Threat Definitions
- Hacking tools are programs that generally crack or break computer and network security measures. Hacking tools have different capabilities depending on the systems they have been designed to penetrate.
- Hacktivism can be described as the use of malicious techniques such as denial of service attacks for political reasons, instead of for monetary gain or personal reasons.
- Hash values can be thought of as fingerprints for files. The contents of a file are processed through a cryptographic algorithm, and a unique numerical value – the hash value - is produced that identifies the contents of the file.
- Heuristics is a scanning method that looks for malware-like behavior patterns. It is commonly used to detect new or not-yet-known malware.
- Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used to transfer information, such as HTML documents, on the Internet.
- Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a variation of HTTP that uses the Secure Socket Layer to increase security.