The Trend 2025 Cyber Risk Report sustains our shift towards proactive security. Protecting enterprises is no longer about stopping breaches but is now about staying ahead, making cybersecurity a business enabler. By looking at the 2025 risk landscape, we recognize exposures and understand attacker behavior to be able to implement countermeasures, transforming security from a challenge to a catalyst for innovation and business growth.
As cybercriminals shift their attacks with new technologies and strategies, maintaining visibility across the attack surface becomes increasingly challenging.
With the goal of creating fast, evasive, and sophisticated threats and campaigns, malicious actors are always on the prowl for new technologies to abuse, significant world events to exploit, and mismanaged and vulnerable assets to compromise.
This report looks into the notable email threats of 2023, including the 45,261,542 high-risk email threats we detected and blocked using the Trend Micro™ Cloud App Security solution, also referred to as Trend Vision One™ — Email and Collaboration Protection solution, which is part of the Trend Vision One Email and Collaboration Security suite.
Notre surveillance et nos recherches continues sur le paysage des menaces en 2023 ont montré des tendances suggérant que les cybercriminels apprennent à donner la priorité à la substance plutôt qu'à la taille.
Nos données sur la gestion des risques liés à la surface d'attaque (ASRM) indiquent que les États-Unis, le Brésil et l'Inde ont comptabilisé le plus grand nombre d'événements à risque détectés au cours du premier semestre 2023.
This report provides an overview of the notable email threats of the past year to help organizations better understand the ever-changing threat landscape. We detail the top email threats of 2022, including the 39.9 million high-risk email threats that we detected using the Trend Micro Cloud App Security platform, a security solution that supplements email providers’ built-in security.
Notre rapport annuel sur la cybersécurité met en lumière les principaux problèmes en matière de sécurité qui ont fait surface et qui ont dominé l'année 2022.
Dans notre rapport semestriel sur la sécurité, nous relatons les faits de sécurité les plus importants qui ont eu un impact considérable sur le contexte des menaces au cours du premier semestre de l'année.
In this report, we highlight the notable email threats of 2021, including over 33.6 million high-risk email threats (representing a 101% increase from 2020’s numbers) that we’ve detected using the Trend Micro Cloud App Security platform.