Análisis realizado por : Joshua Paul Ignacio   





 Riesgo general:
 Potencial de destrucción:
 Potencial de distribución:
 Infección divulgada:
 Revelación de la información:

  • Tipo de malware

  • Destructivo?

  • Cifrado

  • In the Wild:

  Resumen y descripción

Canal de infección Descargado de Internet

It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.

  Detalles técnicos

Tamaño del archivo 37,849 bytes
Tipo de archivo Other
Residente en memoria
Fecha de recepción de las muestras iniciales 08 Jun 2020
Carga útil Connects to URLs/IPs, Downloads files

Detalles de entrada

It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.

Rutina de infiltración

Infiltra los archivos siguientes:

  • /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

Rutina de descarga

Guarda los archivos que descarga con los nombres siguientes:

  • If /etc/svcupdate exists on the affected machine:
  • If there is no /etc/svcupdate on the affected machine:
    • /tmp/config.json
    • /tmp/svcupdate
    • /tmp/svcguard
    • /tmp/
    • /tmp/svcworkmanager

Otros detalles

Hace lo siguiente:

  • It creates the following cron jobs for persistence:
    • Path: /var/spool/cron/crontabs/
    • Schedule: Every 30 minutes
    • Command: */30 * * * * sh /etc/ >/dev/null 2>&1
  • Disables Firewall
  • Deletes the following user accounts:
    • akay
    • vfinder
  • Stops and Disables the following services:
    • apparmor
    • aliyun.service
  • Uninstalls the following security products (AV) found running on the system:
    • Aliyun (Alibaba Cloud)
    • YunJing (Tencent Cloud)
  • Terminates the following connections:
    • {BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.65.238
    • {BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.52.87
    • {BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.253.15
    • {BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.6.16
    • :443
    • :23
    • :443
    • :143
    • :2222
    • :3333
    • :3389
    • :4444
    • :5555
    • :6666
    • :6665
    • :6667
    • :7777
    • :8444
    • :3347
    • :14433
  • Terminates processes that contains the following strings:
    • ':3333'
    • ':5555'
    • 'kworker -c\'
    • 'log_'
    • 'systemten'
    • 'netns'
    • 'voltuned'
    • 'darwin'
    • '/tmp/dl'
    • '/tmp/ddg'
    • '/tmp/pprt'
    • '/tmp/ppol'
    • '/tmp/65ccE*'
    • '/tmp/jmx*'
    • '/tmp/2Ne80*'
    • 'IOFoqIgyC0zmf2UR'
    • '{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.122.92'
    • '{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.191.178'
    • '{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.56.161'
    • '86s.jpg'
    • 'aGTSGJJp'
    • 'nMrfmnRa'
    • 'PuNY5tm2'
    • 'I0r8Jyyt'
    • 'AgdgACUD'
    • 'uiZvwxG8'
    • 'hahwNEdB'
    • 'BtwXn5qH'
    • '3XEzey2T'
    • 't2tKrCSZ'
    • 'HD7fcBgg'
    • 'zXcDajSs'
    • '3lmigMo'
    • 'AkMK4A2'
    • 'AJ2AkKe'
    • 'HiPxCJRS'
    • 'http_0xCC030'
    • 'http_0xCC031'
    • 'http_0xCC032'
    • 'http_0xCC033'
    • "C4iLM4L"
    • 'aziplcr72qjhzvin'
    • '/boot/vmlinuz'
    • "i4b503a52cc5"
    • "dgqtrcst23rtdi3ldqk322j2"
    • "2g0uv7npuhrlatd"
    • "nqscheduler"
    • "rkebbwgqpl4npmm"
    • "2fhtu70teuhtoh78jc5s"
    • "0kwti6ut420t"
    • "44ct7udt0patws3agkdfqnjm"
    • "\[^"
    • "rsync"
    • "watchd0g"
    • 'wnTKYg|2t3ik|qW3xT.2|ddg'
    • "{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.133.18:8220"
    • "/tmp/java"
    • ''
    • '/tmp/java'
    • '{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.4.162'
    • '{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.39.78'
    • '/dev/shm/'
    • 'kthrotlds'
    • 'ksoftirqds'
    • 'netdns'
    • 'watchdogs'
    • 'kdevtmpfsi'
    • 'kinsing'
    • 'redis2'
    • "sync_supers"
    • "cpuset"
    • '/tmp/'
    • '/tmp/zmcat'
    • 'CnzFVPLF'
    • 'CvKzzZLs'
    • '/tmp/udevd'
    • 'KCBjdXJsIC1vIC0gaHR0cDovLzg5LjIyMS41Mi4xMjIvcy5zaCApIHwgYmFzaCA'
    • 'Y3VybCAtcyBodHRwOi8vMTA3LjE3NC40Ny4xNTYvbXIuc2ggfCBiYXNoIC1zaAo'
    • 'sustse'
    • 'sustse3'
    • ''
    • ''
    • ''
    • 'logo9.jpg'
    • 'j2.conf'
    • 'luk-cpu'
    • 'ficov'
    • ''
    • ''
    • 'nullcrew'
    • '{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.47.156'
    • '{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.169.247'
    • '{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.203.146'
    • '{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.45.45'
    • '{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.47.181'
    • ''
    • ""
    • ""
    • ""
    • ""
    • "{BLOCKED}"
    • ""
    • "/tmp/a7b104c270"
    • ""
    • ""
    • ""
    • ""
    • ""
    • xiaoyao
    • xiaoxue
    • monerohash
    • L2Jpbi9iYXN
    • xzpauectgr
    • slxfbkmxtd
    • mixtape
    • addnj
    • {BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.17.196
    • IyEvYmluL3NoCgpzUG
    • FEQ3eSp8omko5nx9e97hQ39NS3NMo6rxVQS3
    • Y3VybCAxOTEuMTAxLjE4MC43Ni9saW4udHh0IHxzaAo
    • {BLOCKED}dbpq.conf
    • {BLOCKED}asbf.conf
    • {BLOCKED}
    • stratum
    • ./ppp
    • cryptonight
    • ./seervceaess
    • ./servceaess
    • ./servceas
    • ./servcesa
    • ./vsp
    • ./jvs
    • ./pvv
    • ./vpp
    • ./pces
    • ./rspce
    • ./haveged
    • ./jiba
    • ./watchbog
    • ./A7mA5gb
    • kacpi_svc
    • kswap_svc
    • kauditd_svc
    • kpsmoused_svc
    • kseriod_svc
    • kthreadd_svc
    • ksoftirqd_svc
    • kintegrityd_svc
    • jawa
    • oracle.jpg
    • 45cToD1FzkjAxHRBhYKKLg5utMGEN
    • {BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.49.54
    • {BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.87.241
    • etnkFgkKMumdqhrqxZ6729U7bY8pzRjYzGbXa5sDQ
    • 47TdedDgSXjZtJguKmYqha4sSrTvoPXnrYQEq2Lbj
    • etnkP9UjR55j9TKyiiXWiRELxTS51FjU9e1UapXyK
    • servim
    • kblockd_svc
    • native_svc
    • ynn
    • 65ccEJ7
    • jmxx
    • 2Ne80nA
    • sysstats
    • systemxlv
    • watchbog
    • OIcJi1m
    • biosetjenkins
    • Loopback
    • apaceha
    • mixnerdx
    • performedl
    • JnKihGjn
    • irqba2anc1
    • irqba5xnc1
    • irqbnc1
    • ir29xc1
    • conns
    • irqbalance
    • crypto-pool
    • XJnRj
    • mgwsl
    • pythno
    • jweri
    • lx26
    • NXLAi
    • BI5zj
    • askdljlqw
    • minerd
    • minergate
    • ysaydh
    • bonns
    • donns
    • kxjd
    • kworker34
    • polkitd
    • acpid
    • icb5o
    • nopxi
    • irqbalanc1
    • i586
    • gddr
    • mstxmr
    • ddg.2011
    • wnTKYg
    • deamon
    • disk_genius
    • sourplum
    • nanoWatch
    • zigw
    • devtool
    • devtools
    • systemctI
    • sustes
    • xmrig
    • xmrig-cpu
    • init12.cfg
    • nginxk
    • tmp/wc.conf
    • xmrig-notls
    • xmr-stak
    • suppoie
    • dbus-daemon--system
    • nullcrew
    • kworkerds
    • init10.cfg
    • /wl.conf
    • crond64
    • sustse
    • vmlinuz
    • exin
    • apachiii
    • svcguard
    • svcupdate
    • svcworkmanager
    • "pocosow"
    • "gakeaws"
    • "azulu"
    • "auto"
    • "xmr"
    • "mine"
    • "monero"
    • "slowhttp"
    • ""
    • ""
    • "/var/sbin/bash"
    • "buster-slim"
    • "hello-"
    • "registry"
    • 'aegis'
    • 'Yun'
  • Deletes the following directories:
    • /usr/bin/config.json
    • /usr/bin/exin
    • /tmp/wc.conf
    • /tmp/log_rot
    • /tmp/apachiii
    • /tmp/sustse
    • /tmp/php
    • /tmp/p2.conf
    • /tmp/pprt
    • /tmp/ppol
    • /tmp/javax/
    • /tmp/javax/sshd2
    • /tmp/.profile
    • /tmp/
    • /tmp/kworkerds
    • /tmp/kworkerds3
    • /tmp/kworkerdssx
    • /tmp/xd.json
    • /tmp/syslogd
    • /tmp/syslogdb
    • /tmp/65ccEJ7
    • /tmp/jmxx
    • /tmp/2Ne80nA
    • /tmp/dl
    • /tmp/ddg
    • /tmp/systemxlv
    • /tmp/systemctI
    • /tmp/.abc
    • /tmp/osw.hb
    • /tmp/.tmpleve
    • /tmp/.tmpnewzz
    • /tmp/.java
    • /tmp/.omed
    • /tmp/.tmpc
    • /tmp/.tmpleve
    • /tmp/.tmpnewzz
    • /tmp/gates.lod
    • /tmp/conf.n
    • /tmp/devtool
    • /tmp/devtools
    • /tmp/fs
    • /tmp/.rod
    • /tmp/.rod.tgz
    • /tmp/.rod.tgz.1
    • /tmp/.rod.tgz.2
    • /tmp/.mer
    • /tmp/.mer.tgz
    • /tmp/.mer.tgz.1
    • /tmp/.hod
    • /tmp/.hod.tgz
    • /tmp/.hod.tgz.1
    • /tmp/84Onmce
    • /tmp/C4iLM4L
    • /tmp/lilpip
    • /tmp/3lmigMo
    • /tmp/am8jmBP
    • /tmp/tmp.txt
    • /tmp/baby
    • /tmp/.lib
    • /tmp/systemd
    • /tmp/lib.tar.gz
    • /tmp/baby
    • /tmp/java
    • /tmp/j2.conf
    • /tmp/.mynews1234
    • /tmp/a3e12d
    • /tmp/.pt
    • /tmp/.pt.tgz
    • /tmp/.pt.tgz.1
    • /tmp/go
    • /tmp/java
    • /tmp/j2.conf
    • /tmp/.tmpnewasss
    • /tmp/java
    • /tmp/
    • /tmp/
    • /tmp/khugepageds
    • /tmp/.censusqqqqqqqqq
    • /tmp/.kerberods
    • /tmp/kerberods
    • /tmp/seasame
    • /tmp/touch
    • /tmp/.p
    • /tmp/
    • /tmp/
    • /dev/shm/
    • /dev/shm/
    • /dev/shm/.scr
    • /dev/shm/.kerberods
    • /etc/
    • /usr/local/lib/
    • chattr -i /etc/
    • /etc/
    • /usr/local/lib/
    • /tmp/watchdogs
    • /etc/cron.d/tomcat
    • /etc/rc.d/init.d/watchdogs
    • /usr/sbin/watchdogs
    • /tmp/kthrotlds
    • /etc/rc.d/init.d/kthrotlds
    • /tmp/.sysbabyuuuuu12
    • /tmp/logo9.jpg
    • /tmp/
    • /tmp/nullcrew
    • /tmp/proc
    • /tmp/
    • /opt/atlassian/confluence/bin/
    • /opt/atlassian/confluence/bin/
    • /opt/atlassian/confluence/bin/
    • /opt/atlassian/confluence/bin/
    • /opt/atlassian/confluence/bin/
    • /opt/atlassian/confluence/bin/
    • /opt/atlassian/confluence/bin/
    • /opt/atlassian/confluence/bin/
    • /var/tmp/f41
    • /var/tmp/
    • /var/tmp/config.json
    • /var/tmp/xmrig
    • /var/tmp/
    • /var/tmp/kworkerds3
    • /var/tmp/kworkerdssx
    • /var/tmp/kworkerds
    • /var/tmp/wc.conf
    • /var/tmp/nadezhda.
    • /var/tmp/nadezhda.arm
    • /var/tmp/nadezhda.arm.1
    • /var/tmp/nadezhda.arm.2
    • /var/tmp/nadezhda.x86_64
    • /var/tmp/nadezhda.x86_64.1
    • /var/tmp/nadezhda.x86_64.2
    • /var/tmp/sustse3
    • /var/tmp/sustse
    • /var/tmp/moneroocean/
    • /var/tmp/devtool
    • /var/tmp/devtools
    • /var/tmp/
    • /var/tmp/systemctI
    • /var/tmp/.java
    • /var/tmp/
    • /var/tmp/conf.n
    • /var/tmp/lib
    • /var/tmp/.lib
    • /usr/local/aegis
    • /var/spool/cron/*
  • It blocks outgoing traffic to the following ports:
    • 3333
    • 5555
    • 7777
    • 9999
  • It checks for the existence of /root/.ssh/known_hosts and /root/.ssh/ on the affected machine and if found, it will try to connect to all of the known ports and it will connect to the following URL to download and execute to the affexted machine:
    • http://global.{BLOCKED} - Detected as Trojan.SH.MALXMR.UWEKB


Motor de exploración mínimo 9.850
Primer archivo de patrones de VSAPI 15.918.02
Primera fecha de publicación de patrones de VSAPI 08 de junio de 2020
Versión de patrones OPR de VSAPI 15.919.00
Fecha de publicación de patrones OPR de VSAPI 09 de junio de 2020

Explorar el equipo con su producto de Trend Micro para eliminar los archivos detectados como Trojan.SH.MALXMR.UWEKB En caso de que el producto de Trend Micro ya haya limpiado, eliminado o puesto en cuarentena los archivos detectados, no serán necesarios más pasos. Puede optar simplemente por eliminar los archivos en cuarentena. Consulte esta página de Base de conocimientos para obtener más información.

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