Spam Campaign Leads to Azorult Trojan Spyware
August 22, 2018

Similar to EMOTET’s arrival, Trojan spyware Azurolt has been spotted coming in the form of a spoofed bank notification. The spam campaign is making the rounds in Germany and UK.
The email prompts the user to download a doc file using the malicious link different from what is displayed:

The URL downloads from a fake site:

Then redirects to the real

Once the user enables the macro (detected as W2KM_POWLOAD.NSFGAIBA), it downloads the Godzilla loader (detected as TROJ_ZIGDOLL.A) from the fake site via PowerShell. It then downloads the Azurolt malware (detected as TSPY_AZORULT.A), designed to steal information.
SPAM BLOCKING DATE / TIME: August 22, 2018 GMT-8
- ENGINE:8.0
- PATTERN:4048