Gravedad: Crítico
  Identificadores de CVE : CVE-2005-3438
  Fecha recomendada: 21 de julio de 2015


Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in Oracle Database Server 9i up to have unknown impact and attack vectors, aka Oracle Vuln# (1) DB04 in Change Data Capture; (2) DB06 in Data Guard Logical Standby; (3) DB10 in Locale; (4) DB12 in Materialized Views; (5) DB13 in Objects Extension; (6) DB15 in Oracle Label Security; (7) DB27 in Security, possibly due to a buffer overflow in sys.pbsde.init; and (8) DB28 and (9) DB29 in Workspace Manager.

  Revelación de la información

Apply associated Trend Micro DPI Rules.


  Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Number: 1000827
  Trend Micro Deep Security DPI Rule Name: 1000827 - Oracle Database Server SQL Injection In COMPRESSDATA Procedure Of SDO_GEOR_INT Package

  Software y versión afectados

  • Oracle Oracle9i Database Server Release 1