Analizzato da: Harry Reynoso

A new round of spammed messages has been discovered by TrendLabs engineers. Purporting to be a message from worldwide courier service DHL, the spammed message bears a malicious attachment compressed into a .ZIP file. The message body indicates that a parcel was sent to the user's home. Information about the package is supposedly in the email attachment. The text goes on to declare that the compressed file's security password is the same as the courier service's company name.

Users are advised not to give in to the curiosity and excitement of receiving such a message. Instead, verify its validity with DHL through their official website and hotline. Otherwise, users are encouraged to delete these spammed messages immediately.
 Data/ora di blocco Spam: : 05 aprile 2011 GMT-8
  • Motore TMASE: :6.5
  • Patrón TMASE: :8056