Analysé par: Leidryn Saludez   


UDS:Trojan.Shell.SBadur.gen (KASPERSKY)



 Overall Risk:
 Dommages potentiels: :
 Distribution potentielle: :
 Information Exposure Rating::

  • Type de grayware:

  • Destructif:

  • Chiffrement:

  • In the wild::


Voie d'infection: Aus dem Internet heruntergeladen, Fallen gelassen von anderer Malware

It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.

  Détails techniques

File size: 1,654 bytes
File type: Script
Memory resident: Non
Date de réception des premiers échantillons: 08 mai 2024
Charge malveillante: Collects system information, Connects to URLs/IPs, Drops files


It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.


Schleust die folgenden Dateien ein, in denen die gesammelten Daten gespeichert werden:

  • /tmp/co.tmp → deleted afterwards


Folgende Daten werden gesammelt:

  • Contents of directories
  • Running processes
  • Network Connections
  • Mounted devices

Andere Details

Es macht Folgendes:

  • It creates a tar compressed file /tmp/co.tmp.tar.gz → deleted afterwards
    • containing the previously created temporary file and the /etc/config directory
  • It tries to download different versions of a file based on different architectures (like arm, i386, i386_i686, i386_x64, mips32, mips64)
  • Each downloaded file is saved as /tmp/.timezone, made executable, and then run with certain parameters:
    • -f /tmp/co.tmp.tar.gz : Specifies the file to be uploaded.
    • -u https://www.{BLOCKED} : Specifies the URL to which the file will be uploaded.
    • -a : enables the append mode.
    • -b 5000 : Sets the buffer size to 5000 bytes
    • -z : Enables Compression
    • -d : Enables the delete option


Moteur de scan minimum: 9.800
First VSAPI Pattern File: 19.328.03
First VSAPI Pattern Release Date: 08 mai 2024
VSAPI OPR Pattern Version: 19.329.00
VSAPI OPR Pattern Release Date: 09 mai 2024

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