Identifiant(s) CVE: : CVE-2012-0779
  Date du conseil: 31 octobre 2012


This is the Trend Micro detection for exploits taking advantage of the Adobe Flash Player Object Confusion Vulnerability (CVE-2012-0779). This vulnerability could cause the application to crash and potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system.

  Information Exposure Rating:

Users of Trend Micro Internet Security and Network VirusWall can detect this exploit at the network layer with Network Virus Pattern (NVP) 10315 or later.

Download the latest NVW pattern file from the following Trend Micro webpage:

  Affected software and version:

  • Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Windows
  • Macintosh and Linux operating systems
  • Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Android 4.x
  • Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Android 3.x and 2.x