This spammed message arrives as a seemingly-legitimate newsletter. The newsletter contains an ad for an Alaskan cruise. It tries to entice users to click on the link by using vivid terms such as 'cruise of a lifetime.' However, this fake newsletter only contains an image link to commercial spam. The spammer leveraged the use of comment tags to hide salad words. All URLs connected to the spammed message are inaccessible.

Salad words were inserted in a comment tag to bypass anti-spam filters.

Cybercriminals often use amazing deals such as an Alaskan cruise to lure users into clicking links. Users should only use reputable sites for purchasing products or services online. Should they get a newsletter or notification, it's recommended that they confirm first with the company by visiting the official site or by calling a hotline.

 Spam gesperrt am/um:: 12 Juni 2012 GMT-8
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