• This malware is the payload for the BIND Denial of Service vulnerability assigned with CVE-2015-5477. Once this vulnerability is successfully exploited, it could launch denial of service attacks.

  • This malware is the payload for the BIND Denial of Service vulnerability assigned with CVE-2015-5477. Once this vulnerability is successfully exploited, it could launch denial of service attacks.

  • This TorrentLocker variant has the capability to double the amount of decryption after its 5-day deadline. It arrives via spam message purporting as a business email that targeted an Australian company.

  • This is the Trend Micro detection for the Encryptor RaaS (Ransomware as a Service) that has the capability to set deadlines as well as for the ransom amount to increase. This new platform allows attackers and cybercriminals to create their own ransomware for free.

  • This malware is related to the campaign that targeted TV and government-related websites in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In the said campaign, attackers used Flash exploits that emerged from the Hacking Team leak to deliver this PoisonIvy variant.

  • This malware is related to the campaign that targeted TV and government-related websites in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In the said campaign, attackers used Flash exploits that emerged from the Hacking Team leak to deliver PoisonIvy.

  • This Point-of-Sales (PoS) reconnaissance malware checks if the infected system is part of a PoS network or if it is a PoS machine. An attack uses Angler Exploit Kit to spread this PoS malware.

  • This is the detection for the Android malware that exploits local privilege escalation vulnerability in Android devices (CVE-2014-3153). During our monitoring of Hacking Team dump, our researchers spotted a fake news application that has capability to circumvent the filtering of Google Play.

  • This is the detection for the Java zero-day exploit (designated with CVE-2015-2590) that was used in the targeted attack campaign, Operation Pawn Storm. Once successfully exploited, it downloads another malware detected as TROJ_DROPPR.

  • This is the detection for the second stage malware related to the new Java zero-day exploit which was used in the targeted attack campaign, Operation Pawn Storm. In the second stage of the attack, it downloads this malware, which serves as a dropper of .
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