Advisory Date: 15 maja 2019


Microsoft addresses vulnerabilities in its May security bulletin. Trend Micro Deep Security covers the following:

  • CVE-2019-0885 - Windows OLE Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Important

    This remote code execution vulnerability exists in the validating of user input in Microsoft Windows OLE. Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability must find a way to convince a user to execute a specially crafted file.

  • CVE-2019-0938 - Microsoft Edge Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Important

    This elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in the handling of Microsoft Edge AppContainer sandbox that may allow an attacker to escape said sandbox.

  • CVE-2019-0918 - Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Important

    This remote code execution vulnerability exists in the handling of objects in memory in the scripting engine of Microsoft browsers. Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability may host a specially crafted website that contains an exploit to this vulnerability.

  • CVE-2019-0926 - Chakra Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This remote code execution vulnerability exists in the handling of objects in memory by Microsoft Edge. This handling is corrected by this specific patch.

  • CVE-2019-0940 - Microsoft Browser Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Important

    This remote code execution vulnerability exists in the handling of objects in memory by Microsoft browsers. Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability may host a specially crafted website that contains an exploit to this vulnerability.

  • CVE-2019-0882 - Windows GDI Information Disclosure Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Important

    This information disclosure vulnerability exists in the improper disclosure of Windows GDI component of its objects in memory. Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability may create a specially crafted document or webpage that contains an exploit to this vulnerability.

  • CVE-2019-0863 - Windows Error Reporting Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Important

    This elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in the handling of files by the Windows Error Reporting. Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability must gain certain privileges on the vulnerable machine.

  • CVE-2019-0884 - Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This remote code execution vulnerability exists in the handling of objects in memory by the scripting engine in Microsoft browsers. Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability may gain the same user rights as the currently logged on user.

  • CVE-2019-0930 - Internet Explorer Information Disclosure Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Important

    This information disclosure vulnerability exists in the improper handling of objects in memory by Internet Explorer. Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability may create a specially crafted website and convince the user to view said website.

  • CVE-2019-0911 - Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This remote code execution vulnerability exists in the handling of objects in memory by the scripting engine in Microsoft browsers. Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability may host a specially crafted website that contains an exploit to this vulnerability.

  • CVE-2019-0708 - Remote Desktop Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This remote code execution vulnerability exists in the handling of specially crafted requests by the Remote Desktop Services (also known as Terminal Services in older Microsoft Windows operating systems). Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability may send a specially crafted request to the vulnerable system.


Trend Micro Deep Security shields networks through the following Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) rules. Trend Micro customers using the Vulnerability Protection product or OfficeScan with Intrusion Defense Firewall (IDF) plugin are also protected from attacks using these vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability ID DPI Rule Number DPI Rule Name Release Date Vulnerability Protection Compatibility
CVE-2019-0708 1009749 Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0708) 16-May-19 YES
CVE-2019-0885 1009725 Microsoft Windows OLE Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0885) 14-May-19 YES
CVE-2019-0938 100727 Microsoft Internet Explorer Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0918) 14-May-19 YES
CVE-2019-0926 1009729 Microsoft Edge Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0926) 14-May-19 YES
CVE-2019-0940 1009733 Microsoft Internet Explorer And Edge Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0940) 14-May-19 YES
CVE-2019-0882 1009723 Microsoft Windows GDI Information Disclosure Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0882) 14-May-19 YES
CVE-2019-0863 1009722 Microsoft Windows Error Reporting Elevation Of Privilege Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0863) 14-May-19 YES
CVE-2019-0884 1009724 Microsoft Internet Explorer And Edge Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0884) 14-May-19 YES
CVE-2019-0930 1009730 Microsoft Internet Explorer Information Disclosure Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0930) 14-May-19 YES
CVE-2019-0911 1009652 Microsoft Internet Explorer And Edge Scripting Engine Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0911) 14-May-19 YES