Layouts Handling Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2011-0094)
Publish Date: 21 luglio 2015
Gravità: : Critico
Identificatori CVE: CVE-2011-0094,MS11-018
Data notifica: 21 luglio 2015
Use-after-free vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and 7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by accessing an object that (1) was not properly initialized or (2) is deleted, aka "Layouts Handling Memory Corruption Vulnerability."
Informazioni esposizione:
Apply associated Trend Micro DPI Rules.
Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Number: 1004632
Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Name: 1004632 - Layouts Handling Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2011-0094)
Software e versione interessati:
- microsoft ie 6
- microsoft ie 7