February is one would call the Love Month; however, spammers are now beginning to send spam with a Christmas theme. Trend Micro received spam samples purportedly coming from 123Greetings.Com�and Hallmark, names which are known for sending free online greeting cards or e-cards. This spam informs recipients that they have received an e-card, which is attached as a compressed file (in. ZIP format). Once recipients open the said file and view the e-card, their systems become infected. Trend Micro detects the malicious attached file as WORM_PROLAC.SME, WORM_PROLACO.AB , and WORM_PROLACO.AA.

Please be wary of receiving such spam in your inboxes.
 Data/ora di blocco Spam: : 16 febbraio 2011 GMT-8
  • Motore TMASE: :6.5
  • Patrón TMASE: :7960

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