TrojanDownloader:PowerShell/Elshutilo.A [non_writable_container] (MIRCOSOFT); Trojan-Downloader.PowerShell.Elshutilo (IKARUS)
Tipo de malware
In the Wild:
Resumen y descripción
It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
Se aprovecha de las vulnerabilidades de software para propagarse por las redes.
Detalles técnicos
Detalles de entrada
It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
Infiltra los archivos siguientes:
- {Removable Drive}:\Dblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Eblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Fblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Gblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Hblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Iblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Jblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Kblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\blue3.bin
- {Removable Drive}:\Dblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Eblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Fblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Gblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Hblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Iblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Jblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Kblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\blue6.bin
- {Removable Drive}:\UTFsync\inf_data
- %User Temp%\{7 random uppercase characters}.tmp -deleted afterwards
- %User Temp%\{8 random characters}.out -deleted afterwards
- %User Temp%\{8 random characters}.cmdline -deleted afterwards
- %User Temp%\{8 random characters}.err -deleted afterwards
- %User Temp%\{8 random characters}.pdb -deleted afterwards
- %User Temp%\{8 random characters}.0.cs -deleted afterwards
- %User Temp%\{8 random characters}.tmp -deleted afterwards
- %User Temp%\{8 random characters}.dll -deleted afterwards
(Nota: %User Temp% es la carpeta Temp del usuario activo, que en el caso de Windows 2000(32-bit), XP y Server 2003(32-bit) suele estar en C:\Documents and Settings\{nombre de usuario}\Local Settings\Temp y en el case de Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) y 10(64-bit) en C:\Users\{nombre de usuario}\AppData\Local\Temp).
)Agrega los procesos siguientes:
- "%System%\NETSTAT.EXE" -anop TCP
- "%System%\ipconfig.exe" /all
- "%System%\ipconfig.exe" /displaydns
- "%System%\NETSTAT.EXE" -ano
(Nota: %System% es la carpeta del sistema de Windows, que en el caso de Windows 98 y ME suele estar en C:\Windows\System, en el caso de Windows NT y 2000 en C:\WINNT\System32 y en el caso de Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, Server 2003(32-bit), Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64bit) y 10(64-bit) en C:\Windows\System32).
)Crea las carpetas siguientes:
- {Removable Drive}:\UTFsync
Se aprovecha de las vulnerabilidades de software siguientes para propagarse por las redes:
Finalización del proceso
Finaliza los servicios siguientes si los detecta en el sistema afectado:
- xWinWpdSrv
- SVSHost
- Microsoft Telemetry
- lsass
- Microsoft
- system
- Oracleupdate
- sysmgt
- \gm
- WmdnPnSN
- Sougoudl
- National
- Nationaaal
- Natimmonal
- Nationaloll
- Nationalmll
- Nationalaie
- Nationalwpi
- WinHelp32
- WinHelp64
- Samserver
- RpcEptManger
- NetMsmqActiv Media NVIDIA
- Sncryption Media Playeq
- SxS
- WinSvc
- mssecsvc2.1
- mssecsvc2.0
- Windows_Update
- Windows Managers
- SvcNlauser
- WinVaultSvc
- Xtfy
- Xtfya
- Xtfyxxx
- 360rTys
- MpeSvc
- WifiService
- wmiApSrvs
- wmiApServs
- taskmgr1
- WebServers
- ExpressVNService
- WinHelpSvcs
- aspnet_staters
- clr_optimization
- AxInstSV
- Zational
- DNS Server
- Serhiez
- SuperProServer
- .Net CLR
- WissssssnHelp32
- WinHasdadelp32
- WinHasdelp32
- ClipBooks
Finaliza procesos o servicios que contienen una de las cadenas siguientes si detecta que se ejecutan en la memoria del sistema afectado:
- SC
- WerMgr
- WerFault
- DW20
- msinfo
- xmrig
- minerd
- MinerGate
- Carbon
- yamm1
- upgeade
- auto-upgeade
- svshost
- SystemIIS
- SystemIISSec
- WindowsUpdater
- WindowsDefender
- update
- carss
- service
- csrsc
- cara
- javaupd
- gxdrv
- lsmosee
- secuams
- Calligrap
- Sqlceqp
- Setting
- Uninsta
- conhoste
- Setring
- Galligrp
- Imaging
- taskegr
- Terms.EXE
- 360
- 8866
- 9966
- 9696
- 9797
- svchosti
- SearchIndex
- Avira
- cohernece
- win
- SQLforwin
- xig
- taskmgr1
- Workstation
- ress
- explores
Rutina de infiltración
Se aprovecha de las siguientes vulnerabilidades de software para crear archivos maliciosos:
Robo de información
Recopila los siguientes datos:
- User Credentials
- OS Version
- User Name
- Domain Name
Otros detalles
Hace lo siguiente:
- It deletes the following scheduled tasks:
- AdobeFlashPlayer
- Bluetooths
- Credentials
- Ddrivers
- DNS2
- DnsCore
- DnsCore
- DnsScan
- ECDnsCore
- Flash
- FlashPlayer1
- FlashPlayer2
- FlashPlayer3
- gm
- GooglePingConfigs
- HispDemorn
- HomeGroupProvider
- LimeRAT-Admin
- Microsoft Telemetry
- Miscfost
- MiscfostNsi
- my1
- Mysa
- Mysa1
- Mysa2
- Mysa3
- Netframework
- ngm
- ok
- Oracle Java
- Oracle Java Update
- Oracle Products Reporter
- RavTask
- skycmd
- Sorry
- Spooler SubSystem Service
- System Log Security Check
- TablteInputout
- Update
- Update service for Windows Service
- Update service for products
- Update_windows
- Update1
- Update2
- Update3
- Update4
- WebServers
- werclpsyport
- Windows_Update
- WindowsLogTasks
- WindowsUpdate1
- WindowsUpdate2
- WindowsUpdate3
- WwANsvc
- It terminates the processes that contain the following strings in its command line:
- pool.monero.hashvault.pro
- blazepool
- blockmasters
- blockmasterscoins
- bohemianpool
- cryptmonero
- cryptonight
- crypto-pool
- --donate-level
- dwarfpool
- hashrefinery
- hashvault.pro
- iwanttoearn.money
- --max-cpu-usage
- mine.bz
- minercircle.com
- minergate
- miners.pro
- minexmr
- mineXMR
- miningpoolhubcoins
- mixpools.org
- mixpools.org
- monero
- monero.lindon-pool.win
- moriaxmr.com
- mypool.online
- nanopool.org
- nicehash
- -p x
- pool.electroneum.hashvault.pro
- pool.xmr
- poolto.be
- prohash
- prohash.net
- ratchetmining.com
- slushpool
- stratum+
- suprnova.cc
- teracycle.net
- usxmrpool
- viaxmr.com
- xmrpool
- yiimp
- zergpool
- zergpoolcoins
- zpool
- It is capable of propagating in the local network via the following means:
- SMB Exploit (MS17-010)
- MSSQL Brute forcing
- Dumping Windows Domain Credentials using any of the following techniques/tools:
- Mimikatz
- Pass-The-Hash
- Capable of performing Brute Force Attack. It uses the following credentials:
- Username:
- Administrator
- admin
- Password:
- !@#$%^&*
- 000000
- 1
- 1111
- 111111
- 111111111
- 112233
- 11223344
- 12
- 121212
- 123
- 123!@#qwe
- 123.com
- 123@abc
- 123123
- 123123123
- 123321
- 1234
- 12345
- 123456
- 1234567
- 12345678
- 123456789
- 1234567890
- 123456789a
- 123456a
- 123qwe
- 123qwe!@#
- 1q2w3e4r
- 1q2w3e4r5t
- 1qaz!QAZ
- 1qaz@WSX
- 1qaz2wsx
- 21
- 222222
- 321
- 5201314
- 555555
- 654321
- 666666
- 888888
- 88888888
- 987654321
- 999999
- a123456
- A123456
- a123456789
- Aa123456
- aa123456
- Aa123456.
- Aa12345678
- aaaaaa
- Ab123
- abc
- abc@123
- Abc123
- abc123
- ABCabc123
- abcd@1234
- abcd1234
- abcdefg
- admin
- admin@123
- Admin@123
- Admin123
- admin888
- Administrator
- administrator
- asdf
- baseball
- charlie
- dragon
- dubsmash
- football
- fuckyou
- g_czechout
- golden
- hello
- homelesspa
- Huawei@123
- iloveyou
- login
- love
- master
- monkey
- p@ssw0rd
- P@ssw0rd
- p@ssword
- P@ssword
- P@w0rd
- pass
- Passw0rd
- passw0rd
- password
- password1
- princess
- qazwsx
- qwe123
- qwe1234
- qwe1234A
- qwe1234a
- qwer12345
- qwerty
- qwertyuiop
- sa
- sa123
- sa2008
- saadmin
- sapassword
- sasa
- sql2005
- sql2008
- sqlpassword
- sunshine
- superman
- test1
- welcome
- zinch
- zxcvbn
- NTLM hashes:
- 648AFF3A042261BAB4978076DE2C6B8C
- 32ED87BDB5FDC5E9CBA88547376818D4
- AACD12D27C87CAC8FC0B8538AED6F058
- C1790553DBB8362FA7F16D564585B4D1
- B9ACFD3C52ED0D6988BED8EB9AC636D6
- E5810F3C99AE2ABB2232ED8458A61309
- 0E032B9D51A580AC6CDFABAD8BC97A38
- 6AA8BC1D5018300D54E51C9860FA961C
- 8846F7EAEE8FB117AD06BDD830B7586C
- 7B592E4F8178B4C75788531B2E747687
- AFFFEBA176210FAD4628F0524BFE1942
- 579DA618CFBFA85247ACF1F800A280A4
- 47BF8039A8506CD67C524A03FF84BA4E
- 5AE7B89B3AFEA28D448ED31B5C704289
- 3F9F5F112DA330AC4C20BE279C6ADDFA
- 73F5D97549F033374FA6D9F9CE247FFD
- 6F12C0AB327E099821BD938F39FAAB0D
- E5AE562DDFAA6B446C32764AB1EBF3ED
- 161CFF084477FE596A5DB81874498A24
- D30C2EF8389AC9E8516BAACB29463B7B
- BC007082D32777855E253FD4DEFE70EE
- E45A314C664D40A227F9540121D1A29D
- D144986C6122B1B1654BA39932465528
- F4BB18C1165A89248F9E853B269A8995
- 570A9A65DB8FBA761C1008A51D4C95AB
- E1A692BD23BDE99B327756E59308B4F8
- A87F3A337D73085C45F9416BE5787D86
- 00AFFD88FA323B00D4560BF9FEF0EC2F
- 674E48B68C5CD0EFD8F7E5FAA87B3D1E
- 69943C5E63B4D2C104DBBCC15138B72B
- 588FEB889288FB953B5F094D47D1565C
- BCDF115FD9BA99336C31E176EE34B304
- 3DBDE697D71690A769204BEB12283678
- DF54DE3F3438343202C1DD523D0265BE
- 7CE21F17C0AEE7FB9CEBA532D0546AD6
- 7A21990FCD3D759941E45C490F143D5F
- 579110C49145015C47ECD267657D3174
- AF27EFB60C7B238910EFE2A7E0676A39
- 2D7F1A5A61D3A96FB5159B5EEF17ADC6
- 4057B60B514C5402DDE3D29A1845C366
- E8CD0E4A9E89EAB931DC5338FCBEC54A
- 6920C58D0DF184D829189C44FAFB7ECE
- 3FA45A060BD2693AE4C05B601D05CA0C
- BA07BA35933E5BF42DEA4AF8ADD09D1E
- F1351AC828428D74F6DA2968089FC91F
- E84D037613721532E6B6D84D215854B6
- 2F2D544C53B3031F24D63402EA7FB4F9
- 328727B81CA05805A68EF26ACB252039
- 259745CB123A52AA2E693AAACCA2DB52
- C22B315C040AE6E0EFEE3518D830362B
- 162E829BE112225FEDF856E38E1C65FE
- 209C6174DA490CAEB422F3FA5A7AE634
- F9E37E83B83C47A93C2F09F66408631B
- B3EC3E03E2A202CBD54FD104B8504FEF
- 4ED91524CB54EAACC17A185646FB7491
- AA647B916A1FAD374DF9C30711D58A7A
- A80C9CC3F8439ADA25AF064A874EFE2D
- 13B29964CC2480B4EF454C59562E675C
- DE26CCE0356891A4A020E7C4957AFC72
- E19CCF75EE54E06B06A5907AF13CEF42
- 30FCAA8AD9A496B3E17F7FBFACC72993
- 41630ABB825CA50DA31CE1FAC1E9F54D
- F56A8399599F1BE040128B1DD9623C29
- 2E4DBF83AA056289935DAEA328977B20
- B963C57010F218EDC2CC3C229B5E4D0F
- F2477A144DFF4F216AB81F2AC3E3207D
- E6BD4CDB1E447131B60418F31D0B81D6
- B9F917853E3DBF6E6831ECCE60725930
- 6D3986E540A63647454A50E26477EF94
- 066DDFD4EF0E9CD7C256FE77191EF43C
- 5835048CE94AD0564E29A924A03510EF
- 2D20D252A479F485CDF5E171D93985BF
- 320A78179516C385E35A93FFA0B1C4AC
- 0D757AD173D2FC249CE19364FD64C8EC
- 72F5CFA80F07819CCBCFB72FEB9EB9B7
- F67F5E3F66EFD7298BE6ACD32EEEB27C
- 1C4ECC8938FB93812779077127E97662
- AD70819C5BC807280974D80F45982011
- A836EF24F0A529688BE2AF1479A95411
- ACB98FD0478427CD18949050C5E87B47
- 85DEEEC2D12F917783B689AE94990716
- A4141712F19E9DD5ADF16919BB38A95C
- E7380AE8EF85AE55BDCEAA59E418BD06
- 81E5F1ADC94DD08B1A072F9C1AE3DD3F
- 71C5391067DE41FAD6F3063162E5EEFF
Step 1
Los usuarios de Windows ME y XP, antes de llevar a cabo cualquier exploración, deben comprobar que tienen desactivada la opción Restaurar sistema para permitir la exploración completa del equipo.
Step 2
Note that not all files, folders, and registry keys and entries are installed on your computer during this malware's/spyware's/grayware's execution. This may be due to incomplete installation or other operating system conditions. If you do not find the same files/folders/registry information, please proceed to the next step.
Step 3
Reiniciar en modo seguro
Step 4
Buscar y eliminar estos archivos
- {Removable Drive}:\Dblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Eblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Fblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Gblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Hblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Iblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Jblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Kblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\blue3.bin
- {Removable Drive}:\Dblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Eblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Fblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Gblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Hblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Iblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Jblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Kblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\blue6.bin
- {Removable Drive}:\UTFsync\inf_data
- {Removable Drive}:\UTFsync
- {Removable Drive}:\Dblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Eblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Fblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Gblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Hblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Iblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Jblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Kblue3.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\blue3.bin
- {Removable Drive}:\Dblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Eblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Fblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Gblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Hblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Iblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Jblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\Kblue6.lnk
- {Removable Drive}:\blue6.bin
- {Removable Drive}:\UTFsync\inf_data
- {Removable Drive}:\UTFsync
Step 5
Reinicie en modo normal y explore el equipo con su producto de Trend Micro para buscar los archivos identificados como Worm.PS1.LEMONDUCK.YAAA-A En caso de que el producto de Trend Micro ya haya limpiado, eliminado o puesto en cuarentena los archivos detectados, no serán necesarios más pasos. Puede optar simplemente por eliminar los archivos en cuarentena. Consulte esta página de Base de conocimientos para obtener más información.
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