{blocked}o-mebel.ru/templates/ ja_rochea/ma.php
Publish Date: 14 kwietnia 2011
URL gesperrt am/um: sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010 8:37:00

Bewertung: : High
Domain: : fenenko-mebel.ru
Category: Phishing
A slew of spammed email messages has been spotted purportedly coming from a popular dating site Match.com. In the email messages sent, users are persuaded to login and verify/confirm their Match.com account by clicking on the URL contained in the message. The said URL leads to a phishing site spoofing the legitimate Match.com website. Believing that the site is the real deal, users may be tricked into giving their login credentials.
Match.com is a popular Internet dating site. As such, it is a potential target for cybercriminals who may want to steal information from the site's subscribers.