In December 2010, there was a noticeable dip in the volume of spam sent. This was attributed to two possible causes: the decline in spam-sending activity of Rustock botnet and the Spamit takedown last October. However, starting January 2011, there is a noticeable increase in the spam volume again. 

One of the spammed messages we spotted is Meds spam (which includes mails related to health, drugs, or pills). The spammed message offers the recipient different types of health products. It comes in HTML format and contains a link that leads to a pharma website.

Users are advised to be wary in opening email message from unknown sources.

 Data/ora di blocco Spam: : 13 gennaio 2011 GMT-8
  • Motore TMASE: :6.5
  • Patrón TMASE: :7892