Análisis realizado por Neil Pondo

More Apple-related spam comes in the form of another wave, this time offering the recipient a chance to procure a new iPhone 4s at absolutely no charge. This short message is followed by what appears to be a shortened URL. Should the user go on to access the link, they will be redirected to a malicious website instead of the advertised offer.

Users should take note of the body of the message itself and how it is written, compared to similar attacks. Its brevity and shortened URL may throw off users into thinking that it is a legitimate email instead of a malicious one, what with Steve Jobs' recent passing. As always, users should take care in opening messages from unknown senders, and refrain from clicking suspicious links.

 Fecha/hora de bloqueo del spam: 09 de octubre de 2011 GMT-8
  • Motor TMASE:6.8
  • Patrón TMASE: 8440