Author: Kenneth Mcneil Angel   




  • Threat Type:

  • Destructiveness:

  • Encrypted:

  • In the wild::


INFECTION CHANNEL: Descargado de Internet, Eliminado por otro tipo de malware

It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.


File size: 9,077 bytes
File type: VBS
Memory resident: No
PAYLOAD: Connects to URLs/IPs, Downloads files, Collects system information, Executes files

Detalles de entrada

It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.


Crea las carpetas siguientes:

  • C:\{string2 from the decrypted response from url}

Otros detalles

Hace lo siguiente:

  • It terminates itself when executed in a virtual environment whose computer name is "JOHN-PC" by checking for the following values:
    • OS Model Name
      • Virtual Machine - for Hyper V
      • VMware Virtual Platform - for VMware
      • VirtualBox - for Virtualbox
    • BIOS Version
      • Hyper-V 2008(Beta,RC0,RTM and R2)
      • VS2005/VS2005R2/VS2005R2SP1
      • VPC2004/VPC2007
      • Windows Virtual PC
  • Also terminates itself if the default installed OS language is not in the following list:
    • Spanish – Spain (traditional)
    • Portugese – Brazil
    • Spanish – Mexico
    • Spanish – Spain
    • Spanish Microsoft Office Language – (Microsoft Office Language Value – LANGUAGE_SPANISH)
  • Connects to the following url to download and execute malicious vbscript code in memory to check system and download more files:
    • http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}7.173/gt21.php
  • If C:\Users\Public\{string1 from the decrypted response from url} does not exist
    • Connects and decrypts data from http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}7.173/k1oa.php
    • Connects and downloads file from http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}7.173/m/k1o{string3 from decrypted data from url}.gt2
    then saves to
    • C:\Users\Public\{string1 from the decrypted response from url}
  • If C:\Users\Public\{string1 from the decrypted response from url} does not exist
    • Connects and downloads file from http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}7.173/k1oa{string1 from the decrypted response from url}.gt2
    then saves it to C:\Users\Public\{string1 from the decrypted response from url}
    • Connects and downloads file from http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}7.173/k1oasq.gt2
    • Connects and downloads file from http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}7.173/k1oasl.gt2
    • Connects and downloads file from http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}7.173/k1oass.gt2
    • Connects and downloads file from http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}7.173/k1oaai.gt2
    then saves it to
    • C:\Users\Public\{string1 from the decrypted response from url}
    • C:\Users\Public\{string1 from the decrypted response from url}
    • C:\Users\Public\{string1 from the decrypted response from url}
    • C:\Users\Public\{string1 from the decrypted response from url}
  • Extracts the contents of the zip files to the created folder, "C:\{string2 from the decrypted response from url}" and renames them to the following:
    • {string1 from the decrypted response from url} - detected as Trojan.AutoIt.MISPADO.THIADBO
    • {string1 from the decrypted response from url}1.{reversed last 3 characters of string1} - detected as Trojan.Win32.MISPADO.THENC
    • {string1 from the decrypted response from url}ai.exe - non-malicious AutoIt loader
    • libeay32.dll – non-malicious libraries
    • ssleay32.dll – non-malicious libraries
    • winx86.dll – non-malicious libraries
    • then deletes all the downloaded zip files
  • Decrypts and encrypts configuration from code and saves to:
    • C:\Users\Public\{second character of computer name}_
  • Gathers the following data:
    • strings from decrypted response from url
    • created folder path
    • hard-coded values from the script
    • current date
    then encrypts and saves it to
    • C:\Users\Public\{second character of computer name}
  • Executes the following downloaded exe files with arguments:
    • {string1 from the decrypted response from url}ai.exe {string1 from the decrypted response from url} @1
    • {string1 from the decrypted response from url}ai.exe {string1 from the decrypted response from url} ##1
    • {string1 from the decrypted response from url}ai.exe {string1 from the decrypted response from url} ##3
  • Hides the said created folder

    Minimum scan engine: 9.850
    First VSAPI Pattern File: 16.226.06
    First VSAPI Pattern Release Date: 14 September 2020
    VSAPI OPR PATTERN DATE: 15 September 2020

    Step 2

    Los usuarios de Windows ME y XP, antes de llevar a cabo cualquier exploración, deben comprobar que tienen desactivada la opción Restaurar sistema para permitir la exploración completa del equipo.

    Step 3

    Note that not all files, folders, and registry keys and entries are installed on your computer during this malware's/spyware's/grayware's execution. This may be due to incomplete installation or other operating system conditions. If you do not find the same files/folders/registry information, please proceed to the next step.

    Step 4

    Buscar y eliminar estos archivos

    [ learnMore ]
    Puede que algunos de los archivos del componente estén ocultos. Asegúrese de que tiene activada la casilla Buscar archivos y carpetas ocultos en la opción "Más opciones avanzadas" para que el resultado de la búsqueda incluya todos los archivos y carpetas ocultos.
    • C:\Users\Public\{decrypted string1 from url response}
    • C:\Users\Public\{decrypted string1 from url response}
    • C:\Users\Public\{decrypted string1 from url response}
    • C:\Users\Public\{decrypted string1 from url response}
    • C:\{decrypted string2 from url response}\{decrypted string1 from url response}
    • C:\{decrypted string2 from url response}\{decrypted string1 from url response}1.{reversed last 3 characters of string1}
    • C:\{decrypted string2 from url response}\{string1 from the decrypted response from url}ai.exe
  • En la lista desplegable Buscar en, seleccione Mi PC y pulse Intro.
  • Una vez haya encontrado el archivo, selecciónelo y, a continuación, pulse MAYÚS+SUPR para eliminarlo definitivamente.
  • Repita los pasos 2 a 4 con el resto de archivos:
  • Step 5

    Buscar y eliminar estas carpetas

    [ learnMore ]
    Asegúrese de que tiene activada la casilla Buscar archivos y carpetas ocultos en la opción Más opciones avanzadas para que el resultado de la búsqueda incluya todas las carpetas ocultas.
    • C:\{decrypted string2 from url response}
  • En la lista desplegable Buscar en, seleccione Mi PC y pulse Intro.
  • Una vez haya encontrado la carpeta, selecciónela y, a continuación, pulse MAYÚS+SUPR para eliminarla definitivamente.
  • Repita los pasos 2 a 4 con el resto de carpetas:

  • Step 6

    Explorar el equipo con su producto de Trend Micro para eliminar los archivos detectados como Trojan.VBS.MISPADU.THIADBO En caso de que el producto de Trend Micro ya haya limpiado, eliminado o puesto en cuarentena los archivos detectados, no serán necesarios más pasos. Puede optar simplemente por eliminar los archivos en cuarentena. Consulte esta página de Base de conocimientos para obtener más información.

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