Analizzato da: Jona Ross Pereira

Trend Micro engineers spotted a spammed fake Facebook friend notification that leads to malware. The message uses URL cloaking technique, in which the URL redirects to a malicious website and downloads a malicious file to the system, which then exploits Adobe Acrobat. The downloaded file is detected as JAVA_AGENT.PEJ. The said malware downloads and executes another malware detected as TSPY_ZBOT.PEJ.

Trend Micro products blocks the URL and detects and prevents execution of the malware dropped/downloaded on the affected system. Users should go directly to their Facebook accounts to check and confirm friend requests.

 Data/ora di blocco Spam: : 26 aprile 2012 GMT-8
  • Motore TMASE: :6.8
  • Patrón TMASE: :8868