Analysé par: Joshua Paul Ignacio   


ELF/BruteForce.I!tr (FORTINET), Trojan:Linux/CoinMiner!rfn (MICROSOFT)



 Overall Risk:
 Dommages potentiels: :
 Distribution potentielle: :
 System Impact Rating: :
 Information Exposure Rating::

  • Type de grayware:

  • Destructif:

  • Chiffrement:

  • In the wild::


It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.

  Détails techniques

File size: 1,893,644 bytes
File type: ELF
Date de réception des premiers échantillons: 26 juin 2020


It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.

Andere Details

Es macht Folgendes:

  • Upon executing, it will display the following list of arguments:
    • Use: scan [OPTIONS] [[USER PASS]] FILE] [IPs/IPs Port FILE]
    • Options:
      • -t [NUMTHREADS]: Change the number of threads used. Default is 10
      • -m [MODE]: Change the way the scan works. Default is 1
      • -f [FINAL SCAN]: Does a final scan on found servers. Default is 2
      • Use -f 1 for A.B class /16. Default is 2 for A.B.C /24
      • -i [IP SCAN]: use -i 0 to scan ip class A.B. Default is 1
      • if you use -i 0 then use ./scan -p 22 -i 0 p 192.168 as agrument for ip file
      • -m 0 for non selective scanning
      • -P 0 leave default password unchanged. Changes password by default.
      • -s [TIMEOUT]: Change the timeout. Default is 6
      • -S [2ndTIMEOUT]: Change the 2nd timeout. Default is 6
      • -p [PORT]: Specify another port to connect to. 0 for multiport
      • -c [REMOTE-COMMAND]: Command to execute on connect. Use ; or && with commands
      • -h : Show this help
      • -H 1: For extra help


Moteur de scan minimum: 9.850
First VSAPI Pattern File: 15.954.08
First VSAPI Pattern Release Date: 26 juin 2020
VSAPI OPR Pattern Version: 15.955.00
VSAPI OPR Pattern Release Date: 27 juin 2020

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