Advisory Date: 14 stycznia 2020


Microsoft addresses several vulnerabilities in its January security bulletin. Trend Micro Deep Security covers the following:

  • CVE-2020-0609 - Windows Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This remote code execution, pre-authentication vulnerability exists in the Windows Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) and requires no user interaction. Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability could send a specially crafted request via RDP.

  • CVE-2020-0610 - Windows Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Critical

    This remote code execution, pre-authentication vulnerability exists in the Windows Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) and requires no user interaction. Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability could send a specially crafted request via RDP.

  • CVE-2020-0652 - Microsoft Office Memory Corruption Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Important

    This remote code execution vulnerability exists in the improper handling of objects by Microsoft Office. Attackers looking to exploit this vulnerability must find a way for a user to open a website that contains the exploit, or to open a specially crafted file.

  • CVE-2020-0601 - Windows CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability
    Risk Rating: Important

    This spoofing vulnerability exists in the validation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) certificates by the the Windows CryptoAPI (crypt32.dll). A successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks.


Trend Micro Deep Security shields networks through the following Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) rules. Trend Micro customers using the Vulnerability Protection are also protected from attacks using these vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability ID DPI Rule Number DPI Rule Name Release Date Vulnerability Protection Compatibility
CVE-2020-0601 1010130 Microsoft Windows CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0601) 14-Jan-20 YES
CVE-2020-0601 1010132 Microsoft Windows CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0601) – 1 14-Jan-20 YES
CVE-2020-0609, CVE-2020-0610 1010125 Microsoft Windows RDP Gateway Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities 14-Jan-20 YES
CVE-2020-0652 1010127 Microsoft Office Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability 14-Jan-20 YES