Worldwide 2023 Email Phishing Statistics and Examples
Explore the need for going beyond built-in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace™ security based on email threats detected in 2023.
Strategic insights, best practices and research reports to help security leaders better understand, communicate, and minimize cyber risk across the enterprise.
Explore the need for going beyond built-in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace™ security based on email threats detected in 2023.
Explore the need for going beyond built-in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace™ security based on email threats detected in 2023.
Discover how XDR can enhance threat detection and response to improve a SecOps team’s efficiency and outcomes.
Explore two RPA and AI/ML use cases at HUD during the operational challenges of the longest US Government shutdown, a rigid legacy IT environment, and complex federal regulations.
Trend Micro’s Chief Technology Strategy Officer discusses the biggest cybersecurity trends and what to watch for in 2024.
Explore how a risk-based cybersecurity approach is critical to proactively stop dynamic, ever-evolving threats.
As the threat landscape evolves and the cost of data breaches increase, so will cyber insurance requirements from carriers. Cyber Risk Specialist Vince Kearns shares his 4 predictions for 2024.
Für den Umgang mit der Angriffsoberfläche von heute bedarf es moderner Prozesse und Sicherheitslösungen. Wir zeigen, was ein modernes Angriffsoberflächenmanagement ausmacht und worauf CISOs bei einer solchen Lösung achten müssen.
Every year, experts weigh in with predictions of what the big cybersecurity trends will be—but how often are they right? That’s the question Trend Micro’s Greg Young and Bill Malik asked recently on their Real Cybersecurity podcast, looking at what forecasters got wrong on a wide range of topics, from AI to human factors.
LäuferInnen von Trend Micro, AWS und weiteren Partnern nahmen vergangenes Jahr im Namen des guten Zwecks beim Generali München Marathon teil. Für jeden gelaufenen Kilometer spendeten wir 10 Euro an den Kreisjugendring München-Stadt, um Projekte zu unterstützen, welche die Digital- und Medienkompetenz von Kindern und Jugendlichen fördern – insgesamt 3190 Euro. Was konnte damit bisher erreicht werden – und wie geht es weiter?
Ein einsatzbereiter Incident Response-Prozess ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, wenn ein Angriff entdeckt wird. Unser fiktiver Erfahrungsbericht eines Director of Incident Response führt dies eindrucksvoll und überzeugend vor Augen.