10352)
    1009970 - PHP EXIF Parsing Heap Overflow Vulnerability (CVE-2019-11041 and CVE-2019-11042)
    1009975 - Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager OS Command Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2019-5475)
    1005208* - Web Application Possible Brute Force Attempt (ATT&CK T1110)

    Web Application PHP Based
    1009978 - Joomla! Component JS Support Ticket 'com_jssupportticket' Arbitrary File Deletion Vulnerability

    Web Client Common
    1009407* - Detected Suspicious DLL Side Loading Attempt Over WebDAV (ATT&CK T1073)
    1005269* - Identified Download Of DLL File Over WebDAV (ATT&CK T1073)
    1003244* - Identified Suspicious Obfuscated JavaScript (ATT&CK T1027)
    1006391* - Identified Suspicious Obfuscated JavaScript - 1 (ATT&CK T1027)
    1006442* - Identified Suspicious Obfuscated JavaScript - 2 (ATT&CK T1027)
    1006599* - Identified Suspicious Obfuscated JavaScript - 3 (ATT&CK T1027)
    1006882* - Identified Suspicious Obfuscated JavaScript - 4 (ATT&CK T1027)
    1008185* - Identified Suspicious Obfuscated PDF Document (ATT&CK T1027)
    1008297* - Identified Suspicious RTF File With Obfuscated PowerShell Execution (ATT&CK T1027,T1086)
    1009994 - Microsoft Office Access Connectivity Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0672)
    1009995 - Microsoft Word Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0585)

    Web Client Internet Explorer/Edge
    1009993 - Microsoft Internet Explorer And Edge Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0746)
    1010003 - Microsoft Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1367)

    Web Client SSL
    1006296* - Detected SSLv3 Response (ATT&CK T1032)
    1006298* - Identified CBC Based Cipher Suite In SSLv3 Request (ATT&CK T1032)
    1006024* - Identified Compression Algorithm In SSL/TLS Message (ATT&CK T1002)
    1005040* - Identified Revoked Certificate Authority In SSL Traffic (ATT&CK T1032)

    Web Server Common
    1009996 - Atlassian Confluence Server PackageResourceManager Information Disclosure Vulnerability (CVE-2019-3394)
    1007213* - Disallow Upload Of A Class File (ATT&CK T1105)
    1008621* - Disallow Upload Of A JSP File (ATT&CK T1105)
    1007212* - Disallow Upload Of An Archive File (ATT&CK T1105)
    1005013* - Restrict Microsoft .Net Executable File Upload (ATT&CK T1105)

    Web Server HTTPS
    1006741* - Identified SSL/TLS Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Using Weak Parameters Server (ATT&CK T1032)
    1008137* - Identified TLS/SSL DES Cipher Suite Is Being Supported (ATT&CK T1032)
    1005641* - Identified TLS/SSL RC4 Cipher Suite Is Being Supported (ATT&CK T1032)
    1006064* - Identified Too Many Compressed HTTP Responses (ATT&CK T1002)
    1007491* - Identified Usage Of EXPORT Cipher Suite In SSLv2 Connection (ATT&CK T1032)
    1006562* - Identified Usage Of TLS/SSL EXPORT Cipher Suite In Request (ATT&CK T1032)
    1009998 - Microsoft Windows HTTP/2 Server Denial Of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2019-9511)
    1009968 - Microsoft Windows HTTP/2 Server Denial Of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2019-9513)

    Web Server Miscellaneous
    1009992 - Microsoft Azure DevOps Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1306)

    Web Server SharePoint
    1009974 - Microsoft SharePoint Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1295)

    Web Server Squid
    1009997 - Squid Proxy Digest Authentication Denial of Service (CVE-2019-12525)

    Integrity Monitoring Rules:

    1005645* - Microsoft Windows - AutoRun Registry Entries Modified (ATT&CK T1013, T1060)

    Log Inspection Rules:

    1002795* - Microsoft Windows Events
  • 20-009 (February 18, 2020)
     Publish Date:  20 de февраля de 2020
    * indicates a new version of an existing rule

    Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

    Mail Server Common
    1010145* - OpenBSD OpenSMTPD Remote Command Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-7247)

    Oracle E-Business Suite Web Interface
    1010160 - Oracle E-Business Suite Human Resources SQL Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2020-2586)

    Pivotal RabbitMQ HTTP Protocol
    1010144 - Pivotal RabbitMQ X-Reason HTTP Header Denial Of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2019-11287)

    Web Client Common
    1010161 - Adobe Acrobat Pro DC XFA Form Use-After-Free Vulnerability (CVE-2019-8257)
    1010154 - Foxit PhantomPDF HTML2PDF HTML Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Write Vulnerability (CVE-2019-17139)

    Web Server Common
    1010136 - ELOG Project ELOG NULL Pointer Dereference Vulnerability (CVE-2019-3995)
    1000763* - URI Length And Depth Restriction

    Integrity Monitoring Rules:

    There are no new or updated Integrity Monitoring Rules in this Security Update.

    Log Inspection Rules:

    There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.
  • 20-008 (February 11, 2020)
     Publish Date:  12 de февраля de 2020
    * indicates a new version of an existing rule

    Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

    Remote Desktop Protocol Client
    1010150 - Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Client Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0681)

    Remote Desktop Protocol Server
    1009749* - Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0708)

    Web Application Common
    1010151 - Identified Usage Of 'X-JsonProxySecurityContext' HTTP Header

    Web Client Common
    1010148 - Adobe Acrobat And Reader Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (APSB20-05) - 1
    1010149 - Adobe Acrobat And Reader Multiple Security Vulnerabilities (APSB20-05) - 2
    1010153 - Adobe Flash Player Type Confusion Vulnerability (CVE-2020-3757)
    1010147 - Fuji Electric V-Server Heap-based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability (CVE-2019-18240)

    Web Client HTTPS
    1010132* - Microsoft Windows CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0601) - 1

    Web Client Internet Explorer/Edge
    1010003* - Microsoft Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1367)
    1010133* - Microsoft Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0674)

    Web Server Common
    1010135* - ELOG Project ELOG Information Disclosure Vulnerability (CVE-2019-3993)
    1010128* - IBM Bigfix Platform Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability (CVE-2019-4013)

    Integrity Monitoring Rules:

    There are no new or updated Integrity Monitoring Rules in this Security Update.

    Log Inspection Rules:

    There are no new or updated Log Inspection Rules in this Security Update.
  • 20-007 (February 4, 2020)
     Publish Date:  06 de февраля de 2020
    * indicates a new version of an existing rule

    Deep Packet Inspection Rules:

    Mail Server Common
    1010145 - OpenBSD OpenSMTPD Remote Command Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-7247)

    OpenSSL Client
    1006920* - OpenSSL Client X509_cmp_time Denial Of Service Vulnerability (CVE-2015-1789)

    Web Application Common
    1010143* - Microsoft Office SharePoint XSS Vulnerability (CVE-2019-1070)
    1010126* - SolarWinds Serv-U FTP Server Web UI Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (CVE-2019-13182)

    Web Client HTTPS
    1010132* - Microsoft Windows CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0601) - 1

    Web Client Internet Explorer/Edge
    1010133* - Microsoft Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0674)

    Web Server Common
    1010135 - ELOG Project ELOG Information Disclosure Vulnerability (CVE-2019-3993)
    1010128 - IBM Bigfix Platform Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability (CVE-2019-4013)

    Zoho ManageEngine
    1010109* - Zoho ManageEngine Applications Manager MASRequestProcessor 'serverID' SQL Injection Vulnerability

    Integrity Monitoring Rules:

    There are no new or updated Integrity Monitoring Rules in this Security Update.

    Log Inspection Rules:

    1010141 - Microsoft Windows - Export Certificate and Private Key