Gravità: : Medio
  Data notifica: 21 luglio 2015


"xp_cmdshell" is an extended stored procedure provided by Microsoft and stored in the master database. This procedure allows you to issue operating system commands directly to the Windows command shell via T-SQL code. It is dangerous as it can be used by trojans and worms to gain access to the system.

  Informazioni esposizione:

Apply associated Trend Micro DPI Rules.


  Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Number: 1000917
  Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Name: 1000917 - Microsoft SQL Server XP_CMDSHELL Program Execution

  Software e versione interessati:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP1
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP2
  • Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine 2000
  • Microsoft Server 2003
  • Microsoft Server 2003 SP1
  • Microsoft Server 2003 up to SP1