Análisis realizado por : Carlos Villegas Madrid   


TrojanDownloader:MSIL/AgentTesla.ABBD!MTB (MICROSOFT)



 Riesgo general:
 Potencial de destrucción:
 Potencial de distribución:
 Infección divulgada:
 Revelación de la información:

  • Tipo de malware

  • Destructivo?

  • Cifrado

  • In the Wild:

  Resumen y descripción

Canal de infección Descargado de Internet, Eliminado por otro tipo de malware

It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.

  Detalles técnicos

Tamaño del archivo 2,206,720 bytes
Tipo de archivo EXE
Residente en memoria
Fecha de recepción de las muestras iniciales 01 Sep 2022
Carga útil Drops files, Terminates processes

Detalles de entrada

It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.


Infiltra y ejecuta los archivos siguientes:

  • %User Temp%\Vqstxggumqhfwkill$.bat → contains commands to delete and stop services as well as to terminate processes, deleted afterwards.

(Nota: %User Temp% es la carpeta Temp del usuario activo, que en el caso de Windows 2000(32-bit), XP y Server 2003(32-bit) suele estar en C:\Documents and Settings\{nombre de usuario}\Local Settings\Temp y en el case de Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) y 10(64-bit) en C:\Users\{nombre de usuario}\AppData\Local\Temp).


Crea las siguientes copias de sí mismo en el sistema afectado:

  • %Application Data%\Jrpnqm\Nyovdlxx.exe

(Nota: %Application Data% es la carpeta Application Data del usuario activo, que en el caso de Windows 98 y ME suele estar ubicada en C:\Windows\Profiles\{nombre de usuario}\Application Data, en el caso de Windows NT en C:\WINNT\Profiles\{nombre de usuario}\Application Data, en el caso de Windows 2000(32-bit), XP y Server 2003(32-bit) en C:\Documents and Settings\{nombre de usuario}\Local Settings\Application Data y en el caso de Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) y 10(64-bit) en C:\Users\{nombre de usuario}\AppData\Roaming.).


Agrega los procesos siguientes:

  • "%System%\WindowsPowerShe11\v1.0\powershe11. exe " -enc UwB0AGEAcgB0AC0AUwBsAGUAZQBwACAALQBTAGUAYwBvAG4AZABzACAAMgAwAA==
  • cmd /c ""%User Temp%\Vqstxggumqhfwkill$.bat""
  • reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v "AutoRun" /f
  • takeown /f %SystemRoot%\system32\{String} /a
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /g Administrators:f
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /g Users:r
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /g Administrators:r
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /d SERVICE
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /d mssqlserver
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /d network service
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /g system:r
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{system32}\{{String}} /e /d mssql$sqlexpress
      • where {String}:
        • cmd.exe
        • net.exe
        • net1.exe
        • mshta.exe
        • FTP.exe
        • wscript.exe
        • cscript.exe
        • WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
  • takeown /f %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\{{String}} /a
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /g Administrators:f
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /g Users:r
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /g Administrators:r
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d SERVICE
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d mssqlserver
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d network service
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /g system:r
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %SystemRoot%\{SysWOW64}\{String} /e /d mssql$sqlexpress
      • where {String}:
        • cmd.exe
        • net.exe
        • net1.exe
        • mshta.exe
        • FTP.exe
        • wscript.exe
        • cscript.exe
        • WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
  • takeown /f %ProgramData% /a
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %ProgramData% /g Administrators:f
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %ProgramData% /e /g Users:r
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • echo y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /g Administrators:r
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • echo y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /d SERVICE
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • echo y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /d mssqlserver
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • echo Y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /d "network service"
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • echo y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /d system
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • echo Y|cacls %ProgramData% /e /d mssql$sqlexpress
  • takeown /f %Public% /a
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %Public% /g Administrators:f
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %Public% /e /g Users:r
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %Public% /e /g Administrators:r
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %Public% /e /d SERVICE
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %Public% /e /d mssqlserver
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %Public% /e /d "network service"
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %Public% /e /d system
    • %System%\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo y"
    • cacls %Public% /e /d mssql$sqlexpress
  • vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet
  • %System%\cmd.exe /c bcdedit /set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
  • %System%\cmd.exe /c bcdedit /set {current} recoveryenabled no
  • net stop {Services Stopped}
  • sc delete {Services Deleted}
  • taskkill /IM {Process List} /F

Crea las carpetas siguientes:

  • %Application Data%\Jrpnqm

(Nota: %Application Data% es la carpeta Application Data del usuario activo, que en el caso de Windows 98 y ME suele estar ubicada en C:\Windows\Profiles\{nombre de usuario}\Application Data, en el caso de Windows NT en C:\WINNT\Profiles\{nombre de usuario}\Application Data, en el caso de Windows 2000(32-bit), XP y Server 2003(32-bit) en C:\Documents and Settings\{nombre de usuario}\Local Settings\Application Data y en el caso de Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) y 10(64-bit) en C:\Users\{nombre de usuario}\AppData\Roaming.).


Este malware inyecta códigos en el/los siguiente(s) proceso(s):

  • %Windows%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe

(Nota: %Windows% es la carpeta de Windows, que suele estar en C:\Windows o C:\WINNT).


Técnica de inicio automático

Agrega las siguientes entradas de registro para permitir su ejecución automática cada vez que se inicia el sistema:

Nyovdlxx = %Application Data%\Jrpnqm\Nyovdlxx.exe

Finalización del proceso

Finaliza los servicios siguientes si los detecta en el sistema afectado:

  • where {Services Stopped}:
    • U8WorkerService1
    • U8WorkerService2
    • memcached Server
    • Apache2.4
    • UFIDAWebService
    • MSComplianceAudit
    • MSExchangeADTopology
    • MSExchangeAntispamUpdate
    • MSExchangeCompliance
    • MSExchangeDagMgmt
    • MSExchangeDelivery
    • MSExchangeDiagnostics
    • MSExchangeEdgeSync
    • MSExchangeFastSearch
    • MSExchangeFrontEndTransport
    • MSExchangeHM
    • MSSQL$SQL2008
    • MSExchangeHMRecovery
    • MSExchangeImap4
    • MSExchangeIMAP4BE
    • MSExchangeIS
    • MSExchangeMailboxAssistants
    • MSExchangeMailboxReplication
    • MSExchangeNotificationsBroker
    • MSExchangePop3
    • MSExchangePOP3BE
    • MSExchangeRepl
    • MSExchangeRPC
    • MSExchangeServiceHost
    • MSExchangeSubmission
    • MSExchangeThrottling
    • MSExchangeTransport
    • MSExchangeTransportLogSearch
    • MSExchangeUM
    • MSExchangeUMCR
    • MySQL5_OA
    • HaoZipSvc
    • igfxCUIService2.0.0.0
    • Realtek11nSU
    • xenlite
    • XenSvc
    • Apache2.2
    • Synology Drive VSS Service x64
    • DellDRLogSvc
    • FirebirdGuardianDeafaultInstance
    • JWRinfoClientService
    • JWService
    • Service2
    • RapidRecoveryAgent
    • FirebirdServerDefaultInstance
    • AdobeARMservice
    • VeeamCatalogSvc
    • VeeanBackupSvc
    • VeeamTransportSvc
    • TPlusStdAppService1300
    • TPlusStdTaskService1300
    • TPlusStdUpgradeService1300
    • TPlusStdWebService1300
    • VeeamNFSSvc
    • VeeamDeploySvc
    • VeeamCloudSvc
    • VeeamMountSvc
    • VeeamBrokerSvc
    • VeeamDistributionSvc
    • tmlisten
    • ServiceMid
    • 360EntPGSvc
    • ClickToRunSvc
    • RavTask
    • AngelOfDeath
    • d_safe
    • NFLicenceServer
    • NetVault Process Manager
    • RavService
    • DFServ
    • IngressMgr
    • EvtSys
    • K3ClouManager
    • NFVPrintServer
    • CobianBackup10
    • GNWebService
    • Mysoft.SchedulingService
    • AgentX
    • SentinelKeysServer
    • TurboCRM70
    • NFSysService
    • U8DispatchService
    • NFOTPService
    • U8EISService
    • U8EncryptService
    • U8GCService
    • U8KeyManagePool
    • U8MPool
    • U8SCMPool
    • U8SLReportService
    • U8TaskService
    • U8WebPool
    • UFAllNet
    • UFReportService
    • UTUService
    • UIODetect
    • VMwareHostd
    • TeamViewer8
    • VMUSBArbService
    • VMAuthdService
    • wanxiao-monitor
    • WebAttendServer
    • mysqltransport
    • VMnetDHCP
    • VMware NAT Service
    • Tomcat8
    • TeamViewer
    • QPCore
    • CASLicenceServer
    • CASWebServer
    • AutoUpdateService
    • Alibaba Security Aegis Detect Service
    • Alibaba Security Aegis Update Service
    • AliyunService
    • CASXMLService
    • AGSService
    • RapService
    • DDNSService
    • iNethinkSQLBackupSvc
    • CASVirtualDiskService
    • CASMsgSrv
    • OracleOraDb10g_homeliSQL*Plus
    • OracleDBConsoleilas
    • MySQL
    • TPlusStdAppService1220
    • TPlusStdTaskService1220
    • TPlusStdUpgradeService1220
    • K3MobileServiceManage
    • FileZilla Server
    • DDVRulesProcessor
    • ImtsEventSvr
    • AutoUpdatePatchService
    • Dell Hardware Support
    • SupportAssistAgent
    • K3MMainSuspendService
    • KpService
    • ceng_web_svc_d
    • KugouService
    • pcas
    • U8SendMailAdmin
    • Bonjour Service
    • Apple Mobile Device Service
    • ABBYY.Licensing.FineReader.Professional.12.0
    • MSSQLServerADHelper100
    • SQLAgent$ISARS
    • SQLAgent$MSFW
    • SQLBrowser
    • ReportServer$ISARS
    • SQLWriter
    • WinDefend
    • mr2kserv
    • MSExchangeADTopology
    • MSExchangeFBA
    • MSExchangeIS
    • MSExchangeSA
    • ShadowProtectSvc
    • SPAdminV4
    • SPTimerV4
    • SPTraceV4
    • SPUserCodeV4
    • SPWriterV4
    • SPSearch4
    • MSSQLServerADHelper100
    • firebirdguardiandefaultinstance
    • ibmiasrw
    • QBCFMonitorService
    • QBVSS
    • QBPOSDBServiceV12
    • IBM Domino Server (CProgramFilesIBMDominodata)
    • IBM Domino Diagnostics (CProgramFilesIBMDomino)
    • Simply Accounting Database Connection Manager
    • QuickBooksDB1
    • QuickBooksDB2
    • QuickBooksDB3
    • QuickBooksDB4
    • QuickBooksDB5

Finaliza los procesos siguientes si detecta que se ejecutan en la memoria del sistema afectado:

  • where {Process List}:
    • sqlservr.exe
    • httpd.exe
    • java.exe
    • fdhost.exe
    • fdlauncher.exe
    • reportingservicesservice.exe
    • softmgrlit.e.exe
    • sqlbrowser.exe
    • ssms.exe
    • vmtoolsd.exe
    • baidunetdisk.exe
    • yundetectservice.exe
    • ssclient.exe
    • GNAupdaemon.exe
    • RAVCp164.exe
    • igfxEM.exe
    • igfxHK.exe
    • igfxTray.exe
    • 360bdoctor.exe
    • GNCEFExternal.exe
    • PrivacyIconClient.exe
    • UIODetect.exe
    • AutoDealService.exe
    • IDDAService.exe
    • EnergyDataService.exe
    • MPService.exe
    • TransMain.exe
    • DAService.exe
    • GoogleCrashHandler.exe
    • GoogleCrashHandler64.exe
    • GoogleUpdate.exe
    • cohernece.exe
    • vmware-tray.exe
    • MsDtsSrvr.exe
    • msmdsrv.exe
    • FileZillaserver.exe
    • UpdateData.exe
    • WebApi.Host.exe
    • VGAuthService.exe
    • omtsreco.exe
    • TNSLSNR.exe
    • oracle.exe
    • msdtc.exe
    • mmc.exe
    • emagent.exe
    • Admin.exe
    • EnterprisePortal.exe
    • tomcat7.exe
    • Kingdee.K3.CRM.MMC.MMCService.exe
    • Kingdee.k3.Weixin.ClientService.exe
    • Kingdee.K3.PUBLIC.BkgSvcHost.exe
    • Kingdee.K3.HR.Server.exe
    • Kingdee.K3.PUBLIC.KDSvrMgrHost.exe
    • tomcat5.exe
    • Kingdee.DeskTool.exe
    • UserClient.exe
    • mysqld.exe
    • ImtsEventSvr.exe
    • mysqld-nt.exe
    • 360EnterpriseDiskUI.exe
    • tomcat8.exe
    • QQprotect.exe
    • isqlplussvc.exe
    • nmesrvc.exe
    • jusched.exe
    • MtxHotPlugService.exe
    • jucheck.exe
    • wordpad.exe
    • SecureCRT.exe
    • chrome.exe
    • Thunder.exe
    • ThunderPlatform.exe
    • iexplore.exe
    • vm-agent.exe
    • vm-agent-daemon.exe
    • eSightService.exe
    • cygrunsrv.exe
    • wrapper.exe
    • nginx.exe
    • node.exe
    • sshd.exe
    • vm-tray.exe
    • iempwatchdog.exe
    • php.exe
    • notepad++.exe
    • phpStudy.exe
    • OPCClient.exe
    • navicat.exe
    • SupportAssistAgent.exe
    • SunloginClient.exe
    • SOUNDMAN.exe
    • WeChat.exe
    • TXPlatform.exe
    • Tencentdll.exe
    • jenkins.exe
    • QQ.exe
    • HaoZip.exe
    • HaoZipScan.exe
    • TSVNCache.exe
    • RAVCpl64.exe
    • secbizsrv.exe
    • aliwssv.exe
    • Helper_Haozip.exe
    • acrotray.exe
    • FileZillaServerInterface.exe
    • YoudaoNote.exe
    • YNoteCefRender.exe
    • idea.exe
    • fsnotifier.exe
    • picpick.exe
    • lantern.exe
    • sysproxy-cmd.exe
    • service.exe
    • pcas.exe
    • PresentationFontCache.exe
    • RtWlan.exe
    • monit.or.exe
    • Correspond.exe
    • ChatServer.exe
    • InetMgr.exe
    • LogonServer.exe
    • GameServer.exe
    • ServUAdmin.exe
    • ServUDaemon.exe
    • update0.exe
    • server.exe
    • w3wp.exe
    • notepad.exe
    • PalmInputService.exe
    • PalmInputGuard.exe
    • UpdateServer.exe
    • UpdateGate.exe
    • DBServer.exe
    • LoginGate.exe
    • SelGate.exe
    • RunGate.exe
    • M2Server.exe
    • LogDataServer.exe
    • LoginSrv.exe
    • sqlceip.exe
    • mqsvc.exe
    • RefundOrder.exe
    • ClamTray.exe
    • AdobeARM.exe
    • VpxClient.exe
    • vmware-vmrc.exe
    • DSCPatchService.exe
    • scktsrvr.exe
    • ServerManager.exe
    • Dispatcher.exe
    • EFDispatcher.exe
    • ClamWin.exe
    • srvany.exe
    • JT_AG-8332.exe
    • XXTClient.exe
    • clean.exe
    • Net.Service.exe
    • plsqldev.exe
    • splwow64.exe
    • Oobe.exe
    • QQYService.exe
    • SGTool.exe
    • postgres.exe
    • AppVShNotify.exe
    • OfficeClickToRun.exe
    • EntDT.exe
    • EntPublish.exe
    • pg_ctl.exe
    • rcrelay.exe
    • SogouImeBroker.exe
    • CCenter.exe
    • ScanFrm.exe
    • d_manage.exe
    • RsTray.exe
    • wampmanager.exe
    • RavTray.exe
    • mssearch.exe
    • sqlmangr.exe
    • msftesql.exe
    • SyncBaseSvr.exe
    • SyncBaseConsole.exe
    • aspnet_state.exe
    • AutoBackUpEx.exe
    • redis-server.exe
    • MySQLNotifier.exe
    • oravssw.exe
    • fppdis5.exe
    • His6Service.exe
    • dinotify.exe
    • JhTask.exe
    • Executer.exe
    • AllPassCBHost.exe
    • ap_nginx.exe
    • AndroidServer.exe
    • XT.exe
    • XTService.exe
    • AllPassMCService.exe
    • FlashHelperService.exe
    • ap_redis-server.exe
    • UtilDev.WebServer.Monit.or.exe
    • UWS.AppHost.Clr2.x86.exe
    • Foxit.Protect.exe
    • ftnlses.exe
    • ftusbrdwks.exe
    • ftusbrdsrv.exe
    • ftnlsv.exe
    • Syslogd_Service.exe
    • UWS.HighPrivilegeUtilit.ies.exe
    • ftusbsrv.exe
    • UWS.LowPrivilegeUtilit.ies.exe
    • UWS.AppHost.Clr2.AnyCpu.exe
    • winguard_x64.exe
    • vmconnect.exe
    • firefox.exe
    • usbrdsrv.exe
    • usbserver.exe
    • Foxmail.exe
    • qemu-ga.exe
    • wwbizsrv.exe
    • ZTEFileTranS.exe
    • ZTEUsbIpc.exe
    • ZTEUsbIpcGuard.exe
    • AlibabaProtect.exe
    • kbasesrv.exe
    • ZTEVdservice.exe
    • MMRHookService.exe
    • extjob.exe
    • IpOverUsbSvc.exe
    • VMwareTray.exe
    • devenv.exe
    • PerfWatson2.exe
    • ServiceHub.Host.Node.x86.exe
    • ServiceHub.Identit.yHost.exe
    • ServiceHub.VSDetouredHost.exe
    • ServiceHub.SettingsHost.exe
    • ServiceHub.Host.CLR.x86.exe
    • ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService32.exe
    • ServiceHub.DataWarehouseHost.exe
    • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Host.exe
    • SQLEXPRWT.exe
    • setup.exe
    • remote.exe
    • setup100.exe
    • landingpage.exe
    • WINWORD.exe
    • KuaiYun.exe
    • HwsHostPanel.exe
    • NovelSpider.exe
    • Service_KMS.exe
    • WebServer.exe
    • ChsIME.exe
    • btPanel.exe
    • Protect_2345Explorer.exe
    • Pic_2345Svc.exe
    • vmware-converter-a.exe
    • vmware-converter.exe
    • vmware.exe
    • vmware-unit.y-helper.exe
    • vmware-vmx.exe
    • usysdiag.exe
    • PopBlock.exe
    • gsinterface.exe
    • Gemstar.Group.CRS.Client.exe
    • TenpayServer.exe
    • RemoteExecService.exe
    • VS_TrueCorsManager.exe
    • ntpsvr-2019-01-22-wgs84.exe
    • rtkjob-ion.exe
    • ntpsvr-2019-01-22-no-usrcheck.exe
    • NtripCaster-2019-01-08.exe
    • BACSTray.exe
    • protect.exe
    • hfs.exe
    • jzmis.exe
    • NewFileTime_x64.exe
    • 2345MiniPage.exe
    • JMJ_server.exe
    • cacls.exe
    • gpsdaemon.exe
    • gpsusersvr.exe
    • gpsdownsvr.exe
    • gpsstoragesvr.exe
    • gpsdataprocsvr.exe
    • gpsftpd.exe
    • gpsmysqld.exe
    • gpstomcat6.exe
    • gpsloginsvr.exe
    • gpsmediasvr.exe
    • gpsgatewaysvr.exe
    • gpssvrctrl.exe
    • zabbix_agentd.exe
    • BackupExec.exe
    • Att.exe
    • mdm.exe
    • BackupExecManagementService.exe
    • bengine.exe
    • benetns.exe
    • beserver.exe
    • pvlsvr.exe
    • bedbg.exe
    • beremote.exe
    • RemoteAssistProcess.exe
    • BarMoniService.exe
    • GoodGameSrv.exe
    • BarCMService.exe
    • TsService.exe
    • GoodGame.exe
    • BarServerView.exe
    • IcafeServicesTray.exe
    • BsAgent_0.exe
    • ControlServer.exe
    • DisklessServer.exe
    • DumpServer.exe
    • NetDiskServer.exe
    • PersonUDisk.exe
    • service_agent.exe
    • SoftMemory.exe
    • BarServer.exe
    • RtkNGUI64.exe
    • Serv-U-Tray.exe
    • QQPCSoftTrayTips.exe
    • SohuNews.exe
    • Serv-U.exe
    • QQPCRTP.exe
    • EasyFZS.exe
    • HaoYiShi.exe
    • HysMySQL.exe
    • wtautoreg.exe
    • ispirit.Pro.exe
    • CAService.exe
    • XAssistant.exe
    • TrustCA.exe
    • GEUU20003.exe
    • CertMgr.exe
    • eSafe_monit.or.exe
    • MainExecute.exe
    • FastInvoice.exe
    • sesvc.exe
    • ScanFileServer.exe
    • Nuoadehgcgcd.exe
    • OpenFastAssist.exe
    • FastInvoiceAssist.exe
    • Nuoadfaggcje.exe
    • OfficeUpdate.exe
    • atkexComSvc.exe
    • FileTransferAgent.exe
    • MasterReplicatorAgent.exe
    • CrmAsyncService.exe
    • CrmUnzipService.exe
    • NscAuthService.exe
    • ReplicaReplicatorAgent.exe
    • ASMCUSvc.exe
    • OcsAppServerHost.exe
    • RtcCdr.exe
    • IMMCUSvc.exe
    • DataMCUSvc.exe
    • MeetingMCUSvc.exe
    • QmsSvc.exe
    • RTCSrv.exe
    • pnopagw.exe
    • NscAuth.exe
    • Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.WebServices.exe
    • DistributedCacheService.exe
    • c2wtshost.exe
    • Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Calculation.exe
    • schedengine.exe
    • Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Eventing.exe
    • Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Queuing.exe
    • hostcontrollerservice.exe
    • noderunner.exe
    • wsstracing.exe
    • MySQLInstallerConsole.exe
    • consent.exe
    • RtkAudioService64.exe
    • RAVBg64.exe
    • FNPLicensingService64.exe
    • VisualSVNServer.exe
    • MotionBoard57.exe
    • MotionBoardRCService57.exe
    • LPManService.exe
    • RaRegistry.exe
    • RaAutoInstSrv.exe
    • RtHDVCpl.exe
    • DefenderDaemon.exe
    • BestSyncApp.exe
    • ApUI.exe
    • AutoUpdate.exe
    • LPManNotifier.exe
    • FieldAnalyst.exe
    • TimingGenerate.exe
    • Detector.exe
    • Estimator.exe
    • TrackingSrv.exe
    • cbInterface.exe
    • ccbService.exe
    • U8DispatchService.exe
    • dbsrv16.exe
    • KICManager.exe
    • KICMain.exe
    • ServerManagerLauncher.exe
    • TbossGate.exe
    • iusb3mon.exe
    • MgrEnvSvc.exe
    • Mysoft.Config.WindowsService.exe
    • Mysoft.UpgradeService.UpdateService.exe
    • hasplms.exe
    • Mysoft.Setup.InstallService.exe
    • Mysoft.UpgradeService.Dispatcher.exe
    • Mysoft.DataCenterService.WindowsHost.exe
    • Mysoft.DataCenterService.DataCleaning.exe
    • Mysoft.DataCenterService.DataTracking.exe
    • Mysoft.SchedulingService.WindowsHost.exe
    • ServiceMonit.or.exe
    • Mysoft.SchedulingService.ExecuteEngine.exe
    • AgentX.exe
    • host.exe
    • vsjit.debugger.exe
    • VBoxSDS.exe
    • TeamViewer_Service.exe
    • TeamViewer.exe
    • CasLicenceServer.exe
    • tv_w32.exe
    • tv_x64.exe
    • rdm.exe
    • SecureCRTPortable.exe
    • VirtualBox.exe
    • VBoxSVC.exe
    • VirtualBoxVM.exe
    • abs_deployer.exe
    • edr_monit.or.exe
    • sfupdatemgr.exe
    • ipc_proxy.exe
    • edr_agent.exe
    • edr_sec_plan.exe
    • sfavsvc.exe
    • DataShareBox.ShareBoxMonit.orService.exe
    • DataShareBox.ShareBoxService.exe
    • Jointsky.CloudExchangeService.exe
    • Jointsky.CloudExchange.NodeService.ein
    • perl.exe
    • TsServer.exe
    • AppMain.exe
    • easservice.exe
    • Kingdee6.1.exe
    • QyKernel.exe
    • QyFragment.exe
    • ComputerZTray.exe
    • ComputerZService.exe
    • ClearCache.exe
    • ProLiantMonit.or.exe
    • bugreport.exe
    • GNWebServer.exe
    • UI0Detect.exe
    • GNCore.exe
    • gnwayDDNS.exe
    • GNWebHelper.exe
    • php-cgi.exe
    • ESLUSBService.exe
    • CQA.exe
    • Kekcoek.pif
    • Tinuknx.exe
    • servers.exe
    • ping.exe
    • TianHeng.exe
    • K3MobileService.exe
    • VSSVC.exe
    • Xshell.exe
    • XshellCore.exe
    • FNPLicensingService.exe
    • XYNTService.exe
    • EISService.exe
    • UFSoft.U8.Framework.EncryptManager.exe
    • yonyou.u8.gc.taskmanager.servicebus.exe
    • U8KeyManagePool.exe
    • U8MPool.exe
    • U8SCMPool.exe
    • UFIDA.U8.Report.SLReportService.exe
    • U8TaskService.exe
    • U8TaskWorker.exe
    • U8WebPool.exe
    • U8AllAuthServer.exe
    • UFIDA.U8.UAP.ReportService.exe
    • UFIDA.U8.ECE.UTU.Services.exe
    • U8WorkerService.exe
    • UFIDA.U8.ECE.UTU.exe
    • ShellStub.exe
    • U8UpLoadTask.exe
    • UfSysHostingService.exe
    • UFIDA.UBF.SystemManage.ApplicationService.exe
    • UFIDA.U9.CS.Collaboration.MailService.exe
    • NotificationService.exe
    • UBFdevenv.exe
    • UFIDA.U9.SystemManage.SystemManagerClient.exe
    • mongod.exe
    • SpusCss.exe
    • UUDesktop.exe
    • KDHRServices.exe
    • Kingdee.K3.Mobile.Servics.exe
    • KDSvrMgrService.exe
    • pdfServer.exe
    • pdfspeedup.exe
    • SufAppServer.exe
    • Kingdee.K3.Mobile.LightPushService.exe
    • iMTSSvcMgr.exe
    • kdmain.exe
    • KDActMGr.exe
    • K3ServiceUpdater.exe
    • Aua.exe
    • iNethinkSQLBackup.exe
    • auaJW.exe
    • Scheduler.exe
    • bschJW.exe
    • SystemTray64.exe
    • OfficeDaemon.exe
    • OfficeIndex.exe
    • OfficeIm.exe
    • iNethinkSQLBackupConsole.exe
    • OfficeMail.exe
    • OfficeTask.exe
    • OfficePOP3.exe
    • apache.exe
    • PccNTMon.exe
    • NTRtScan.exe
    • TmListen.exe
    • TmCCSF.exe
    • TmProxy.exe
    • TMBMSRV.exe
    • TmPfw.exe
    • CNTAoSMgr.exe
    • sqlwriter.exe
    • UniFi.exe
    • GnHostService.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • HwUVPUpgrade.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • Kingdee.KIS.UESystemSer.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • uvpmonit.or.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • UVPUpgradeService.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • KDdataUpdate.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • Portal.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • U8SMSSrv.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • Ufida.T.SM.PublishService.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • lta8.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • UfSvrMgr.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • AutoUpdateService.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    • MOM.exe → Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.

Robo de información

Acepta los siguientes parámetros:

  • -l
  • -d
  • -p
  • -path {path to encrypt} → encrypts specific path inputted on the command-line.

Otros detalles

Cifra los archivos con las extensiones siguientes:

  • .bak
  • .zip
  • .rar
  • .7z
  • .gz
  • .sql
  • .mdf
  • .hdd
  • .vhd
  • .vdi
  • .vmx
  • .vmdk
  • .nvram
  • .vmem
  • .vmsn
  • .vmsd
  • .vmss
  • .lck
  • .vhdx
  • .dbf
  • .ora
  • .oraenv
  • .dmp
  • .ibd
  • .mdb

Hace lo siguiente:

  • It encrypts files from local drives, removable drives, and network shares
  • It deletes the following services:
    • where {Services Deleted}:
      • XT800Service_Personal
      • SQLWriter
      • SQLBrowser
      • MSSQLFDLauncher
      • QcSoftService
      • MSSQLServerOLAPService
      • VMTools
      • VGAuthService
      • MSDTC
      • TeamViewer
      • ReportServer
      • RabbitMQ
      • Sense Shield Service
      • SSMonitorService
      • SSSyncService
      • TPlusStdAppService1300
      • MSSQL$SQL2008
      • SQLAgent$SQL2008
      • TPlusStdTaskService1300
      • TPlusStdUpgradeService1300
      • VirboxWebServer
      • jhi_service
      • LMS
      • FontCache3.0.0.0
      • OSP Service
      • DAService_TCP
      • eCard-TTransServer
      • eCardMPService
      • EnergyDataService
      • UI0Detect
      • K3MobileService
      • TCPIDDAService
      • WebAttendServer
      • UIODetect
      • wanxiao-monitor
      • VMAuthdService
      • VMUSBArbService
      • VMwareHostd
      • vm-agent
      • VmAgentDaemon
      • OpenSSHd
      • eSightService
      • apachezt
      • Jenkins
      • secbizsrv
      • MSMQ
      • smtpsvrJT
      • zyb_sync
      • 360EntHttpServer
      • 360EntSvc
      • 360EntClientSvc
      • NFWebServer
      • wampapache
      • MSSEARCH
      • msftesql
      • SyncBASE Service
      • OracleDBConcoleorcl
      • OracleJobSchedulerORCL
      • OracleMTSRecoveryService
      • OracleOraDb11g_home1ClrAgent
      • OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener
      • OracleVssWriterORCL
      • OracleServiceORCL
      • aspnet_stateRedis
      • JhTask
      • ImeDictUpdateService
      • MCService
      • allpass_redisservice_port21160
      • Flash Helper Service
      • Kiwi Syslog Server
      • UWS HiPriv Services
      • UWS LoPriv Services
      • ftnlsv3
      • ftnlses3
      • FxService
      • UtilDev Web Server Pro
      • ftusbrdwks
      • ftusbrdsrv
      • ZTE USBIP Client Guard
      • ZTE USBIP Client
      • ZTE FileTranS
      • wwbizsrv
      • qemu-ga
      • AlibabaProtect
      • ZTEVdservice
      • kbasesrv
      • MMRHookService
      • IpOverUsbSvc
      • MsDtsServer100
      • KuaiYunTools
      • KMSELDI
      • btPanel
      • Protect_2345Explorer
      • 2345PicSvc
      • vmware-converter-agent
      • vmware-converter-server
      • vmware-converter-worker
      • QQCertificateService
      • OracleRemExecService
      • GPSDaemon
      • GPSUserSvr
      • GPSDownSvr
      • GPSStorageSvr
      • GPSDataProcSvr
      • GPSGatewaySvr
      • GPSMediaSvr
      • GPSLoginSvr
      • GPSTomcat6
      • GPSMysqld
      • GPSFtpd
      • Zabbix Agent
      • BackupExecAgentAccelerator
      • bedbg
      • BackupExecDeviceMediaService
      • BackupExecRPCService
      • BackupExecAgentBrowser
      • BackupExecJobEngine
      • BackupExecManagementService
      • MDM
      • TxQBService
      • Gailun_Downloader
      • RemoteAssistService
      • YunService
      • Serv-U
      • EasyFZS Server
      • Rpc Monitor
      • OpenFastAssist
      • Nuo Update Monitor
      • Daemon Service
      • asComSvc
      • OfficeUpdateService
      • RtcSrv
      • RTCASMCU
      • FTA
      • MASTER
      • NscAuthService
      • MSCRMUnzipService
      • MSCRMAsyncService$maintenance
      • MSCRMAsyncService
      • REPLICA
      • RTCATS
      • RTCAVMCU
      • RtcQms
      • RTCIMMCU
      • RTCCDR
      • ProjectEventService16
      • ProjectQueueService16
      • SPAdminV4
      • SPSearchHostController
      • SPTimerV4
      • SPTraceV4
      • OSearch16
      • ProjectCalcService16
      • c2wts
      • AppFabricCachingService
      • ADWS
      • MotionBoard57
      • MotionBoardRCService57
      • vsvnjobsvc
      • VisualSVNServer
      • FlexNet Licensing Service 64
      • BestSyncSvc
      • LPManager
      • MediatekRegistryWriter
      • RaAutoInstSrv_RT2870
      • CobianBackup10
      • SQLANYs_sem5
      • CASLicenceServer
      • SQLService
      • semwebsrv
      • TbossSystem
      • ErpEnvSvc
      • Mysoft.Autoupgrade.DispatchService
      • Mysoft.Autoupgrade.UpdateService
      • Mysoft.Config.WindowsService
      • Mysoft.DataCenterService
      • Mysoft.SchedulingService
      • Mysoft.Setup.InstallService
      • MysoftUpdate
      • edr_monitor
      • abs_deployer
      • savsvc
      • ShareBoxMonitorService
      • ShareBoxService
      • CloudExchangeService
      • U8WorkerService2
      • CIS
      • EASService
      • KICkSvr
      • OSP Service
      • U8SmsSrv
      • OfficeClearCache
      • TurboCRM70
      • U8DispatchService
      • U8EISService
      • U8EncryptService
      • U8GCService
      • U8KeyManagePool
      • U8MPool
      • U8SCMPool
      • U8SLReportService
      • U8TaskService
      • U8WebPool
      • UFAllNet
      • UFReportService
      • UTUService
      • U8WorkerService1
      • vmickvpexchange
      • vmicguestinterface
      • vmicshutdown
      • vmicheartbeat
      • vmicrdv
      • storflt
      • vmictimesync
      • vmicvss
      • hvdsvc
      • nvspwmi
      • wmms
      • AvgAdminServer
      • AVG Antivirus
      • avgAdminClient
      • SAVService
      • SAVAdminService
      • Sophos AutoUpdate Service
      • Sophos Clean Service
      • Sophos Device Control Service
      • Sophos Endpoint Defense Service
      • Sophos File Scanner Service
      • Sophos Health Service
      • Sophos MCS Agent
      • Sophos MCS Client
      • SntpService
      • swc_service
      • swi_service
      • Sophos UI
      • swi_update
      • Sophos Web Control Service
      • Sophos System Protection Service
      • Sophos Safestore Service
      • hmpalertsvc
      • RpcEptMapper
      • SophosFIM
      • swi_filter
      • FirebirdGuardianDefaultInstance
      • FirebirdServerDefaultInstance
      • MSSQLFDLauncher
      • SQLBrowser
      • MsDtsServer130
      • SQLWriter
      • MSSQL$VEEAMSQL2012
      • SQLAgent$VEEAMSQL2012
      • MSSQL
      • SQLAgent
      • MSSQLServerADHelper100
      • MSSQLServerOLAPService
      • MsDtsServer100
      • ReportServer
      • TMBMServer
      • SQLAgent$PROGID
      • MSSQLFDLauncher$OPTIMA
      • SQLAgent$OPTIMA
      • ReportServer$OPTIMA
      • msftesql$SQLEXPRESS
      • postgresql-x64-9.4
      • WRSVC
      • ekrn
      • ekrnEpsw
      • klim6
      • AVP18.0.0
      • KLIF
      • klpd
      • klflt
      • klbackupdisk
      • klbackupflt
      • klkbdflt
      • klmouflt
      • klhk
      • KSDE1.0.0
      • kltap
      • ScSecSvc
      • Core Mail Protection
      • Core Scanning Server
      • Core Scanning ServerEx
      • Online Protection System
      • RepairService
      • Core Browsing Protection
      • Quick Update Service
      • McAfeeFramework
      • macmnsvc
      • masvc
      • mfemms
      • mfevtp
      • TmFilter
      • TMLWCSService
      • tmusa
      • TmPreFilter
      • TMSmartRelayService
      • TMiCRCScanService
      • VSApiNt
      • TmCCSF
      • tmlisten
      • TmProxy
      • ntrtscan
      • ofcservice
      • TmPfw
      • PccNTUpd
      • PandaAetherAgent
      • PSUAService
      • NanoServiceMain
      • EPIntegrationService
      • EPProtectedService
      • EPRedline
      • EPSecurityService
      • EPUpdateService
      • UniFi


Motor de exploración mínimo 9.800
Primer archivo de patrones de VSAPI 17.930.04
Primera fecha de publicación de patrones de VSAPI 11 de noviembre de 2022
Versión de patrones OPR de VSAPI 17.931.00
Fecha de publicación de patrones OPR de VSAPI 12 de noviembre de 2022

Step 2

Los usuarios de Windows ME y XP, antes de llevar a cabo cualquier exploración, deben comprobar que tienen desactivada la opción Restaurar sistema para permitir la exploración completa del equipo.

Step 3

Note that not all files, folders, and registry keys and entries are installed on your computer during this malware's/spyware's/grayware's execution. This may be due to incomplete installation or other operating system conditions. If you do not find the same files/folders/registry information, please proceed to the next step.

Step 4

Reiniciar en modo seguro

[ aprenda más ]

Step 5

Eliminar este valor del Registro

[ aprenda más ]

Importante: si modifica el Registro de Windows incorrectamente, podría hacer que el sistema funcione mal de manera irreversible. Lleve a cabo este paso solo si sabe cómo hacerlo o si puede contar con ayuda de su administrador del sistema. De lo contrario, lea este artículo de Microsoft antes de modificar el Registro del equipo.

  • In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    • Nyovdlxx = %Application Data%\Jrpnqm\Nyovdlxx.exe

Step 6

Buscar y eliminar este archivo

[ aprenda más ]
Puede que algunos de los archivos del componente estén ocultos. Asegúrese de que tiene activada la casilla Buscar archivos y carpetas ocultos en la opción Más opciones avanzadas para que el resultado de la búsqueda incluya todos los archivos y carpetas ocultos.
    • %User Temp%\Vqstxggumqhfwkill$.bat
    • %Application Data%\Jrpnqm\Nyovdlxx.exe
    • {Drive Letter:}\RECOVERY FILES.txt
    • {Encrypted Directory:}\RECOVERY FILES.txt

Step 7

Buscar y eliminar esta carpeta

[ aprenda más ]
Asegúrese de que tiene activada la casilla Buscar archivos y carpetas ocultos en la opción Más opciones avanzadas para que el resultado de la búsqueda incluya todas las carpetas ocultas.
    • %Application Data%\Jrpnqm

Step 8

Reinicie en modo normal y explore el equipo con su producto de Trend Micro para buscar los archivos identificados como Ransom.MSIL.TARGETCOMP.YPCIA En caso de que el producto de Trend Micro ya haya limpiado, eliminado o puesto en cuarentena los archivos detectados, no serán necesarios más pasos. Puede optar simplemente por eliminar los archivos en cuarentena. Consulte esta página de Base de conocimientos para obtener más información.

Step 9

Restore encrypted files from backup.

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