
Threat Type: Worm
Destructiveness: No
In the wild: Yes
This Worm arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
However, as of this writing, the said sites are inaccessible.
206,336 bytes
29 Aug 2018
Arrival Details
This Worm arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.
This Worm adds the following folders:
- {removable or network drive}:\_
- %Windows%\T-406280757284502620
(Note: %Windows% is the Windows folder, where it usually is C:\Windows on all Windows operating system versions.)
It drops the following copies of itself into the affected system:
- {removable or network drive}:\_\DeviceManager.exe
It drops the following copies of itself into the affected system and executes them:
- %Windows%\T-406280757284502620\winsvcs.exe
(Note: %Windows% is the Windows folder, where it usually is C:\Windows on all Windows operating system versions.)
It drops the following files:
- %Start Menu%\winsvcs.exe
- %User Temp%\Windows Archive Manager.exe
- {removable/network drive}:\.lnk
- {removable/network drive}:\autorun.inf
- %Application Data%\winzip.txt
- %Start Menu%\Programs\winsvcs.exe
- %Application Data%\winmgrcfg32.txt
(Note: %Start Menu% is the current user's Start Menu folder, which is usually C:\Windows\Start Menu or C:\Documents and Settings\{User name}\Start Menu on Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003, or C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu on Windows Vista, 7, and 8.. %User Temp% is the current user's Temp folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Local Settings\Temp on Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003, or C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Local\Temp on Windows Vista, 7, and 8.. %Application Data% is the current user's Application Data folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Application Data on Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003, or C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Roaming on Windows Vista, 7, and 8.)
Autostart Technique
This Worm drops the following file(s) in the Windows User Startup folder to enable its automatic execution at every system startup:
- %User Startup%\winsvcs.exe
(Note: %User Startup% is the current user's Startup folder, which is usually C:\Windows\Profiles\{user name}\Start Menu\Programs\Startup on Windows 98 and ME, C:\WINNT\Profiles\{user name}\Start Menu\Programs\Startup on Windows NT, C:\Documents and Settings\{User name}\Start Menu\Programs\Startup on Windows XP, or C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup on Windows Vista, 7, and 8.)
Download Routine
This Worm saves the files it downloads using the following names:
- %User temp%/{Random Numbers}.exe
Other Details
This Worm connects to the following possibly malicious URL:
- http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.197.60/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED.197.112/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}sfuoehfoaefua.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}rhosruuosrfha.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}iaeaizgdeaifa.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueaboufaefofa.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}aebdaezfizara.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zgdizagwdwaia.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zediagzeagiaa.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eiauoahadehfa.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bdzizezezezra.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bizeziizazera.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ruaroarouadfa.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnsnsnsnsufja.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnnnnvnhshhra.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}djsisidifueua.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ofahfueuueuea.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pckjuuuufufua.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}auaaauaaudaga.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pgkurueuduuda.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueuueueufhfna.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ivhzdhsuvuhea.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eunddjvgsnsia.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}hfbtehszfgura.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueiugzgjususa.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zbisfiuefzgsa.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}gafuaodeuadga.ru/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}sfuoehfoaefub.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}rhosruuosrfhb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}iaeaizgdeaifb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueaboufaefofb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}aebdaezfizarb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zgdizagwdwaib.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zediagzeagiab.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eiauoahadehfb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bdzizezezezrb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bizeziizazerb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ruaroarouadfb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnsnsnsnsufjb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnnnnvnhshhrb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}djsisidifueub.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ofahfueuueueb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pckjuuuufufub.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}auaaauaaudagb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pgkurueuduudb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueuueueufhfnb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ivhzdhsuvuheb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eunddjvgsnsib.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}hfbtehszfgurb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueiugzgjususb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zbisfiuefzgsb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}gafuaodeuadgb.su/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}sfuoehfoaefuc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}rhosruuosrfhc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}iaeaizgdeaifc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueaboufaefofc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}aebdaezfizarc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zgdizagwdwaic.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zediagzeagiac.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eiauoahadehfc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bdzizezezezrc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bizeziizazerc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ruaroarouadfc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnsnsnsnsufjc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnnnnvnhshhrc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}djsisidifueuc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ofahfueuueuec.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pckjuuuufufuc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}auaaauaaudagc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pgkurueuduudc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueuueueufhfnc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ivhzdhsuvuhec.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eunddjvgsnsic.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}hfbtehszfgurc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueiugzgjususc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zbisfiuefzgsc.in/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}sfuoehfoaefud.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}rhosruuosrfhd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}iaeaizgdeaifd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueaboufaefofd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}aebdaezfizard.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zgdizagwdwaid.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zediagzeagiad.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eiauoahadehfd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bdzizezezezrd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bizeziizazerd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ruaroarouadfd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnsnsnsnsufjd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnnnnvnhshhrd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}djsisidifueud.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ofahfueuueued.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pckjuuuufufud.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}auaaauaaudagd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pgkurueuduudd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueuueueufhfnd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ivhzdhsuvuhed.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eunddjvgsnsid.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}hfbtehszfgurd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueiugzgjususd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zbisfiuefzgsd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}gafuaodeuadgd.to/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}sfuoehfoaefue.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}rhosruuosrfhe.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}iaeaizgdeaife.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueaboufaefofe.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}aebdaezfizare.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zgdizagwdwaie.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zediagzeagiae.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eiauoahadehfe.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bdzizezezezre.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bizeziizazere.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ruaroarouadfe.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnsnsnsnsufje.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnnnnvnhshhre.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}djsisidifueue.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ofahfueuueuee.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pckjuuuufufue.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}auaaauaaudage.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pgkurueuduude.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueuueueufhfne.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ivhzdhsuvuhee.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eunddjvgsnsie.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}hfbtehszfgure.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueiugzgjususe.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zbisfiuefzgse.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}gafuaodeuadge.biz/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}sfuoehfoaefuf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}rhosruuosrfhf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}iaeaizgdeaiff.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueaboufaefoff.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}aebdaezfizarf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zgdizagwdwaif.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zediagzeagiaf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eiauoahadehff.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bdzizezezezrf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bizeziizazerf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ruaroarouadff.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnsnsnsnsufjf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnnnnvnhshhrf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}djsisidifueuf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ofahfueuueuef.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pckjuuuufufuf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}auaaauaaudagf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pgkurueuduudf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueuueueufhfnf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ivhzdhsuvuhef.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eunddjvgsnsif.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}hfbtehszfgurf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueiugzgjususf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zbisfiuefzgsf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}gafuaodeuadgf.net/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}sfuoehfoaefug.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}rhosruuosrfhg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}iaeaizgdeaifg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueaboufaefofg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}aebdaezfizarg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zgdizagwdwaig.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zediagzeagiag.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eiauoahadehfg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bdzizezezezrg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}bizeziizazerg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ruaroarouadfg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnsnsnsnsufjg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}nnnnnvnhshhrg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}djsisidifueug.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ofahfueuueueg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pckjuuuufufug.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}auaaauaaudagg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}pgkurueuduudg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueuueueufhfng.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ivhzdhsuvuheg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}eunddjvgsnsig.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}hfbtehszfgurg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}ueiugzgjususg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}zbisfiuefzgsg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}gafuaodeuadgg.com/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}sfuoehfoaefux.info/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}rhosruuosrfhx.info/{t | m | r | o}.exe
- http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.197.60/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.197.112/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}foaefua.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}uosrfha.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}gdeaifa.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}faefofa.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}zfizara.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}gwdwaia.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}zeagiaa.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}hadehfa.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}zezezra.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}izazera.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}rouadfa.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}snsufja.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}nhshhra.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}difueua.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}euueuea.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}uufufua.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}aaudaga.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}euduuda.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}eufhfna.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}suvuhea.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}vgsnsia.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}szfgura.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}gjususa.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}uefzgsa.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}gafuaodeuadga.ru/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}sfuoehfoaefub.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}rhosruuosrfhb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}iaeaizgdeaifb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ueaboufaefofb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}aebdaezfizarb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}zgdizagwdwaib.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}zediagzeagiab.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}eiauoahadehfb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}bdzizezezezrb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}bizeziizazerb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ruaroarouadfb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}nnsnsnsnsufjb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}nnnnnvnhshhrb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}djsisidifueub.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ofahfueuueueb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}pckjuuuufufub.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}auaaauaaudagb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}pgkurueuduudb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ueuueueufhfnb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ivhzdhsuvuheb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}eunddjvgsnsib.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}hfbtehszfgurb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ueiugzgjususb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}zbisfiuefzgsb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}gafuaodeuadgb.su/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}sfuoehfoaefuc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}rhosruuosrfhc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}iaeaizgdeaifc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ueaboufaefofc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}aebdaezfizarc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}zgdizagwdwaic.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}zediagzeagiac.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}eiauoahadehfc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}bdzizezezezrc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}bizeziizazerc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ruaroarouadfc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}nnsnsnsnsufjc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}nnnnnvnhshhrc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}djsisidifueuc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ofahfueuueuec.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}pckjuuuufufuc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}auaaauaaudagc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}pgkurueuduudc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ueuueueufhfnc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ivhzdhsuvuhec.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}eunddjvgsnsic.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}hfbtehszfgurc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ueiugzgjususc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}zbisfiuefzgsc.in/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}sfuoehfoaefud.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}rhosruuosrfhd.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}iaeaizgdeaifd.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ueaboufaefofd.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}aebdaezfizard.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}zgdizagwdwaid.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}zediagzeagiad.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}eiauoahadehfd.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}bdzizezezezrd.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}bizeziizazerd.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ruaroarouadfd.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}nnsnsnsnsufjd.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}nnnnnvnhshhrd.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}djsisidifueud.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}ofahfueuueued.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}pckjuuuufufud.to/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}auaaauaaudagd.to/t.php?new=1
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- http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.94.107/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.40.92/t.php?new=1
- http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.228.49/t.php?new=1
It does the following:
- The worm executes the downloaded files.
- Moves contents of removable and network drives to {removable and network drive letter}:\_
However, as of this writing, the said sites are inaccessible.
07 Sep 2018
08 Sep 2018
Step 1
Trend Micro Mobile Security Solution
Trend Micro Mobile Security Personal Edition protects Android and iOS smartphones and tablets from malicious and Trojanized applications. It blocks access to malicious websites, increase device performance, and protects your mobile data. You may download the Trend Micro Mobile Security apps from the following sites:
Step 2
Scan your computer with your Trend Micro product to delete files detected as WORM_PHORPIEX.THFADAK. If the detected files have already been cleaned, deleted, or quarantined by your Trend Micro product, no further step is required. You may opt to simply delete the quarantined files. Please check the following Trend Micro Support pages for more information:
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