Our infographic shows how Trend Micro XDR is designed to combat threats like Ryuk using machine learning and analytics to correlate various events across multiple layers.
Notre Rapport semestriel sur la sécurité 2020 se penche sur les défis pertinents liés à une pandémie, notamment les menaces liées à la Covid-19 et les attaques de ransomware ciblées.
Maze ransomware, notorious for not just encrypting but for stealing victims’ data, attacks a US IT firm. The company sent emails to customers which include IP addresses and file hashes that have been linked to previous Maze attacks.
Trend Micro’s Managed XDR (MxDR) and Incident Response (IR) teams recently investigated an incident involving a company that was hit by the Nefilim ransomware.
Trend Micro Cloud App Security detected and blocked 12.7 million high-risk threats that passed through the built-in security of cloud-based email services. We provide an in-depth report on the notable trends and stories from 2019 to help organizations prepare.