Analysé par: Melvin Jhun Palbusa   


UDS:Backdoor.Linux.Gomir.a (KASPERSKY)



 Overall Risk:
 Dommages potentiels: :
 Distribution potentielle: :
 Information Exposure Rating::

  • Type de grayware:

  • Destructif:

  • Chiffrement:

  • In the wild::


Voie d'infection: Aus dem Internet heruntergeladen, Fallen gelassen von anderer Malware

It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.

Führt Befehle eines externen, böswilligen Benutzers aus, wodurch das betroffene System gefährdet wird.

  Détails techniques

File size: 5,947,392 bytes
File type: ELF
Memory resident: Oui
Date de réception des premiers échantillons: 21 mai 2024
Charge malveillante: Connects to URLs/IPs, Drops files, Executes commands


It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.


Schleust die folgenden Dateien ein:

  • /etc/systemd/system/syslogd.service → If "install" parameter is used with process running under superuser privilege.
  • {Malware File Path}\cron.txt → If "install" parameter is used with process not running under superuser privilege. Deletes afterwards.

Schleust die folgenden Eigenkopien in das betroffene System ein:

  • /var/log/syslogd → If "install" parameter is used with process running under superuser privilege.

Fügt die folgenden Prozesse hinzu:

  • $SHELL -c systemctl daemon-reload → If "install" parameter is used with process running under superuser privilege.
  • $SHELL -c systemctl reenable syslogd → If "install" parameter is used with process running under superuser privilege.
  • $SHELL -c systemctl start syslogd → If "install" parameter is used with process running under superuser privilege.
  • /bin/sh -c crontab -1 → If "install" parameter is used with process running under superuser privilege.
  • $SHELL -c crontab cron.txt → If "install" parameter is used with process running under superuser privilege.


Führt die folgenden Befehle eines externen, böswilligen Benutzers aus:

  • 01 → Temporarily halts communication with the C&C server for a specified period.
  • 02 → Executes an arbitrary string as a shell command ("[shell]" "-c" "[arbitrary_string]").
  • 03 → Reports the current working directory.
  • 04 → Changes the current working directory and reports the working directory’s new pathname.
  • 05 → Checks TCP connectivity for arbitrary network endpoints.
  • 06 → Terminates its own process, effectively stopping the backdoor.
  • 07 → Reports the pathname of its own executable file.
  • 08 → Gathers statistics about a specified directory tree and reports the total number of subdirectories, total number of files, and the cumulative size of all files.
  • 09 → Reports the configuration details of the affected computer, including hostname, username, CPU, RAM, and network interfaces, listing each interface's name, MAC address, IP address, and IPv6 address.
  • 10 → Sets a fallback shell for executing shell commands in operation 02, with the initial value set to "/bin/sh".
  • 11 → Sets a codepage for interpreting the output from the shell commands in operation 02.
  • 12 → Delays communication with the C&C server until a specified datetime.
  • 13 → Responds with the message "Not implemented on Linux!".
  • 14 → Starts a reverse proxy by connecting to an arbitrary control endpoint.
  • 15 → Reports the control endpoints of the reverse proxy.
  • 30 → Creates an arbitrary file on the affected computer.
  • 31 → Exfiltrates an arbitrary file from the affected computer.

Andere Details

Es macht Folgendes:

  • It adds the following service:
    • Service Name: syslogd
    • Start type: Restart=always
  • Deletes and terminates itself →If "install" parameter is used with process running under superuser privilege.


Moteur de scan minimum: 9.800
First VSAPI Pattern File: 19.354.03
First VSAPI Pattern Release Date: 21 mai 2024
VSAPI OPR Pattern Version: 19.355.00
VSAPI OPR Pattern Release Date: 22 mai 2024

Step 2

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