Analizzato da: Leidryn Saludez   


Win64:Malware-gen (AVAST)



 Valutazione del rischio complessivo:
 Potenziale dannoso: :
 Potenziale di distribuzione: :
 Reported Infection:
 Informazioni esposizione: :

  • Tipo di minaccia informatica:
    Trojan Spy

  • Distruttivo?:

  • Crittografato?:

  • In the wild::

  Panoramica e descrizione

Canale infezione: Descargado de Internet, Eliminado por otro tipo de malware

It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.

  Dettagli tecnici

Dimensione file: 3,169,280 bytes
Tipo di file: EXE
Compressione dei file UPX
Residente in memoria:
Data di ricezione campioni iniziali: 27 luglio 2023
Carica distruttiva: Connects to URLs/IPs, Drops files, Collects system information, Steals information

Detalles de entrada

It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.


Infiltra los archivos siguientes:

  • %Application Data%\blacklist.txt → contains the blacklisted IP addresses, MAC addresses, HWID, usernames, computer names, and process names
  • where gathered information is stored:
    • %AppDataLocal%\vicinfo\USERINFO.txt
    • %Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\{compromised-browser}_cookies.txt
    • %Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\{compromised-browser}_creditcards.txt
    • %Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\{compromised-browser}_history.txt
    • %Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\{compromised-browser}_login_data.txt
    • %Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\{compromised-browser}_webdata.txt
    • %Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\USERINFO.txt
  • where gathered information is archived before exfiltrated:
    • %AppDataLocal%\{Victim's IP address}.zip

(Nota: %Application Data% es la carpeta Application Data del usuario activo, que en el caso de Windows 98 y ME suele estar ubicada en C:\Windows\Profiles\{nombre de usuario}\Application Data, en el caso de Windows NT en C:\WINNT\Profiles\{nombre de usuario}\Application Data, en el caso de Windows 2000(32-bit), XP y Server 2003(32-bit) en C:\Documents and Settings\{nombre de usuario}\Local Settings\Application Data y en el caso de Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) y 10(64-bit) en C:\Users\{nombre de usuario}\AppData\Roaming.).


Agrega los procesos siguientes:

  • %System%\runas.exe runas /user:Administrator {Malware file path}\{malware name}.exe
  • %System%\wbem\wmic.exe wmic csproduct get uuid
  • %System%\wbem\wmic.exe wmic desktopmonitor get "screenheight, screenwidth"
  • %System%\cmd.exe "cmd /C net session"
  • %System%\systeminfo.exe systeminfo
  • %System%\taskkill.exe taskkill /F /IM Telegram.exe

(Nota: %System% es la carpeta del sistema de Windows, que en el caso de Windows 98 y ME suele estar en C:\Windows\System, en el caso de Windows NT y 2000 en C:\WINNT\System32 y en el caso de Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, Server 2003(32-bit), Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64bit) y 10(64-bit) en C:\Windows\System32).


Crea las carpetas siguientes:

  • %AppDataLocal%\vicinfo
  • %AppDataLocal%\{Victim's IP address}

Técnica de inicio automático

Agrega las siguientes entradas de registro para permitir su ejecución automática cada vez que se inicia el sistema:

BANDIT STEALER = {malware file path}\{malware file name}

Otras modificaciones del sistema

Elimina las carpetas siguientes:

  • %AppDataLocal%\{Victim's IP address}\Telegram\user_data
  • %AppDataLocal%\{Victim's IP address}\Telegram\user_data{#2-#10}
  • %AppDataLocal%\{Victim's IP address}\Telegram\tdummy

Robo de información

Recopila los siguientes datos:

  • Username
  • Computer name
  • IP address
  • Hard Drive Information:
    • Total size
    • Available Space
    • Free Space
  • OS Name
  • OS Architecture
  • OS Platform
  • OS Machine
  • OS Processor
  • Program Runtime of the malware
  • User Account Control information
  • Victim's IP Location
  • System information:
    • Host Name
    • System Manufacturer
    • System Model
    • Processors
    • Total physical memory
  • Country Code
  • Telegram Session
  • Browser Data(e.g. Login data,Cookies,Web history,Credit card details, Autofills):
    • yandex
    • amigo
    • Kometa
    • Orbitum
    • Epic Privacy Browser
    • Microsoft edge
    • Brave Browser
    • Iridium
    • Torch Vivaldi
    • Google Chrome
    • UCozMedia
    • Cent Browser
    • 7Star
    • Sputnik
  • Cryptocurrency Wallet Data:
    • Bitcoin
    • Litecoin
    • Dash
    • Ethereum
    • Electrum
    • Exodus
    • Atomic
    • Armory
  • Cryptocurrency Browser Extensions:
    • BitKeep
    • Coinbase Wallet
    • Guild Wallet
    • Ronin Wallet
    • NeoLine
    • Guarda Wallet
    • Wombat
    • Saturn Wallet
    • Clover Wallet
    • Liquality Wallet
    • TronLink
    • Trust Wallet
    • Math Wallet
    • Equal Wallet
    • Jaxx Liberty
    • iWallet
    • MetaMask
    • Binance

Información sustraída

Este malware envía la información recopilada a la siguiente URL a través de HTTP POST:

  • https://{BLOCKED}

Otros detalles

Hace lo siguiente:

  • Checks if the machine's IP address matches with the blacklisted IP Addresses:
  • Check if the machine's HWID matches with the blacklisted HWID:
    • 7AB5C494-39F5-4941-9163-47F54D6D5016
    • 03DE0294-0480-05DE-1A06-350700080009
    • 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
    • 6F3CA5EC-BEC9-4A4D-8274-11168F640058
    • ADEEEE9E-EF0A-6B84-B14B-B83A54AFC548
    • 4C4C4544-0050-3710-8058-CAC04F59344A
    • 00000000-0000-0000-0000-AC1F6BD04972
    • 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    • 5BD24D56-789F-8468-7CDC-CAA7222CC121
    • 49434D53-0200-9065-2500-65902500E439
    • 49434D53-0200-9036-2500-36902500F022
    • 777D84B3-88D1-451C-93E4-D235177420A7
    • 49434D53-0200-9036-2500-369025000C65
    • B1112042-52E8-E25B-3655-6A4F54155DBF
    • 00000000-0000-0000-0000-AC1F6BD048FE
    • EB16924B-FB6D-4FA1-8666-17B91F62FB37
    • A15A930C-8251-9645-AF63-E45AD728C20C
    • 67E595EB-54AC-4FF0-B5E3-3DA7C7B547E3
    • C7D23342-A5D4-68A1-59AC-CF40F735B363
    • 63203342-0EB0-AA1A-4DF5-3FB37DBB0670
    • 44B94D56-65AB-DC02-86A0-98143A7423BF
    • 6608003F-ECE4-494E-B07E-1C4615D1D93C
    • D9142042-8F51-5EFF-D5F8-EE9AE3D1602A
    • 49434D53-0200-9036-2500-369025003AF0
    • 8B4E8278-525C-7343-B825-280AEBCD3BCB
    • 4D4DDC94-E06C-44F4-95FE-33A1ADA5AC27
    • 79AF5279-16CF-4094-9758-F88A616D81B4
    • FF577B79-782E-0A4D-8568-B35A9B7EB76B
    • 08C1E400-3C56-11EA-8000-3CECEF43FEDE
    • 6ECEAF72-3548-476C-BD8D-73134A9182C8
    • 49434D53-0200-9036-2500-369025003865
    • 119602E8-92F9-BD4B-8979-DA682276D385
    • 12204D56-28C0-AB03-51B7-44A8B7525250
    • 63FA3342-31C7-4E8E-8089-DAFF6CE5E967
    • 365B4000-3B25-11EA-8000-3CECEF44010C
    • D8C30328-1B06-4611-8E3C-E433F4F9794E
    • 00000000-0000-0000-0000-50E5493391EF
    • 00000000-0000-0000-0000-AC1F6BD04D98
    • 4CB82042-BA8F-1748-C941-363C391CA7F3
    • B6464A2B-92C7-4B95-A2D0-E5410081B812
    • BB233342-2E01-718F-D4A1-E7F69D026428
    • 9921DE3A-5C1A-DF11-9078-563412000026
    • CC5B3F62-2A04-4D2E-A46C-AA41B7050712
    • 00000000-0000-0000-0000-AC1F6BD04986
    • C249957A-AA08-4B21-933F-9271BEC63C85
    • BE784D56-81F5-2C8D-9D4B-5AB56F05D86E
    • ACA69200-3C4C-11EA-8000-3CECEF4401AA
    • 3F284CA4-8BDF-489B-A273-41B44D668F6D
    • BB64E044-87BA-C847-BC0A-C797D1A16A50
    • 2E6FB594-9D55-4424-8E74-CE25A25E36B0
    • 42A82042-3F13-512F-5E3D-6BF4FFFD8518
    • 38AB3342-66B0-7175-0B23-F390B3728B78
    • 48941AE9-D52F-11DF-BBDA-503734826431
    • 032E02B4-0499-05C3-0806-3C0700080009
    • DD9C3342-FB80-9A31-EB04-5794E5AE2B4C
    • E08DE9AA-C704-4261-B32D-57B2A3993518
    • 07E42E42-F43D-3E1C-1C6B-9C7AC120F3B9
    • 88DC3342-12E6-7D62-B0AE-C80E578E7B07
    • 5E3E7FE0-2636-4CB7-84F5-8D2650FFEC0E
    • 96BB3342-6335-0FA8-BA29-E1BA5D8FEFBE
    • 0934E336-72E4-4E6A-B3E5-383BD8E938C3
    • 12EE3342-87A2-32DE-A390-4C2DA4D512E9
    • 38813342-D7D0-DFC8-C56F-7FC9DFE5C972
    • 8DA62042-8B59-B4E3-D232-38B29A10964A
    • 3A9F3342-D1F2-DF37-68AE-C10F60BFB462
    • F5744000-3C78-11EA-8000-3CECEF43FEFE
    • FA8C2042-205D-13B0-FCB5-C5CC55577A35
    • C6B32042-4EC3-6FDF-C725-6F63914DA7C7
    • FCE23342-91F1-EAFC-BA97-5AAE4509E173
    • CF1BE00F-4AAF-455E-8DCD-B5B09B6BFA8F
    • 050C3342-FADD-AEDF-EF24-C6454E1A73C9
    • 4DC32042-E601-F329-21C1-03F27564FD6C
    • DEAEB8CE-A573-9F48-BD40-62ED6C223F20
    • 05790C00-3B21-11EA-8000-3CECEF4400D0
    • 5EBD2E42-1DB8-78A6-0EC3-031B661D5C57
    • 9C6D1742-046D-BC94-ED09-C36F70CC9A91
    • 907A2A79-7116-4CB6-9FA5-E5A58C4587CD
    • A9C83342-4800-0578-1EE8-BA26D2A678D2
    • D7382042-00A0-A6F0-1E51-FD1BBF06CD71
    • 1D4D3342-D6C4-710C-98A3-9CC6571234D5
    • CE352E42-9339-8484-293A-BD50CDC639A5
    • 60C83342-0A97-928D-7316-5F1080A78E72
    • 02AD9898-FA37-11EB-AC55-1D0C0A67EA8A
    • DBCC3514-FA57-477D-9D1F-1CAF4CC92D0F
    • FED63342-E0D6-C669-D53F-253D696D74DA
    • 2DD1B176-C043-49A4-830F-C623FFB88F3C
    • 4729AEB0-FC07-11E3-9673-CE39E79C8A00
    • 84FE3342-6C67-5FC6-5639-9B3CA3D775A1
    • DBC22E42-59F7-1329-D9F2-E78A2EE5BD0D
    • CEFC836C-8CB1-45A6-ADD7-209085EE2A57
    • A7721742-BE24-8A1C-B859-D7F8251A83D3
    • 3F3C58D1-B4F2-4019-B2A2-2A500E96AF2E
    • D2DC3342-396C-6737-A8F6-0C6673C1DE08
    • EADD1742-4807-00A0-F92E-CCD933E9D8C1
    • AF1B2042-4B90-0000-A4E4-632A1C8C7EB1
    • FE455D1A-BE27-4BA4-96C8-967A6D3A9661
    • 921E2042-70D3-F9F1-8CBD-B398A21F89C6
  • Checks if the machine's username matches with the blacklisted usernames:
    • WDAGUtilityAccount
    • Abby
    • hmarc
    • patex
    • RDhJ0CNFevzX
    • kEecfMwgj
    • Frank
    • 8Nl0ColNQ5bq
    • Lisa
    • John
    • george
    • PxmdUOpVyx
    • 8VizSM
    • w0fjuOVmCcP5A
    • lmVwjj9b
    • PqONjHVwexsS
    • 3u2v9m8
    • Julia
    • HEUeRzl
    • fred
    • server
    • BvJChRPnsxn
    • Harry Johnson
    • SqgFOf3G
    • Lucas
    • mike
    • PateX
    • h7dk1xPr
    • Louise
    • User01
    • test
    • RGzcBUyrznReg
  • Checks if the machine's computer name matches with its blacklisted computer name:
    • BEE7370C-8C0C-4
    • WIN-5E07COS9ALR
    • B30F0242-1C6A-4
    • XC64ZB
    • SERVER1
    • LISA-PC
    • JOHN-PC
    • DESKTOP-B0T93D6
    • DESKTOP-1Y2433R
    • WORK
    • 6C4E733F-C2D9-4
    • QarZhrdBpj
    • JULIA-PC
    • d1bnJkfVlH
    • COMPNAME_4047
    • EA8C2E2A-D017-4
    • LUCAS-PC
    • MARCI-PC
  • Checks if the machine's MAC address matches with the blacklisted MAC addresses:
    • Microsoft Corporation
      • 00:15:5d:00:07:34
      • 00:15:5d:00:00:f3
      • 00:15:5d:13:6d:0c
      • 00:15:5d:13:66:ca
      • 00:15:5d:00:05:d5
      • 00:15:5d:00:06:43
      • 00:15:5d:1e:01:c8
      • 00:15:5d:00:1c:9a
      • 00:15:5d:00:1a:b9
      • 00:15:5d:00:01:81
      • 00:15:5d:b6:e0:cc
      • 00:15:5d:00:02:26
      • 00:15:5d:00:00:c3
      • 00:15:5d:00:05:8d
      • 00:15:5d:00:00:b3
      • 00:15:5d:23:4c:a3
      • 00:15:5d:00:00:a4
      • 00:15:5d:23:4c:ad
      • 00:15:5d:00:00:1d
      • 00:0d:3a:d2:4f:1f
    • Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
      • 00:e0:4c:b8:7a:58
      • 00:e0:4c:94:1f:20
      • 00:e0:4c:4b:4a:40
      • 00:e0:4c:7b:7b:86
      • 00:e0:4c:46:cf:01
      • 00:e0:4c:d6:86:77
      • 00:e0:4c:56:42:97
      • 00:e0:4c:44:76:54
      • 00:e0:4c:b3:5a:2a
      • 00:e0:4c:cb:62:08
    • VMware, Inc
      • 00:0c:29:2c:c1:21
      • 00:50:56:a0:dd:00
      • 00:50:56:b3:38:68
      • 00:50:56:b3:05:b4
      • 00:50:56:a0:45:03
      • 00:0c:29:52:52:50
      • 00:50:56:b3:42:33
      • 00:50:56:a0:61:aa
      • 00:50:56:b3:21:29
      • 00:0c:29:05:d8:6e
      • 00:50:56:a0:cd:a8
      • 00:50:56:b3:fa:23
      • 00:50:56:b3:f6:57
      • 00:50:56:ae:b2:b0
      • 00:50:56:b3:94:cb
      • 00:50:56:b3:4c:bf
      • 00:50:56:b3:09:9e
      • 00:50:56:b3:38:88
      • 00:50:56:a0:d0:fa
      • 00:50:56:b3:91:c8
      • 00:50:56:a0:6d:86
      • 00:50:56:a0:af:75
      • 00:50:56:b3:dd:03
      • 00:50:56:b3:ee:e1
      • 00:50:56:a0:84:88
      • 00:50:56:ae:e5:d5
      • 00:50:56:97:f6:c8
      • 00:50:56:b3:9e:9e
      • 00:50:56:a0:39:18
      • 00:50:56:b3:d0:a7
      • 00:50:56:ae:5d:ea
      • 00:50:56:b3:14:59
      • 00:50:56:b3:50:de
      • 00:50:56:b3:3b:a6
      • 00:50:56:ae:6f:54
      • 00:50:56:97:a1:f8
      • 00:50:56:b3:ea:ee
      • 00:50:56:97:ec:f2
      • 00:50:56:a0:38:06
      • 00:50:56:a0:d7:38
      • 00:50:56:a0:59:10
      • 00:50:56:a0:06:8d
    • Super Micro Computer, Inc.
      • 00:25:90:65:39:e4
      • 00:25:90:36:65:0c
      • ac:1f:6b:d0:48:fe
      • 00:25:90:36:f0:3b
      • 3c:ec:ef:43:fe:de
      • 00:25:90:36:65:38
      • 3c:ec:ef:44:01:0c
      • ac:1f:6b:d0:4d:98
      • ac:1f:6b:d0:49:86
      • 3c:ec:ef:44:01:aa
      • 3c:ec:ef:44:00:d0
      • ac:1f:6b:d0:4d:e4
      • c8:9f:1d:b6:58:e4
    • Unknown Vendor
      • 2e:b8:24:4d:f7:de
      • 56:e8:92:2e:76:0d
      • 42:01:0a:8a:00:22
      • 42:85:07:f4:83:d0
      • 56:b0:6f:ca:0a:e7
      • 12:1b:9e:3c:a6:2c
      • b6:ed:9d:27:f4:fa
      • 4e:79:c0:d9:af:c3
      • 12:8a:5c:2a:65:d1
      • 42:01:0a:8a:00:22
      • a6:24:aa:ae:e6:12
      • 06:75:91:59:3e:02
      • 42:01:0a:8a:00:33
      • ea:f6:f1:a2:33:76
      • 1e:6c:34:93:68:64
      • 42:01:0a:96:00:22
      • 96:2b:e9:43:96:76
      • 52:54:00:8b:a6:08
      • 16:ef:22:04:af:76
      • 1a:6c:62:60:3b:f4
      • 52:54:00:a0:41:92
      • ca:4d:4b:ca:18:cc
      • f6:a5:41:31:b2:78
      • d6:03:e4:ab:77:8e
      • 42:01:0a:8e:00:22
      • 3e:c1:fd:f1:bf:71
      • c2:ee:af:fd:29:21
      • 52:54:00:ab:de:59
      • 32:11:4d:d0:4a:9e
      • ea:02:75:3c:90:9f
      • 52:54:00:3b:78:24
      • 7e:05:a3:62:9c:4d
      • 52:54:00:b3:e4:71
      • 92:4c:a8:23:fc:2e
      • 5a:e2:a6:a4:44:db
      • 42:01:0a:96:00:33
      • 5e:86:e4:3d:0d:f6
      • 3e:53:81:b7:01:13
      • 12:f8:87:ab:13:ec
      • 2e:62:e8:47:14:49
      • be:00:e5:c5:0c:e5
      • 4e:81:81:8e:22:4e
    • Intel Corporate
      • 00:1b:21:13:15:20
      • 1c:99:57:1c:ad:e4
      • 00:1b:21:13:21:26
      • 00:1b:21:13:32:51
      • 00:1b:21:13:26:44
      • 00:1b:21:13:33:55
      • 00:1b:21:13:32:20
      • 00:03:47:63:8b:de
      • 60:02:92:3d:f1:69
      • 60:02:92:66:10:79
    • PCS Systemtechnik GmbH
      • 08:00:27:3a:28:73
      • 08:00:27:45:13:10
    • Dell Inc.
      • d4:81:d7:ed:25:54
      • d4:81:d7:87:05:ab
    • Avaya Inc
      • b4:a9:5a:b1:c6:fd
      • 00:23:cd:ff:94:f0
      • 94:de:80:de:1a:35
    • Hon Hai Precision Ind. Co.,Ltd.
      • 90:48:9a:9d:d5:24
      • 94:de:80:de:1a:35


Motore di scansione minimo: 9.800
Primo file di pattern VSAPI: 18.626.03
Data di pubblicazione del primo pattern VSAPI: 10 agosto 2023
Versione pattern VSAPI OPR: 18.627.00
Data di pubblicazione del pattern VSAPI OPR: 11 agosto 2023

Step 1

Los usuarios de Windows ME y XP, antes de llevar a cabo cualquier exploración, deben comprobar que tienen desactivada la opción Restaurar sistema para permitir la exploración completa del equipo.

Step 2

Note that not all files, folders, and registry keys and entries are installed on your computer during this malware's/spyware's/grayware's execution. This may be due to incomplete installation or other operating system conditions. If you do not find the same files/folders/registry information, please proceed to the next step.

Step 3

Eliminar este valor del Registro

[ learnMore ]

Importante: si modifica el Registro de Windows incorrectamente, podría hacer que el sistema funcione mal de manera irreversible. Lleve a cabo este paso solo si sabe cómo hacerlo o si puede contar con ayuda de su administrador del sistema. De lo contrario, lea este artículo de Microsoft antes de modificar el Registro del equipo.

  • In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\run
    • BANDIT STEALER = {malware file path}\{malware file name}

Step 4

Buscar y eliminar este archivo

[ learnMore ]
Puede que algunos de los archivos del componente estén ocultos. Asegúrese de que tiene activada la casilla Buscar archivos y carpetas ocultos en la opción Más opciones avanzadas para que el resultado de la búsqueda incluya todos los archivos y carpetas ocultos.
%Application Data%\blacklist.txt
%AppDataLocal%\{Victim's IP address}.zip
%Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\{compromised-browser}_cookies.txt
%Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\{compromised-browser}_creditcards.txt
%Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\{compromised-browser}_history.txt
%Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\{compromised-browser}_login_data.txt
%Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\{compromised-browser}_webdata.txt
%Application Data%\{Victim's IP address}\USERINFO.txt

Step 5

Buscar y eliminar estas carpetas

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Asegúrese de que tiene activada la casilla Buscar archivos y carpetas ocultos en la opción Más opciones avanzadas para que el resultado de la búsqueda incluya todas las carpetas ocultas.
%AppDataLocal%\{Victim's IP address}

Step 6

Restore this file from backup only Microsoft-related files will be restored. If this malware/grayware also deleted files related to programs that are not from Microsoft, please reinstall those programs on you computer again.

%AppDataLocal%\{Victim's IP address}\Telegram\user_data
%AppDataLocal%\{Victim's IP address}\Telegram\user_data{#2-#10}
%AppDataLocal%\{Victim's IP address}\Telegram\tdummy

Step 7

Explorar el equipo con su producto de Trend Micro para eliminar los archivos detectados como TrojanSpy.Win64.BANDITSTEAL.LNS En caso de que el producto de Trend Micro ya haya limpiado, eliminado o puesto en cuarentena los archivos detectados, no serán necesarios más pasos. Puede optar simplemente por eliminar los archivos en cuarentena. Consulte esta página de Base de conocimientos para obtener más información.
