Fake Utility Bill Disguises Malware to Infect Users
Publish date: 07 de septiembre de 2017

A number of users may receive a fake utility bill email that contains malware. The email is in Japanese and contains an .xls attachment that is supposed to be filled up by the recipient. However, once the file is executed, the user's machine gets infected. The malware is detected as HEUR_VBA.O2.
The email addresses the recipient in good nature initially, then proceeds to tell the user to confirm the invoice by entering information in the attachment.
Users should take extra precautions against unsolicited emails and not click links or open attachments therein. Security solutions with anti-spam and anti-malware capabilities provide an effective defense against such threat.
Fecha/hora de bloqueo del spam: 07 de septiembre de 2017 GMT-8
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- Patrón TMASE: 3312