TR/AD.MegaCortex.uirrr (ANTIVIR)
Threat Type:
In the wild::
Infiltra los archivos siguientes:
- %System Root%\qibfmqkeM5.log → contains list of files it was unable to encrypt
- %Temp%\M5-{10 random numbers}.dll → performs looking for target files
- %Temp%\M5-{10 random numbers}.dll → performs encryption of target files
(Nota: %System Root% es la carpeta raíz, normalmente C:\. También es la ubicación del sistema operativo).
. %Temp% es la carpeta de archivos temporales de Windows, que suele estar en C:\Windows\Temp o C:\WINNT\Temp).)Agrega los procesos siguientes:
- {Malware Directory}\{Malware File Name} +
- rundll32 %Temp%\M5-{10 random numbers}.dll,_run@16 {Drive Letter} → looks for files to encrypt
- rundll32 %Temp%\M5-{10 random numbers}.dll,_run@16 [1|2] → encrypts files
- vssadmin delete shadows /all /for={Drive Letter} → deletes volume shadow copies of affected drives
- vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /MaxSize=320MB /for={Drive Letter} /on={Drive Letter} → resizes the maximum amount of storage space that can be used for shadow copy storage
- vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /MaxSize=unbounded /for={Drive Letter} /on={Drive Letter} → resizes the maximum amount of storage space that can be used for shadow copy storage
- cipher /W:{Drive Letter} → wipes deleted files of affected drives
- wmic shadowcopy delete → deletes shadow copies
(Nota: %Temp% es la carpeta de archivos temporales de Windows, que suele estar en C:\Windows\Temp o C:\WINNT\Temp).
)Otras modificaciones del sistema
Modifica las siguientes entradas de registro:
legalnoticecaption = "Locked By MegaCortex"
legalnoticetext = "Contact: {BLOCKED}iareimann@mail.com or {BLOCKED}lerman@mail.com"
Finalización del proceso
Finaliza los servicios siguientes si los detecta en el sistema afectado:
- Acronis VSS Provider
- AcronisAgent
- AcrSch2Svc
- AdobeARMservice
- Alerter
- Antivirus
- aswBcc
- Avast Business Console Client Antivirus Service
- avast! Antivirus
- avbackup
- BackupExecAgentAccelerator
- BackupExecAgentBrowser
- BackupExecDeviceMediaService
- BackupExecJobEngine
- BackupExecManagementService
- BackupExecRPCService
- BackupExecVSSProvider
- bcrservice
- bedbg
- BlueStripeCollector
- BrokerInfrastructure
- ccEvtMgr
- ccSetMgr
- Cissesrv
- CpqRcmc3
- CSAdmin
- CSAuth
- CSDbSync
- CSLog
- CSMon
- CSRadius
- CSTacacs
- DB2
- DB2-0
- DB2DAS00
- DCAgent
- EhttpSrv
- ekrn
- Enterprise Client Service
- epag
- EPIntegrationService
- EPProtectedService
- epredline
- EPSecurityService
- EPUpdateService
- EraserSvc11710
- ERSvc
- EsgShKernel
- Eventlog
- FA_Scheduler
- GoogleChromeElevationService
- gupdate
- gupdatem
- HealthService
- IBMDataServerMgr
- IBMDSServer41
- IDriverT
- IISAdmin
- IMAP4Svc
- ImapiService
- kavfsslp
- klnagent
- LogProcessorService
- macmnsvc
- masvc
- MBAMService
- MBEndpointAgent
- McAfeeEngineService
- McAfeeFramework
- McAfeeFrameworkMcAfeeFramework
- McShield
- McTaskManager
- mfefire
- mfemms
- mfevtp
- mfewc
- mozyprobackup
- MsDtsServer
- MsDtsServer100
- MsDtsServer110
- MsDtsServer130
- MSExchangeES
- MSExchangeIS
- MSExchangeMGMT
- MSExchangeMTA
- MSExchangeSA
- MSExchangeSRS
- msftesql$PROD
- MSSQL$SQL_2008
- MSSQLFDLauncher
- MSSQLFDLauncher$SQL_2008
- MSSQLLaunchpad$ITRIS
- MSSQLServerADHelper
- MSSQLServerADHelper100
- MSSQLServerOLAPService
- msvsmon90
- myAgtSvc
- MySQL57
- Net2ClientSvc
- NetDDE
- NetMsmqActivator
- NetSvc
- NimbusWatcherService
- NtLmSsp
- NtmsSvc
- ntrtscan
- odserv
- OracleClientCache80
- ose
- PDVFSService
- POP3Svc
- ProLiantMonitor
- ReportServer
- ReportServer$SQL_2008
- ReportServer$SYSTEM_BGC
- ReportServer$TPS
- ReportServer$TPSAMA
- RESvc
- RSCDsvc
- RumorServer
- sacsvr
- SamSs
- SAVAdminService
- SAVService
- SDD_Service
- SentinelAgent
- SentinelHelperService
- SentinelStaticEngine
- SepMasterService
- SepMasterServiceMig
- ShMonitor
- Smcinst
- SmcService
- SnowInventoryClient
- SntpService
- Sophos Agent
- Sophos AutoUpdate Service
- Sophos Clean Service
- Sophos Device Control Service
- Sophos File Scanner Service
- Sophos Health Service
- Sophos MCS Agent
- Sophos MCS Client
- Sophos Message Router
- Sophos Safestore Service
- Sophos System Protection Service
- Sophos Web Control Service
- sophossps
- SQL Backups
- SQLAgent$NET2
- SQLAgent$SQL_2008
- SQLAgent$TPS
- SQLBrowser
- SQLsafe Backup Service
- SQLsafe Filter Service
- SQLSafeOLRService
- SQLWriter
- SstpSvc
- svcGenericHost
- swi_filter
- swi_service
- swi_update
- swi_update_64
- Symantec
- Symantec System Recovery
- sysdown
- System
- Telemetryserver
- TlntSvr
- tmlisten
- TmPfw
- tpautoconnsvc
- TPAutoConnSvc
- TPVCGateway
- TrueKey
- TrueKeyScheduler
- TrueKeyServiceHelper
- UI0Detect
- Veeam Backup Catalog Data Service
- VeeamBackupSvc
- VeeamBrokerSvc
- VeeamCatalogSvc
- VeeamCloudSvc
- VeeamDeploymentService
- VeeamDeploySvc
- VeeamEnterpriseManagerSvc
- VeeamHvIntegrationSvc
- VeeamMountSvc
- VeeamNFSSvc
- VeeamRESTSvc
- VeeamTransportSvc
- VGAuthService
- VMTools
- VMware
- vmware-converter-agent
- vmware-converter-server
- vmware-converter-worker
- VMwareCAFCommAmqpListener
- VMwareCAFManagementAgentHost
- W3Svc
- wbengine
- WdNisSvc
- WebClient
- WinDefend
- WinVNC4
- Zoolz 2 Service
Finaliza los procesos siguientes si detecta que se ejecutan en la memoria del sistema afectado:
- mpsevh.exe
- mpsvc.exe
- mrf.exe
- msaccess.exe
- msaccess.exe
- msascui.exe
- mscifapp.exe
- msdtssrvr.exe
- msftesql.exe
- msftesql.exe
- mskagent.exe
- mskdetct.exe
- msksrver.exe
- msksrvr.exe
- msmdsrv.exe
- msmpeng.exe
- mspmspsv.exe
- mspub.exe
- mspub.exe
- msscli.exe
- msseces.exe
- msssrv.exe
- musnotificationux.exe
- myagttry.exe
- mydesktopqos.exe
- mydesktopqos.exe
- mydesktopservice.exe
- mydesktopservice.exe
- mysqld-nt.exe
- mysqld-nt.exe
- mysqld-opt.exe
- mysqld-opt.exe
- mysqld.exe
- mysqld.exe
- n.exe
- nailgpip.exe
- naprdmgr.exe
- navapsvc.exe
- navapw32.exe
- navectrl.exe
- navelog.exe
- navesp.exe
- navshcom.exe
- navw32.exe
- navwnt.exe
- ncdaemon.exe
- nd2svc.exe
- ndetect.exe
- ndrvs.exe
- ndrvx.exe
- neotrace.exe
- nerosvc.exe
- netalertclient.exe
- netcfg.exe
- netsession_win.exe
- networkagent.exe
- ngctw32.exe
- ngserver.exe
- nimbus.exe
- nimcluster.exe
- nip.exe
- nipsvc.exe
- nisoptui.exe
- nisserv.exe
- nissrv.exe
- nisum.exe
- njeeves.exe
- nlclient.exe
- nlsvc.exe
- nmagent.exe
- nmain.exe
- nod32.exe
- nod32krn.exe
- nod32kui.exe
- nod32view.exe
- nortonsecurity.exe
- npfmntor.exe
- npfmsg.exe
- npfmsg2.exe
- npfsvice.exe
- npmdagent.exe
- nprotect.exe
- npscheck.exe
- npssvc.exe
- nrmenctb.exe
- nscsrvce.exe
- nsctop.exe
- nslocollectorservice.exe
- nsmdemf.exe
- nsmdmon.exe
- nsmdreal.exe
- nsmdsch.exe
- nsmdtr.exe
- ntcaagent.exe
- ntcadaemon.exe
- ntcaservice.exe
- ntevl.exe
- ntrtscan.exe
- ntservices.exe
- nvcoas.exe
- nvcsched.exe
- nymse.exe
- oasclnt.exe
- ocautoupds.exe
- ocautoupds.exe
- qdcsfs.exe
- qhactivedefense.exe
- qhsafetray.exe
- qhwatchdog.exe
- qoeloader.exe
- qserver.exe
- rapapp.exe
- rapuisvc.exe
- ras.exe
- rasupd.exe
- rav.exe
- ravalert.exe
- ravmon.exe
- ravmond.exe
- ravservice.exe
- ravstub.exe
- ravtask.exe
- ravtray.exe
- ravupdate.exe
- ravxp.exe
- rcsvcmon.exe
- rdrcef.exe
- realmon.exe
- redirsvc.exe
- regmech.exe
- remupd.exe
- repmgr64.exe
- reportersvc.exe
- reportingservicesservice.exe
- reportsvc.exe
- retinaengine.exe
- rfwmain.exe
- rfwproxy.exe
- rfwsrv.exe
- rfwstub.exe
- rnav.exe
- rnreport.exe
- routernt.exe
- rpcserv.exe
- rscd.exe
- rscdsvc.exe
- rsnetsvr.exe
- rssensor.exe
- rstray.exe
- rtvscan.exe
- rulaunch.exe
- safeservice.exe
- sahookmain.exe
- saservice.exe
- sav32cli.exe
- savadminservice.exe
- savfmsectrl.exe
- savfmselog.exe
- savfmsesjm.exe
- savfmsesp.exe
- savfmsespamstatsmanager.exe
- savfmsesrv.exe
- savfmsetask.exe
- savfmseui.exe
- savmain.exe
- savroam.exe
- savscan.exe
- savservice.exe
- savui.exe
- sbamsvc.exe
- sbserv.exe
- scan32.exe
- scanexplicit.exe
- scanfrm.exe
- scanmailoutlook.exe
- scanmsg.exe
- scanwscs.exe
- scfagent_64.exe
- scfmanager.exe
- scfservice.exe
- scftray.exe
- schdsrvc.exe
- schupd.exe
- sdrservice.exe
- sdtrayapp.exe
- seanalyzertool.exe
- seccenter.exe
- securitycenter.exe
- securitymanager.exe
- seestat.exe
- semsvc.exe
- server_eventlog.exe
- server_runtime.exe
- sesclu.exe
- setloadorder.exe
- setupguimngr.exe
- sevinst.exe
- sgbhp.exe
- shstat.exe
- sidebar.exe
- siteadv.exe
- slee81.exe
- smc.exe
- smcgui.exe
- smex_activeupda
- smex_master.exe
- smex_remoteconf
- smex_systemwatc
- smoutlookpack.exe
- sms.exe
- smsectrl.exe
- smselog.exe
- smsesjm.exe
- smsesp.exe
- smsesrv.exe
- smsetask.exe
- smseui.exe
- smsx.exe
- snac.exe
- sndmon.exe
- sndsrvc.exe
- snhwsrv.exe
- snicheckadm.exe
- snichecksrv.exe
- snicon.exe
- snsrv.exe
- spbbcsvc.exe
- spideragent.exe
- spiderml.exe
- spidernt.exe
- spiderui.exe
- spntsvc.exe
- spooler.exe
- spyemergency.exe
- spyemergencysrv.exe
- sqbcoreservice.exe
- sqbcoreservice.exe
- sqlagent.exe
- sqlagent.exe
- sqlbrowser.exe
- sqlbrowser.exe
- sqlservr.exe
- sqlservr.exe
- sqlwriter.exe
- sqlwriter.exe
- srvload.exe
- srvmon.exe
- sschk.exe
- ssecuritymanager.exe
- ssm.exe
- ssp.exe
- ssscheduler.exe
- starta.exe
- steam.exe
- steam.exe
- stinger.exe
- stopa.exe
- stopp.exe
- stwatchdog.exe
- svcgenerichost
- svcharge.exe
- svcntaux.exe
- svdealer.exe
- svframe.exe
- svtray.exe
- swc_service.exe
- swdsvc.exe
- sweepsrv.sys
- swi_service.exe
- swnetsup.exe
- swnxt.exe
- swserver.exe
- symlcsvc.exe
- symproxysvc.exe
- symsport.exe
- symtray.exe
- symwsc.exe
- synctime.exe
- synctime.exe
- sysdoc32.exe
- sysoptenginesvc.exe
- system.exe
- taskhostw.exe
- tbirdconfig.exe
- tbirdconfig.exe
- tbmon.exe
- tclproc.exe
- tdimon.exe
- teamviewer_service.exe
- tfgui.exe
- tfservice.exe
- tftray.exe
- tfun.exe
- thebat.exe
- thebat.exe
- thebat64.exe
- thebat64.exe
- thunderbird.exe
- thunderbird.exe
- tiaspn~1.exe
- tmas.exe
- tmlisten.exe
- tmntsrv.exe
- tmpfw.exe
- tmproxy.exe
- tnbutil.exe
- tnslsnr.exe
- toolbarupdater.exe
- tpsrv.exe
- traflnsp.exe
- traptrackermgr.exe
- trjscan.exe
- trupd.exe
- tsansrf.exe
- tsatisy.exe
- tscutynt.exe
- tsmpnt.exe
- ucservice.exe
- udaterui.exe
- uiseagnt.exe
- uiwatchdog.exe
- umxagent.exe
- umxcfg.exe
- umxfwhlp.exe
- umxpol.exe
- unsecapp.exe
- unvet32.exe
- up2date.exe
- update_task.exe
- updaterui.exe
- updtnv28.exe
- upfile.exe
- uplive.exe
- uploadrecord.exe
- upschd.exe
- url_response.exe
- urllstck.exe
- usbguard.exe
- useractivity.exe
- useranalysis.exe
- usergate.exe
- usrprmpt.exe
- v2iconsole.exe
- v3clnsrv.exe
- v3exec.exe
- v3imscn.exe
- v3lite.exe
- v3main.exe
- v3medic.exe
- v3sp.exe
- v3svc.exe
- vetmsg.exe
- vettray.exe
- vgauthservice.exe
- visio.exe
- visio.exe
- vmacthlp.exe
- vmtoolsd.exe
- vmware-converter-a.exe
- vmware-converter.exe
- vmwaretray.exe
- vpatch.exe
- vpc32.exe
- vpdn_lu.exe
- vprosvc.exe
- vprot.exe
- vptray.exe
- vrv.exe
- vrvmail.exe
- vrvmon.exe
- vrvnet.exe
- vshwin32.exe
- vsmain.exe
- vsmon.exe
- vsserv.exe
- vsstat.exe
- vstskmgr.exe
- webproxy.exe
- webscanx.exe
- websensecontrolservice.exe
- webtrapnt.exe
- wfxctl32.exe
- wfxmod32.exe
- wfxsnt40.exe
- win32sysinfo.exe
- winlog.exe
- winroute.exe
- winvnc4.exe
- winword.exe
- winword.exe
- wordpad.exe
- wordpad.exe
- workflowresttest.exe
- wrctrl.exe
- wrsa.exe
- wrspysetup.exe
- wscntfy.exe
- wssfcmai.exe
- wtusystemsuport.exe
- xcommsvr.exe
- xfilter.exe
- xfssvccon.exe
- xfssvccon.exe
- zanda.exe
- zapro.exe
- zavaux.exe
- zavcore.exe
- zillya.exe
- zlclient.exe
- zlh.exe
- zonealarm.exe
- zoolz.exe
- a2guard.exe
- a2guard.exe
- a2start.exe
- a2service.exe
- a2start.exe
- aawservice.exe
- acaas.exe
- acaegmgr.exe
- acaif.exe
- acais.exe
- acctmgr.exe
- aclient.exe
- aclntusr.exe
- ad-aware2007.exe
- administrator.exe
- adminserver.exe
- aesecurityservice.exe
- aexagentuihost.exe
- aexnsagent.exe
- aexnsrcvsvc.exe
- aexsvc.exe
- aexswdusr.exe
- aflogvw.exe
- afwserv.exe
- agntsvc.exe
- agntsvc.exe
- agntsvc.exe
- agntsvc.exe
- agntsvc.exe
- ahnrpt.exe
- ahnsd.exe
- ahnsdsv.exe
- alert.exe
- alertsvc.exe
- almon.exe
- alogserv.exe
- alsvc.exe
- alunotify.exe
- alupdate.exe
- aluschedulersvc.exe
- amsvc.exe
- amswmagt
- anvir.exe
- aphost.exe
- appsvc32.exe
- aps.exe
- apvxdwin.exe
- ashavast.exe
- ashbug.exe
- ashchest.exe
- ashcmd.exe
- ashdisp.exe
- ashenhcd.exe
- ashlogv.exe
- ashmaisv.exe
- ashpopwz.exe
- ashquick.exe
- ashserv.exe
- ashsimp2.exe
- ashsimpl.exe
- ashskpcc.exe
- ashskpck.exe
- ashupd.exe
- ashwebsv.exe
- asupport.exe
- aswdisp.exe
- aswregsvr.exe
- aswserv.exe
- aswupdsv.exe
- aswwebsv.exe
- atrshost.exe
- atwsctsk.exe
- aupdrun.exe
- aus.exe
- auth8021x.exe
- autoup.exe
- avadmin.exe
- avagent.exe
- avastemupdate.exe
- avastsvc.exe
- avastui.exe
- avcenter.exe
- avconfig.exe
- avconsol.exe
- avengine.exe
- avesvc.exe
- avfwsvc.exe
- avgam.exe
- avgamsvr.exe
- avgas.exe
- avgcc.exe
- avgcc32.exe
- avgcefrend.exe
- avgchsvx.exe
- avgcmgr.exe
- avgcsrva.exe
- avgcsrvx.exe
- avgctrl.exe
- avgdiag.exe
- avgemc.exe
- avgemca.exe
- avgemcx.exe
- avgfws.exe
- avgfws8.exe
- avgfws9.exe
- avgfwsrv.exe
- avgidsagent.exe
- avgidsmonitor.exe
- avgidsui.exe
- avgidswatcher.exe
- avginet.exe
- avgmfapx.exe
- avgmsvr.exe
- avgnsa.exe
- avgnsx.exe
- avgnt.exe
- avgregcl.exe
- avgrsa.exe
- avgrssvc.exe
- avgrsx.exe
- avgscanx.exe
- avgserv.exe
- avgserv9.exe
- avgsvc.exe
- avgsystx.exe
- avgtray.exe
- avguard.exe
- avgui.exe
- avgupd.exe
- avgupdln.exe
- avgupsvc.exe
- avgvv.exe
- avgw.exe
- avgwb.dat
- avgwdsvc.exe
- avgwizfw.exe
- avira.servicehost.exe
- avira.systray.exe
- avkproxy.exe
- avkservice.exe
- avktray.exe
- avkwctl.exe
- avltmain.exe
- avmailc.exe
- avmcdlg.exe
- avnotify.exe
- avp.exe
- avpcc.exe
- avpdtagt.exe
- avpexec.exe
- avpm.exe
- avpncc.exe
- avps.exe
- avpui.exe
- avpupd.exe
- avscan.exe
- avscc.exe
- avserver.exe
- avshadow.exe
- avsynmgr.exe
- avtask.exe
- avwebgrd.exe
- basfipm.exe
- bavtray.exe
- bcreporter.exe
- bcrservice.exe
- bdagent.exe
- bdc.exe
- bdlite.exe
- bdmcon.exe
- bdredline.exe
- bdss.exe
- bdsubmit.exe
- bhipssvc.exe
- bka.exe
- bkavsystemserver.exe
- blackd.exe
- blackice.exe
- bluestripecollector.exe
- blupro.exe
- bmrt.exe
- bullguard.exe
- bullguardbhvscanner.exe
- bullguardscanner.exe
- bullguardtray.exe
- bullguardupdate.exe
- bwgo0000
- ca.exe
- caantispyware.exe
- caav.exe
- caavcmdscan.exe
- caavguiscan.exe
- caf.exe
- cafw.exe
- caissdt.exe
- calogdump.exe
- capfaem.exe
- capfasem.exe
- capfsem.exe
- capmuamagt.exe
- cappactiveprotection.exe
- casc.exe
- casecuritycenter.exe
- caunst.exe
- cavrep.exe
- cavrid.exe
- cavscan.exe
- cavtray.exe
- ccap.exe
- ccapp.exe
- ccemflsv.exe
- ccenter.exe
- ccevtmgr.exe
- ccflic0.exe
- ccflic4.exe
- cclaw.exe
- ccm messaging.exe
- ccnfagent.exe
- ccprovsp.exe
- ccproxy.exe
- ccpxysvc.exe
- ccschedulersvc.exe
- ccsetmgr.exe
- ccsmagtd.exe
- ccsvchst.exe
- ccsystemreport.exe
- cctray.exe
- ccupdate.exe
- cdm.exe
- certificateprovider.exe
- certificationmanagerservicent.exe
- cfftplugin.exe
- cfnotsrvd.exe
- cfp.exe
- cfpconfg.exe
- cfpconfig.exe
- cfplogvw.exe
- cfpsbmit.exe
- cfpupdat.exe
- cfsmsmd.exe
- checkup.exe
- chrome.exe
- cis.exe
- cistray.exe
- cka.exe
- clamscan.exe
- clamtray.exe
- clamwin.exe
- client.exe
- client64.exe
- clps.exe
- clpsla.exe
- clpsls.exe
- clshield.exe
- cmdagent.exe
- cmdinstall.exe
- cmgrdian.exe
- cntaosmgr.exe
- collwrap.exe
- comhost.exe
- config_api_service.exe
- console.exe
- control_panel.exe
- coreframeworkhost.exe
- coreserviceshell.exe
- cpd.exe
- cpdclnt.exe
- cpf.exe
- cpntsrv.exe
- cramtray.exe
- crashrep.exe
- crdm.exe
- crssvc.exe
- csacontrol.exe
- csadmin.exe
- csauth.exe
- csdbsync.exe
- csfalconservice.exe
- csinject.exe
- csinsm32.exe
- csinsmnt.exe
- cslog.exe
- csmon.exe
- csradius.exe
- csrss_tc.exe
- cssauth.exe
- cstacacs.exe
- ctdataload.exe
- cwbunnav.exe
- cylancesvc.exe
- cylanceui.exe
- dao_log.exe
- dbeng50.exe
- dbeng50.exe
- dbserv.exe
- dbsnmp.exe
- dbsnmp.exe
- dbsrv9.exe
- defwatch
- defwatch.exe
- deloeminfs.exe
- deteqt.agent.exe
- diskmon.exe
- djsnetcn.exe
- dlservice.exe
- dltray.exe
- dolphincharge.e
- dolphincharge.exe
- doscan.exe
- dpmra.exe
- dr_serviceengine.exe
- drwagntd.exe
- drwagnui.exe
- drweb.exe
- drweb32.exe
- drweb32w.exe
- drweb386.exe
- drwebcgp.exe
- drwebcom.exe
- drwebdc.exe
- drwebmng.exe
- drwebscd.exe
- drwebupw.exe
- drwebwcl.exe
- drwebwin.exe
- drwinst.exe
- drwupgrade.exe
- dsmcad.exe
- dsmcsvc.exe
- dwarkdaemon.exe
- dwengine.exe
- dwhwizrd.exe
- dwnetfilter.exe
- dwrcst.exe
- dwwin.exe
- edisk.exe
- eeyeevnt.exe
- egui.exe
- ehttpsrv.exe
- ekrn.exe
- elogsvc.exe
- emlibupdateagentnt.exe
- emlproui.exe
- emlproxy.exe
- encsvc.exe
- encsvc.exe
- endpointsecurity.exe
- engineserver.exe
- entitymain.exe
- epmd.exe
- era.exe
- erlsrv.exe
- esecagntservice.exe
- esecservice.exe
- esmagent.exe
- etagent.exe
- etconsole3.exe
- etcorrel.exe
- etloganalyzer.exe
- etreporter.exe
- etrssfeeds.exe
- etscheduler.exe
- etwcontrolpanel.exe
- euqmonitor.exe
- eventparser.exe
- evtarmgr.exe
- evtmgr.exe
- evtprocessecfile.exe
- ewidoctrl.exe
- ewidoguard.exe
- excel.exe
- excel.exe
- execstat.exe
- fameh32.exe
- fcappdb.exe
- fcdblog.exe
- fch32.exe
- fchelper64.exe
- fcsms.exe
- fcssas.exe
- fih32.exe
- firefox.exe
- firefoxconfig.exe
- firefoxconfig.exe
- firesvc.exe
- firetray.exe
- firewallgui.exe
- fmon.exe
- fnplicensingservice.exe
- forcefield.exe
- fortiesnac.exe
- fortifw.exe
- fortiproxy.exe
- fortisslvpndaemon.exe
- fortitray.exe
- fortiwf.exe
- fpavserver.exe
- fprottray.exe
- frameworkservic
- frameworkservic.exe
- frameworkservice.exe
- frzstate2k.exe
- fsaa.exe
- fsaua.exe
- fsav32.exe
- fsavgui.exe
- fscuif.exe
- fsdfwd.exe
- fsgk32.exe
- fsgk32st.exe
- fsguidll.exe
- fsguiexe.exe
- fshdll32.exe
- fshoster32.exe
- fshoster64.exe
- fsm32.exe
- fsma32.exe
- fsmb32.exe
- fsorsp.exe
- fspc.exe
- fspex.exe
- fsqh.exe
- fssm32.exe
- fwcfg.exe
- fwinst.exe
- fws.exe
- gcascleaner.exe
- gcasdtserv.exe
- gcasinstallhelper.exe
- gcasnotice.exe
- gcasserv.exe
- gcasservalert.exe
- gcasswupdater.exe
- gdfirewalltray.exe
- gdfwsvc.exe
- gdscan.exe
- gfireporterservice.exe
- ghost_2.exe
- ghosttray.exe
- giantantispywaremain.exe
- giantantispywareupdater.exe
- googlecrashhandler.exe
- googlecrashhandler64.exe
- googleupdate.exe
- guard.exe
- guardgui.exe
- gziface.exe
- gzserv.exe
- hasplmv.exe
- hdb.exe
- healthservice.exe
- hpqwmiex.exe
- hwapi.exe
- icepack.exe
- idsinst.exe
- iface.exe
- igateway.exe
- ilicensesvc.exe
- inet_gethost.exe
- infopath.exe
- infopath.exe
- inicio.exe
- inonmsrv.exe
- inorpc.exe
- inort.exe
- inotask.exe
- inoweb.exe
- isafe.exe
- isafinst.exe
- isntsmtp.exe
- isntsysmonitor
- ispwdsvc.exe
- isqlplussvc.exe
- isqlplussvc.exe
- isscsf.exe
- issdaemon.exe
- issvc.exe
- isuac.exe
- iswmgr.exe
- itmrt_supportdiagnostics.exe
- itmrt_trace.exe
- itmrtsvc.exe
- ixaptsvc.exe
- ixavsvc.exe
- ixfwsvc.exe
- kabackreport.exe
- kaccore.exe
- kanmcmain.exe
- kansgui.exe
- kansvr.exe
- kastray.exe
- kav.exe
- kav32.exe
- kavadapterexe.exe
- kavfs.exe
- kavfsgt.exe
- kavfsrcn.exe
- kavfsscs.exe
- kavfswp.exe
- kavisarv.exe
- kavlotsingleton.exe
- kavmm.exe
- kavshell.exe
- kavss.exe
- kavstart.exe
- kavsvc.exe
- kavtray.exe
- kb891711.exe
- keysvc.exe
- kis.exe
- kislive.exe
- kissvc.exe
- klnacserver.exe
- klnagent.exe
- klserver.exe
- klswd.exe
- klwtblfs.exe
- kmailmon.exe
- knownsvr.exe
- knupdatemain.exe
- kpf4gui.exe
- kpf4ss.exe
- kpfw32.exe
- kpfwsvc.exe
- krbcc32s.exe
- kswebshield.exe
- kvdetech.exe
- kvmonxp.kxp
- kvmonxp_2.kxp
- kvolself.exe
- kvsrvxp.exe
- kvsrvxp_1.exe
- kvxp.kxp
- kwatch.exe
- kwsprod.exe
- kxeserv.exe
- leventmgr.exe
- livesrv.exe
- lmon.exe
- log_qtine.exe
- loggetor.exe
- loggingserver.exe
- luall.exe
- lucallbackproxy.exe
- lucoms.exe
- lucomserver.exe
- lucoms~1.exe
- lwdmserver.exe
- macmnsvc.exe
- macompatsvc.exe
- managementagenthost.exe
- managementagentnt.exe
- mantispm.exe
- masalert.exe
- massrv.exe
- masvc.exe
- mbamservice.exe
- mbamtray.exe
- mcafeedatabackup.exe
- mcagent.exe
- mcapexe.exe
- mcappins.exe
- mcconsol.exe
- mcdash.exe
- mcdetect.exe
- mcepoc.exe
- mcepocfg.exe
- mcinfo.exe
- mcmnhdlr.exe
- mcmscsvc.exe
- mcnasvc.exe
- mcods.exe
- mcpalmcfg.exe
- mcpromgr.exe
- mcproxy.exe
- mcregwiz.exe
- mcsacore.exe
- mcscript_inuse.exe
- mcshell.exe
- mcshield.exe
- mcshld9x.exe
- mcsvhost.exe
- mcsysmon.exe
- mctray.exe
- mctskshd.exe
- mcui32.exe
- mcuimgr.exe
- mcupdate.exe
- mcupdmgr.exe
- mcvsftsn.exe
- mcvsrte.exe
- mcvsshld.exe
- mcwce.exe
- mcwcecfg.exe
- mfeann.exe
- mfecanary.exe
- mfeesp.exe
- mfefire.exe
- mfefw.exe
- mfehcs.exe
- mfemactl.exe
- mfemms.exe
- mfetp.exe
- mfevtps.exe
- mfewc.exe
- mfewch.exe
- mgavrtcl.exe
- mghtml.exe
- mgntsvc.exe
- monitoringhost.exe
- monsvcnt.exe
- monsysnt.exe
- mpcmdrun.exe
- mpf.exe
- mpfagent.exe
- mpfconsole.exe
- mpfservice.exe
- mpfsrv.exe
- mpftray.exe
- mps.exe
- ocomm.exe
- ocomm.exe
- ocssd.exe
- ocssd.exe
- oespamtest.exe
- ofcdog.exe
- ofcpfwsvc.exe
- okclient.exe
- olfsnt40.exe
- omniagent.exe
- omslogmanager.exe
- omtsreco.exe
- onenote.exe
- onenote.exe
- onlinent.exe
- onlnsvc.exe
- opscan.exe
- oracle.exe
- oracle.exe
- outlook.exe
- outlook.exe
- outpost.exe
- paamsrv.exe
- padfsvr.exe
- pagent.exe
- pagentwd.exe
- pasystemtray.exe
- patch.exe
- patrolagent.exe
- patrolperf.exe
- pavbckpt.exe
- pavfires.exe
- pavfnsvr.exe
- pavjobs.exe
- pavkre.exe
- pavmail.exe
- pavprot.exe
- pavprsrv.exe
- pavreport.exe
- pavsched.exe
- pavsrv50.exe
- pavsrv51.exe
- pavsrv52.exe
- pavupg.exe
- paxton.net2.clientservice.exe
- paxton.net2.commsserverservice.exe
- pccclient.exe
- pccguide.exe
- pcclient.exe
- pccnt.exe
- pccntmon.exe
- pccntupd.exe
- pccpfw.exe
- pcctlcom.exe
- pcscan.exe
- pcscm.exe
- pcscnsrv.exe
- pcsws.exe
- pctsauxs.exe
- pctsgui.exe
- pctssvc.exe
- pctstray.exe
- pep.exe
- persfw.exe
- pmgreader.exe
- pmon.exe
- pnmsrv.exe
- pntiomon.exe
- pop3pack.exe
- pop3trap.exe
- poproxy.exe
- powerpnt.exe
- powerpnt.exe
- ppclean.exe
- ppctlpriv.exe
- ppmcativedetection.exe
- ppppwallrun.exe
- pqibrowser.exe
- pqv2isvc.exe
- pralarmmgr.exe
- prcalculationmgr.exe
- prconfigmgr.exe
- prdatabasemgr.exe
- premailengine.exe
- preventmgr.exe
- prevsrv.exe
- prftpengine.exe
- prgateway.exe
- printdevice.exe
- privacyiconclient.exe
- prlicensemgr.exe
- procexp.exe
- proficy administrator.exe
- proficyclient.exe
- proficypublisherservice.exe
- proficyserver.exe
- proficysts.exe
- proutil.exe
- prprintserver.exe
- prproficymgr.exe
- prrds.exe
- prreader.exe
- prrouter.exe
- prschedulemgr.exe
- prstubber.exe
- prsummarymgr.exe
- prunsrv.exe
- prwriter.exe
- psanhost.exe
- psctris.exe
- psctrls.exe
- psh_svc.exe
- pshost.exe
- psimreal.exe
- psimsvc.exe
- pskmssvc.exe
- psuamain.exe
- psuaservice.exe
- pthosttr.exe
- pview.exe
- pviewer.exe
- pwdfilthelp.exe
- pxemtftp.exe
- pxeservice.exe
- qclean.exe
Step 1
Los usuarios de Windows ME y XP, antes de llevar a cabo cualquier exploración, deben comprobar que tienen desactivada la opción Restaurar sistema para permitir la exploración completa del equipo.
Step 2
Note that not all files, folders, and registry keys and entries are installed on your computer during this malware's/spyware's/grayware's execution. This may be due to incomplete installation or other operating system conditions. If you do not find the same files/folders/registry information, please proceed to the next step.
Step 3
Restaurar este valor del Registro modificado
Importante: si modifica el Registro de Windows incorrectamente, podría hacer que el sistema funcione mal de manera irreversible. Lleve a cabo este paso solo si sabe cómo hacerlo o si puede contar con ayuda de su administrador del sistema. De lo contrario, lea este artículo de Microsoft antes de modificar el Registro del equipo.
- In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
- legalnoticecaption = Locked By MegaCortex
- In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
- legalnoticetext = Contact: Victoriareimann@mail.com or Casiuslerman@mail.com
Step 4
Buscar y eliminar este archivo
- %System Root%\qibfmqkeM5.log
- %Temp%\M5-{10 random numbers}.dll
- %Temp%\M5-{10 random numbers}.dll
- %System Root%\!-!_README_!-!.rtf
Step 5
Explorar el equipo con su producto de Trend Micro para eliminar los archivos detectados como Ransom.Win32.MEGACORTEX.THKOFAI En caso de que el producto de Trend Micro ya haya limpiado, eliminado o puesto en cuarentena los archivos detectados, no serán necesarios más pasos. Puede optar simplemente por eliminar los archivos en cuarentena. Consulte esta página de Base de conocimientos para obtener más información.
Step 7
Restore encrypted files from backup.
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