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- The most immediate security risk to businesses and customers lies in accepting payments through a PoS system. The information customers hand over, if captured, can be used by cybercriminals to commit credit card fraud.NBC News teamed up with Trend Micro for a honeypot experiment designed to check the security of consumer-grade gadgets in time for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. The results show the need for tougher mobile security.Brazil is experiencing an influx of CPL malware, a malicious variant of .CPL, a legitimate Windows Control Panel file. Cybercriminals are currently repurposing .CPL files to spread banking Trojans targeting Brazilian users.Both threat actors and cybercriminals use the most advanced techniques to boost their attacks’ success rate, including hiding behind legitimate traffic. How can your local IT department catch them when they don’t rouse suspicion?For many users, .com is the only domain that matters. But when cybercriminals start using .bit, a new kind of top-level domain (TLD) for malicious activities, people are bound to take notice.The Chinese market economy is undoubtedly booming. These days, however, China does not only rank highly for economic performance; it also continues to grow as a major player in the underground market for cybercrime products and services.Whether considered advanced persistent threats (APTs) or malware-based espionage attacks, successful and long-term compromises of high-value organizations and enterprises worldwide by a consistent set of campaigns cannot be ignored.Once inside a network, targeted attacks can use it as a highway to further a campaign. By using network traffic, coupled with threat intelligence, enterprise response teams can monitor and stop attacks before their respective attackers get away with their goal