(MS13-069) Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (2870699)
Publish date: 18 de septiembre de 2013
Gravedad: Crítico
CVE Identifier: CVE-2013-3204,CVE-2013-3205,CVE-2013-3209,CVE-2013-3201,CVE-2013-3202,CVE-2013-3203,CVE-2013-3206,CVE-2013-3207,CVE-2013-3208,CVE-2013-3845
Fecha recomendada: 18 de septiembre de 2013
This bulletin addresses 10 vulnerabilities found in several versions of Internet Explorer browser. Attackers intending to exploit these vulnerabilities may lure users to visit a specific webpage using Internet Explorer. Once successfully exploited, the attackers can execute any code of choice on the vulnerable computer.
Software y versión afectados
- Internet Explorer 9
- Internet Explorer 10
- Internet Explorer 6
- Internet Explorer 7
- Internet Explorer 8