Tipo di minaccia informatica:
In the wild::
Panoramica e descrizione
It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
Dettagli tecnici
Detalles de entrada
It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
Agrega las carpetas siguientes:
- %Application Data%\Aabza
(Nota: %Application Data% es la carpeta Application Data del usuario activo, que en el caso de Windows 98 y ME suele estar ubicada en C:\Windows\Profiles\{nombre de usuario}\Application Data, en el caso de Windows NT en C:\WINNT\Profiles\{nombre de usuario}\Application Data, en el caso de Windows 2000(32-bit), XP y Server 2003(32-bit) en C:\Documents and Settings\{nombre de usuario}\Local Settings\Application Data y en el caso de Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) y 10(64-bit) en C:\Users\{nombre de usuario}\AppData\Roaming.).
)Infiltra y ejecuta los archivos siguientes:
- %User Temp%\Dwghpjxmueqxokshkill$.bat - contains commands to delete services and terminate processes
(Nota: %User Temp% es la carpeta Temp del usuario activo, que en el caso de Windows 2000(32-bit), XP y Server 2003(32-bit) suele estar en C:\Documents and Settings\{nombre de usuario}\Local Settings\Temp y en el case de Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) y 10(64-bit) en C:\Users\{nombre de usuario}\AppData\Local\Temp).
)Crea las siguientes copias de sí mismo en el sistema afectado:
- %Application Data%\Aabza\Qawjvy.exe
- %Windows%\avast.exe
- {IP Address}\admin$\avast.exe
- {IP Address}\c$\avast.exe
(Nota: %Application Data% es la carpeta Application Data del usuario activo, que en el caso de Windows 98 y ME suele estar ubicada en C:\Windows\Profiles\{nombre de usuario}\Application Data, en el caso de Windows NT en C:\WINNT\Profiles\{nombre de usuario}\Application Data, en el caso de Windows 2000(32-bit), XP y Server 2003(32-bit) en C:\Documents and Settings\{nombre de usuario}\Local Settings\Application Data y en el caso de Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) y 10(64-bit) en C:\Users\{nombre de usuario}\AppData\Roaming.).
. %Windows% es la carpeta de Windows, que suele estar en C:\Windows o C:\WINNT).)Agrega los procesos siguientes:
- %Windows%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe
- %System%\cmd.exe /c timeout 10
- reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor /v AutoRun /f
- takeown /f %SystemRoot%\{system32|SysWOW64}\{String} /a
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32|SysWOW64}\{String} /g Administrators:f
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32|SysWOW64}\{String} /e /g Users:r
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32|SysWOW64}\{String} /e /g Administrators:r
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32|SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d SERVICE
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32|SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d mssqlserver
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32|SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d network service
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32|SysWOW64}\{String} /e /g system:r
- cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32|SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d mssql$sqlexpress
where {String}:- cmd.exe
- net.exe
- net1.exe
- mshta.exe
- FTP.exe
- wscript.exe
- cscript.exe
- WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
- takeown /f C:\ProgramData /a
- takeown /f C:\Users\Public /a
- cacls C:\ProgramData /g Administrators:f
- cacls C:\ProgramData /e /g Users:r
- cacls C:\ProgramData /e /g Administrators:r
- cacls C:\ProgramData /e /d SERVICE
- cacls C:\ProgramData /e /d mssqlserver
- cacls C:\ProgramData /e /d network service
- cacls C:\ProgramData /e /d system
- cacls C:\ProgramData /e /d mssql$sqlexpress
- cacls C:\Users\Public /g Administrators:f
- cacls C:\Users\Public /e /g Users:r
- cacls C:\Users\Public /e /g Administrators:r
- cacls C:\Users\Public /e /d SERVICE
- cacls C:\Users\Public /e /d mssqlserver
- cacls C:\Users\Public /e /d network service
- cacls C:\Users\Public /e /d system
- cacls C:\Users\Public /e /d mssql$sqlexpress
- vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet
- cmd.exe /c bcdedit /set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
- cmd.exe /c bcdedit /set {current} recoveryenabled no
- sc delete {Services deleted}
- net stop {Services stopped}
- taskkill /IM {Process List} /F /T
(Nota: %Windows% es la carpeta de Windows, que suele estar en C:\Windows o C:\WINNT).
. %System% es la carpeta del sistema de Windows, que en el caso de Windows 98 y ME suele estar en C:\Windows\System, en el caso de Windows NT y 2000 en C:\WINNT\System32 y en el caso de Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, Server 2003(32-bit), Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64bit) y 10(64-bit) en C:\Windows\System32).)Deja archivos de texto a modo de notas de rescate que contienen lo siguiente:
- {Encrypted Directory}\RECOVERY INFORMATION.txt
Este malware inyecta códigos en el/los siguiente(s) proceso(s):
- %Windows%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe
(Nota: %Windows% es la carpeta de Windows, que suele estar en C:\Windows o C:\WINNT).
)Técnica de inicio automático
Agrega las siguientes entradas de registro para permitir su ejecución automática cada vez que se inicia el sistema:
Qawjvy = %Application Data%\Aabza\Qawjvy.exe
Otras modificaciones del sistema
Elimina las siguientes claves de registro:
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\
Finalización del proceso
Finaliza los procesos siguientes si detecta que se ejecutan en la memoria del sistema afectado:
- where {Process List}:
- sqlservr.exe
- httpd.exe
- java.exe
- fdhost.exe
- fdlauncher.exe
- reportingservicesservice.exe
- softmgrlite.exe
- sqlbrowser.exe
- ssms.exe
- vmtoolsd.exe
- baidunetdisk.exe
- yundetectservice.exe
- ssclient.exe
- GNAupdaemon.exe
- RAVCp164.exe
- igfxEM.exe
- igfxHK.exe
- igfxTray.exe
- 360bdoctor.exe
- GNCEFExternal.exe
- PrivacyIconClient.exe
- UIODetect.exe
- AutoDealService.exe
- IDDAService.exe
- EnergyDataService.exe
- MPService.exe
- TransMain.exe
- DAService.exe
- GoogleCrashHandler.exe
- GoogleCrashHandler64.exe
- GoogleUpdate.exe
- cohernece.exe
- vmware-tray.exe
- MsDtsSrvr.exe
- msmdsrv.exe
- FileZilla server.exe
- UpdateData.exe
- WebApi.Host.exe
- VGAuthService.exe
- omtsreco.exe
- oracle.exe
- msdtc.exe
- mmc.exe
- emagent.exe
- SoftMgrLite.exe
- Admin.exe
- EnterprisePortal.exe
- tomcat7.exe
- Kingdee.K3.CRM.MMC.MMCService.exe
- Kingdee.k3.Weixin.ClientService.exe
- Kingdee.K3.PUBLIC.BkgSvcHost.exe
- Kingdee.K3.HR.Server.exe
- Kingdee.K3.PUBLIC.KDSvrMgrHost.exe
- tomcat5.exe
- Kingdee.DeskTool.exe
- UserClient.exe
- mysqld.exe
- ImtsEventSvr.exe
- mysqld-nt.exe
- 360EnterpriseDiskUI.exe
- tomcat8.exe
- QQprotect.exe
- isqlplussvc.exe
- nmesrvc.exe
- jusched.exe
- MtxHotPlugService.exe
- jucheck.exe
- wordpad.exe
- SecureCRT.exe
- chrome.exe
- Thunder.exe
- ThunderPlatform.exe
- iexplore.exe
- vm-agent.exe
- vm-agent-daemon.exe
- eSightService.exe
- cygrunsrv.exe
- wrapper.exe
- nginx.exe
- node.exe
- sshd.exe
- vm-tray.exe
- iempwatchdog.exe
- sqlwriter.exe
- php.exe
- notepad++.exe
- phpStudy.exe
- OPCClient.exe
- navicat.exe
- SupportAssistAgent.exe
- SunloginClient.exe
- WeChat.exe
- TXPlatform.exe
- Tencentdll.exe
- jenkins.exe
- QQ.exe
- HaoZip.exe
- HaoZipScan.exe
- TSVNCache.exe
- RAVCpl64.exe
- secbizsrv.exe
- aliwssv.exe
- Helper_Haozip.exe
- acrotray.exe
- FileZilla Server Interface.exe
- YoudaoNote.exe
- YNoteCefRender.exe
- idea.exe
- fsnotifier.exe
- picpick.exe
- lantern.exe
- sysproxy-cmd.exe
- service.exe
- pcas.exe
- PresentationFontCache.exe
- RtWlan.exe
- monitor.exe
- Correspond.exe
- ChatServer.exe
- InetMgr.exe
- LogonServer.exe
- GameServer.exe
- ServUAdmin.exe
- ServUDaemon.exe
- update0.exe
- server.exe
- w3wp.exe
- notepad.exe
- PalmInputService.exe
- PalmInputGuard.exe
- UpdateServer.exe
- UpdateGate.exe
- DBServer.exe
- LoginGate.exe
- SelGate.exe
- RunGate.exe
- M2Server.exe
- LogDataServer.exe
- LoginSrv.exe
- sqlceip.exe
- mqsvc.exe
- RefundOrder.exe
- ClamTray.exe
- AdobeARM.exe
- veeam.backup.shell.exe
- VpxClient.exe
- vmware-vmrc.exe
- DSCPatchService.exe
- scktsrvr.exe
- ServerManager.exe
- Dispatcher.exe
- EFDispatcher.exe
- ClamWin.exe
- srvany.exe
- JT_AG-8332.exe
- XXTClient.exe
- clean.exe
- Net.Service.exe
- plsqldev.exe
- splwow64.exe
- Oobe.exe
- QQYService.exe
- SGTool.exe
- postgres.exe
- AppVShNotify.exe
- OfficeClickToRun.exe
- EntDT.exe
- EntPublish.exe
- pg_ctl.exe
- rcrelay.exe
- SogouImeBroker.exe
- CCenter.exe
- ScanFrm.exe
- d_manage.exe
- RsTray.exe
- wampmanager.exe
- RavTray.exe
- mssearch.exe
- sqlmangr.exe
- msftesql.exe
- SyncBaseSvr.exe
- SyncBaseConsole.exe
- aspnet_state.exe
- AutoBackUpEx.exe
- redis-server.exe
- MySQLNotifier.exe
- oravssw.exe
- fppdis5.exe
- His6Service.exe
- dinotify.exe
- JhTask.exe
- Executer.exe
- AllPassCBHost.exe
- ap_nginx.exe
- AndroidServer.exe
- XT.exe
- XTService.exe
- AllPassMCService.exe
- FlashHelperService.exe
- ap_redis-server.exe
- UtilDev.WebServer.Monitor.exe
- UWS.AppHost.Clr2.x86.exe
- FoxitProtect.exe
- ftnlses.exe
- ftusbrdwks.exe
- ftusbrdsrv.exe
- ftnlsv.exe
- Syslogd_Service.exe
- UWS.HighPrivilegeUtilities.exe
- ftusbsrv.exe
- UWS.LowPrivilegeUtilities.exe
- UWS.AppHost.Clr2.AnyCpu.exe
- winguard_x64.exe
- vmconnect.exe
- firefox.exe
- usbrdsrv.exe
- usbserver.exe
- Foxmail.exe
- qemu-ga.exe
- wwbizsrv.exe
- ZTEFileTranS.exe
- ZTEUsbIpc.exe
- ZTEUsbIpcGuard.exe
- AlibabaProtect.exe
- kbasesrv.exe
- ZTEVdservice.exe
- MMRHookService.exe
- extjob.exe
- IpOverUsbSvc.exe
- VMwareTray.exe
- devenv.exe
- PerfWatson2.exe
- ServiceHub.Host.Node.x86.exe
- ServiceHub.IdentityHost.exe
- ServiceHub.VSDetouredHost.exe
- ServiceHub.SettingsHost.exe
- ServiceHub.Host.CLR.x86.exe
- ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService32.exe
- ServiceHub.DataWarehouseHost.exe
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Host.exe
- setup.exe
- remote.exe
- setup100.exe
- landingpage.exe
- KuaiYun.exe
- HwsHostPanel.exe
- NovelSpider.exe
- Service_KMS.exe
- WebServer.exe
- ChsIME.exe
- btPanel.exe
- Protect_2345Explorer.exe
- Pic_2345Svc.exe
- vmware-converter-a.exe
- vmware-converter.exe
- vmware.exe
- vmware-unity-helper.exe
- vmware-vmx.exe
- usysdiag.exe
- PopBlock.exe
- gsinterface.exe
- Gemstar.Group.CRS.Client.exe
- TenpayServer.exe
- RemoteExecService.exe
- VS_TrueCorsManager.exe
- ntpsvr-2019-01-22-wgs84.exe
- rtkjob-ion.exe
- ntpsvr-2019-01-22-no-usrcheck.exe
- NtripCaster-2019-01-08.exe
- BACSTray.exe
- protect.exe
- hfs.exe
- jzmis.exe
- NewFileTime_x64.exe
- 2345MiniPage.exe
- JMJ_server.exe
- cacls.exe
- gpsdaemon.exe
- gpsusersvr.exe
- gpsdownsvr.exe
- gpsstoragesvr.exe
- gpsdataprocsvr.exe
- gpsftpd.exe
- gpsmysqld.exe
- gpstomcat6.exe
- gpsloginsvr.exe
- gpsmediasvr.exe
- gpsgatewaysvr.exe
- gpssvrctrl.exe
- zabbix_agentd.exe
- BackupExec.exe
- Att.exe
- mdm.exe
- BackupExecManagementService.exe
- bengine.exe
- benetns.exe
- beserver.exe
- pvlsvr.exe
- bedbg.exe
- beremote.exe
- RemoteAssistProcess.exe
- BarMoniService.exe
- GoodGameSrv.exe
- BarCMService.exe
- TsService.exe
- GoodGame.exe
- BarServerView.exe
- IcafeServicesTray.exe
- BsAgent_0.exe
- ControlServer.exe
- DisklessServer.exe
- DumpServer.exe
- NetDiskServer.exe
- PersonUDisk.exe
- service_agent.exe
- SoftMemory.exe
- BarServer.exe
- RtkNGUI64.exe
- Serv-U-Tray.exe
- QQPCSoftTrayTips.exe
- SohuNews.exe
- Serv-U.exe
- EasyFZS.exe
- HaoYiShi.exe
- HysMySQL.exe
- wtautoreg.exe
- ispiritPro.exe
- CAService.exe
- XAssistant.exe
- TrustCA.exe
- GEUU20003.exe
- CertMgr.exe
- eSafe_monitor.exe
- MainExecute.exe
- FastInvoice.exe
- sesvc.exe
- ScanFileServer.exe
- Nuoadehgcgcd.exe
- OpenFastAssist.exe
- FastInvoiceAssist.exe
- Nuoadfaggcje.exe
- OfficeUpdate.exe
- atkexComSvc.exe
- FileTransferAgent.exe
- MasterReplicatorAgent.exe
- CrmAsyncService.exe
- CrmUnzipService.exe
- NscAuthService.exe
- ReplicaReplicatorAgent.exe
- ASMCUSvc.exe
- OcsAppServerHost.exe
- RtcCdr.exe
- IMMCUSvc.exe
- DataMCUSvc.exe
- MeetingMCUSvc.exe
- QmsSvc.exe
- RTCSrv.exe
- pnopagw.exe
- NscAuth.exe
- Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.WebServices.exe
- DistributedCacheService.exe
- c2wtshost.exe
- Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Calculation.exe
- schedengine.exe
- Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Eventing.exe
- Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Queuing.exe
- hostcontrollerservice.exe
- noderunner.exe
- wsstracing.exe
- MySQLInstallerConsole.exe
- consent.exe
- RtkAudioService64.exe
- RAVBg64.exe
- FNPLicensingService64.exe
- VisualSVNServer.exe
- MotionBoard57.exe
- MotionBoardRCService57.exe
- LPManService.exe
- RaRegistry.exe
- RaAutoInstSrv.exe
- RtHDVCpl.exe
- DefenderDaemon.exe
- BestSyncApp.exe
- ApUI.exe
- AutoUpdate.exe
- LPManNotifier.exe
- FieldAnalyst.exe
- TimingGenerate.exe
- Detector.exe
- Estimator.exe
- FA_Logwriter.exe
- TrackingSrv.exe
- cbInterface.exe
- ccbService.exe
- U8DispatchService.exe
- dbsrv16.exe
- KICManager.exe
- KICMain.exe
- ServerManagerLauncher.exe
- TbossGate.exe
- iusb3mon.exe
- MgrEnvSvc.exe
- Mysoft.Config.WindowsService.exe
- Mysoft.UpgradeService.UpdateService.exe
- hasplms.exe
- Mysoft.Setup.InstallService.exe
- Mysoft.UpgradeService.Dispatcher.exe
- Mysoft.DataCenterService.WindowsHost.exe
- Mysoft.DataCenterService.DataCleaning.exe
- Mysoft.DataCenterService.DataTracking.exe
- Mysoft.SchedulingService.WindowsHost.exe
- ServiceMonitor.exe
- Mysoft.SchedulingService.ExecuteEngine.exe
- AgentX.exe
- host.exe
- vsjitdebugger.exe
- VBoxSDS.exe
- TeamViewer_Service.exe
- TeamViewer.exe
- CasLicenceServer.exe
- tv_w32.exe
- tv_x64.exe
- rdm.exe
- SecureCRTPortable.exe
- VirtualBox.exe
- VBoxSVC.exe
- VirtualBoxVM.exe
- abs_deployer.exe
- edr_monitor.exe
- sfupdatemgr.exe
- ipc_proxy.exe
- edr_agent.exe
- edr_sec_plan.exe
- sfavsvc.exe
- DataShareBox.ShareBoxMonitorService.exe
- DataShareBox.ShareBoxService.exe
- Jointsky.CloudExchangeService.exe
- Jointsky.CloudExchange.NodeService.ein
- perl.exe
- TsServer.exe
- AppMain.exe
- easservice.exe
- Kingdee6.1.exe
- QyKernel.exe
- QyFragment.exe
- ComputerZTray.exe
- ComputerZService.exe
- ClearCache.exe
- ProLiantMonitor.exe
- bugreport.exe
- GNWebServer.exe
- UI0Detect.exe
- GNCore.exe
- gnwayDDNS.exe
- GNWebHelper.exe
- php-cgi.exe
- ESLUSBService.exe
- CQA.exe
- Kekcoek.pif
- Tinuknx.exe
- servers.exe
- ping.exe
- TianHeng.exe
- K3MobileService.exe
- VSSVC.exe
- Xshell.exe
- XshellCore.exe
- FNPLicensingService.exe
- XYNTService.exe
- EISService.exe
- UFSoft.U8.Framework.EncryptManager.exe
- yonyou.u8.gc.taskmanager.servicebus.exe
- U8KeyManagePool.exe
- U8MPool.exe
- U8SCMPool.exe
- UFIDA.U8.Report.SLReportService.exe
- U8TaskService.exe
- U8TaskWorker.exe
- U8WebPool.exe
- U8AllAuthServer.exe
- UFIDA.U8.UAP.ReportService.exe
- UFIDA.U8.ECE.UTU.Services.exe
- U8WorkerService.exe
- ShellStub.exe
- U8UpLoadTask.exe
- UfSysHostingService.exe
- UFIDA.UBF.SystemManage.ApplicationService.exe
- UFIDA.U9.CS.Collaboration.MailService.exe
- NotificationService.exe
- UBFdevenv.exe
- UFIDA.U9.SystemManage.SystemManagerClient.exe
- mongod.exe
- SpusCss.exe
- UUDesktop.exe
- KDHRServices.exe
- Kingdee.K3.Mobile.Servics.exe
- KDSvrMgrService.exe
- pdfServer.exe
- pdfspeedup.exe
- SufAppServer.exe
- Kingdee.K3.Mobile.LightPushService.exe
- iMTSSvcMgr.exe
- kdmain.exe
- KDActMGr.exe
- K3ServiceUpdater.exe
- Aua.exe
- iNethinkSQLBackup.exe
- auaJW.exe
- Scheduler.exe
- bschJW.exe
- SystemTray64.exe
- OfficeDaemon.exe
- OfficeIndex.exe
- OfficeIm.exe
- iNethinkSQLBackupConsole.exe
- OfficeMail.exe
- OfficeTask.exe
- OfficePOP3.exe
- apache.exe
- GnHostService.exe
- HwUVPUpgrade.exe
- Kingdee.KIS.UESystemSer.exe
- uvpmonitor.exe
- UVPUpgradeService.exe
- KDdataUpdate.exe
- Portal.exe
- U8SMSSrv.exe
- Ufida.T.SM.PublishService.exe
- lta8.exe
- UfSvrMgr.exe
- AutoUpdateService.exe
- MOM.exe
- sqlserv.exe
- oracle.exe
- ntdbsmgr.exe
- sqlservr.exe
- sqlwriter.exe
- MsDtsSrvr.exe
- msmdsrv.exe
- ReportingServecesService.exe
- fdhost.exe
- fdlauncher.exe
- mysql.exe
Otros detalles
Agrega y ejecuta los servicios siguientes:
ImagePath = %Windows%\avast.exe
Hace lo siguiente:
- It encrypts fixed drives, removable drives, network drives and shared folders
- It DOES NOT continue to routine if User Default Language ID of the system is any of the following:
- Russian (0x419)
- Kazakh (0x43F)
- Belarusian (0x423)
- Ukrainian (0x422)
- Tatar (0x444)
- It attempts to delete itself through the following process:
- cmd.exe /c ping {BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.0.1 && del "{malware path and name}" >> NUL
- It deletes the following services {Services deleted}:
- XT800Service_Personal
- SQLWriter
- SQLBrowser
- MSSQLFDLauncher
- QcSoftService
- MSSQLServerOLAPService
- VMTools
- VGAuthService
- TeamViewer
- ReportServer
- RabbitMQ
- Sense Shield Service
- SSMonitorService
- SSSyncService
- TPlusStdAppService1300
- SQLAgent$SQL2008
- TPlusStdTaskService1300
- TPlusStdUpgradeService1300
- VirboxWebServer
- jhi_service
- FontCache3.0.0.0
- OSP Service
- DAService_TCP
- eCard-TTransServer
- eCardMPService
- EnergyDataService
- UI0Detect
- K3MobileService
- TCPIDDAService
- WebAttendServer
- UIODetect
- wanxiao-monitor
- VMAuthdService
- VMUSBArbService
- VMwareHostd
- vm-agent
- VmAgentDaemon
- OpenSSHd
- eSightService
- apachezt
- Jenkins
- secbizsrv
- smtpsvrJT
- zyb_sync
- 360EntHttpServer
- 360EntSvc
- 360EntClientSvc
- NFWebServer
- wampapache
- msftesql
- SyncBASE Service
- OracleDBConcoleorcl
- OracleJobSchedulerORCL
- OracleMTSRecoveryService
- OracleOraDb11g_home1ClrAgent
- OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener
- OracleVssWriterORCL
- OracleServiceORCL
- aspnet_state
- Redis
- JhTask
- ImeDictUpdateService
- MCService
- allpass_redisservice_port21160
- Flash Helper Service
- Kiwi Syslog Server
- UWS HiPriv Services
- UWS LoPriv Services
- ftnlsv3
- ftnlses3
- FxService
- UtilDev Web Server Pro
- ftusbrdwks
- ftusbrdsrv
- ZTE USBIP Client Guard
- ZTE USBIP Client
- ZTE FileTranS
- wwbizsrv
- qemu-ga
- AlibabaProtect
- ZTEVdservice
- kbasesrv
- MMRHookService
- IpOverUsbSvc
- MsDtsServer100
- KuaiYunTools
- btPanel
- Protect_2345Explorer
- 2345PicSvc
- vmware-converter-agent
- vmware-converter-server
- vmware-converter-worker
- QQCertificateService
- OracleRemExecService
- GPSDaemon
- GPSUserSvr
- GPSDownSvr
- GPSStorageSvr
- GPSDataProcSvr
- GPSGatewaySvr
- GPSMediaSvr
- GPSLoginSvr
- GPSTomcat6
- GPSMysqld
- GPSFtpd
- Zabbix Agent
- BackupExecAgentAccelerator
- bedbg
- BackupExecDeviceMediaService
- BackupExecRPCService
- BackupExecAgentBrowser
- BackupExecJobEngine
- BackupExecManagementService
- TxQBService
- Gailun_Downloader
- RemoteAssistService
- YunService
- Serv-U
- EasyFZS Server
- Rpc Monitor
- OpenFastAssist
- Nuo Update Monitor
- Daemon Service
- asComSvc
- OfficeUpdateService
- RtcSrv
- NscAuthService
- MSCRMUnzipService
- MSCRMAsyncService$maintenance
- MSCRMAsyncService
- RtcQms
- ProjectEventService16
- ProjectQueueService16
- SPAdminV4
- SPSearchHostController
- SPTimerV4
- SPTraceV4
- OSearch16
- ProjectCalcService16
- c2wts
- AppFabricCachingService
- MotionBoard57
- MotionBoardRCService57
- vsvnjobsvc
- VisualSVNServer
- FlexNet Licensing Service 64
- BestSyncSvc
- LPManager
- MediatekRegistryWriter
- RaAutoInstSrv_RT2870
- CobianBackup10
- SQLANYs_sem5
- CASLicenceServer
- SQLService
- semwebsrv
- TbossSystem
- ErpEnvSvc
- Mysoft.Autoupgrade.DispatchService
- Mysoft.Autoupgrade.UpdateService
- Mysoft.Config.WindowsService
- Mysoft.DataCenterService
- Mysoft.SchedulingService
- Mysoft.Setup.InstallService
- MysoftUpdate
- edr_monitor
- abs_deployer
- savsvc
- ShareBoxMonitorService
- ShareBoxService
- CloudExchangeService
- U8WorkerService2
- EASService
- KICkSvr
- OSP Service
- U8SmsSrv
- OfficeClearCache
- TurboCRM70
- U8DispatchService
- U8EISService
- U8EncryptService
- U8GCService
- U8KeyManagePool
- U8MPool
- U8SCMPool
- U8SLReportService
- U8TaskService
- U8WebPool
- UFAllNet
- UFReportService
- UTUService
- U8WorkerService1
- It stops the following services {Services stopped}:
- U8WorkerService1
- U8WorkerService2
- memcached Server
- Apache2.4
- UFIDAWebService
- MSComplianceAudit
- MSExchangeADTopology
- MSExchangeAntispamUpdate
- MSExchangeCompliance
- MSExchangeDagMgmt
- MSExchangeDelivery
- MSExchangeDiagnostics
- MSExchangeEdgeSync
- MSExchangeFastSearch
- MSExchangeFrontEndTransport
- MSExchangeHM
- MSExchangeHMRecovery
- MSExchangeImap4
- MSExchangeIMAP4BE
- MSExchangeIS
- MSExchangeMailboxAssistants
- MSExchangeMailboxReplication
- MSExchangeNotificationsBroker
- MSExchangePop3
- MSExchangePOP3BE
- MSExchangeRepl
- MSExchangeRPC
- MSExchangeServiceHost
- MSExchangeSubmission
- MSExchangeThrottling
- MSExchangeTransport
- MSExchangeTransportLogSearch
- MSExchangeUM
- MSExchangeUMCR
- HaoZipSvc
- igfxCUIService2.0.0.0
- Realtek11nSU
- xenlite
- XenSvc
- Apache2.2
- Synology Drive VSS Service x64
- DellDRLogSvc
- FirebirdGuardianDeafaultInstance
- JWRinfoClientService
- JWService
- Service2
- RapidRecoveryAgent
- FirebirdServerDefaultInstance
- AdobeARMservice
- VeeamCatalogSvc
- VeeanBackupSvc
- VeeamTransportSvc
- TPlusStdAppService1300
- TPlusStdTaskService1300
- TPlusStdUpgradeService1300
- TPlusStdWebService1300
- VeeamNFSSvc
- VeeamDeploySvc
- VeeamCloudSvc
- VeeamMountSvc
- VeeamBrokerSvc
- VeeamDistributionSvc
- tmlisten
- ServiceMid
- 360EntPGSvc
- ClickToRunSvc
- RavTask
- AngelOfDeath
- d_safe
- NFLicenceServer
- NetVault Process Manager
- RavService
- DFServ
- IngressMgr
- EvtSys
- K3ClouManager
- NFVPrintServer
- CobianBackup10
- GNWebService
- Mysoft.SchedulingService
- AgentX
- SentinelKeysServer
- TurboCRM70
- NFSysService
- U8DispatchService
- NFOTPService
- U8EISService
- U8EncryptService
- U8GCService
- U8KeyManagePool
- U8MPool
- U8SCMPool
- U8SLReportService
- U8TaskService
- U8WebPool
- UFAllNet
- UFReportService
- UTUService
- UIODetect
- VMwareHostd
- TeamViewer8
- VMUSBArbService
- VMAuthdService
- wanxiao-monitor
- WebAttendServer
- mysqltransport
- VMware NAT Service
- Tomcat8
- TeamViewer
- QPCore
- CASLicenceServer
- CASWebServer
- AutoUpdateService
- Alibaba Security Aegis Detect Service
- Alibaba Security Aegis Update Service
- AliyunService
- CASXMLService
- AGSService
- RapService
- DDNSService
- iNethinkSQLBackupSvc
- CASVirtualDiskService
- CASMsgSrv
- OracleOraDb10g_homeliSQL*Plus
- OracleDBConsoleilas
- TPlusStdAppService1220
- TPlusStdTaskService1220
- TPlusStdUpgradeService1220
- K3MobileServiceManage
- FileZilla Server
- DDVRulesProcessor
- ImtsEventSvr
- AutoUpdatePatchService
- Dell Hardware Support
- SupportAssistAgent
- K3MMainSuspendService
- KpService
- ceng_web_svc_d
- KugouService
- pcas
- U8SendMailAdmin
- Bonjour Service
- Apple Mobile Device Service
- ABBYY.Licensing.FineReader.Professional.12.
- It connects to the following website to download and execute malicious module in memory:
- http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.44.142/arx-Kbcmvm_Rrkpioky.jpg
Step 2
Los usuarios de Windows ME y XP, antes de llevar a cabo cualquier exploración, deben comprobar que tienen desactivada la opción Restaurar sistema para permitir la exploración completa del equipo.
Step 3
Note that not all files, folders, and registry keys and entries are installed on your computer during this malware's/spyware's/grayware's execution. This may be due to incomplete installation or other operating system conditions. If you do not find the same files/folders/registry information, please proceed to the next step.
Step 4
Reiniciar en modo seguro
Step 5
Eliminar este valor del Registro
Importante: si modifica el Registro de Windows incorrectamente, podría hacer que el sistema funcione mal de manera irreversible. Lleve a cabo este paso solo si sabe cómo hacerlo o si puede contar con ayuda de su administrador del sistema. De lo contrario, lea este artículo de Microsoft antes de modificar el Registro del equipo.
- In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
- Qawjvy = %Application Data%\Aabza\Qawjvy.exe
- Qawjvy = %Application Data%\Aabza\Qawjvy.exe
Step 6
Delete this registry key
=Important: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can lead to irreversible system malfunction. Please do this only if you know how to or you can seek your system administrator’s help. You may also check out this Microsoft article first before modifying your computer's registry.
- In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\avast
Step 7
Buscar y eliminar este archivo
- %User Temp%\Dwghpjxmueqxokshkill$.bat
- {Encrypted Directory}\RECOVERY INFORMATION.txt
Step 8
Buscar y eliminar esta carpeta
- %Application Data%\Aabza
Step 9
Reinicie en modo normal y explore el equipo con su producto de Trend Micro para buscar los archivos identificados como Ransom.MSIL.TARGETCOMP.YXCCUTT En caso de que el producto de Trend Micro ya haya limpiado, eliminado o puesto en cuarentena los archivos detectados, no serán necesarios más pasos. Puede optar simplemente por eliminar los archivos en cuarentena. Consulte esta página de Base de conocimientos para obtener más información.
Step 10
Restore this file from backup only Microsoft-related files will be restored. If this malware/grayware also deleted files related to programs that are not from Microsoft, please reinstall those programs on you computer again.