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For Parents & Teachers

Get best practices, insights, and top tips from our Managing Family Life Online webinar series, our popular Cyber Academy videos and activities, plus more.

The Internet Safety Series for Kids age 7-10

It’s FREE and ready when you are!


Understand what a password is, why it’s important and learn 3 password skills to keep you safe and secure.

2-Factor Authentication

Understand Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and how it can protect your accounts online.


Understand what privacy online really means and learn 4 privacy skills to protect you and your information online.


Learn why and how to keep your information secure online; plus 6 ways to practice strong security skills.

Healthy Habits

Understand why it is important to have healthy habits when using the internet and learn 7 healthy habits.

NEW Episodes – Now Available

  • Camera Safety
  • Time Online
  • Kindness
  • Safety Settings
  • Misinformation

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Managing Family Life Online

Webinar Series

Securing your online journey

Managing Family Life Online Webinar Series aims to continuously educating kids, families, and communities globally about the ever-changing threat landscape of our digital world. We invite subject matter experts for an hour of discussion on topics ranging from online security and safety to misinformation and fake news, from bullying to screen time usage, and more.

These webinars are free and available on demand in our website. Share it with family and friends, and in social media.


Trend Micro employees deliver free internet safety talks to students, parents and educators all around the world covering a wide range of safety topics.

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All internet safety resources are freely available and on demand complements of Trend Micro’s Internet Safety for Kids and Families Program.

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Internet Safety Blog

TechTrend: Why do kids care if we post pictures of them?

March 18, 2016 by Lynette Owens Each week in our TechTrend post, we'll be discussing a current issue, app, news story, or other online trend that is worth some attention and discussion. For this week’s TechTrend, we’re exploring the question: “Why...

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What Does the Internet Mean to You?

By Lynette Owens Today, we are celebrating Safer Internet Day along with many other organizations, teachers, and families, in over 100 countries.  It’s the annual celebration when we bring attention to all matters related to making the Internet a...

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Back to Basics on Data Privacy Day

by Lynette Owens Back to the Basics on Data Privacy Day Today is Data Privacy Day, an annual event designed to encourage the public to become more informed about online privacy issues.  Hosted by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), many...

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Turning the Page

Turning the Page by Lynette Owens Happy 2016! This year, we’ll be getting this blog back up and running, giving you relevant and timely tips and insights on Internet safety, media literacy, and all matters relating to helping our kids and our...

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A Hacking Contest to Promote Digital Literacy

By Lynette Owens October 27, 2014 This year, we are proud to sponsor a great competition designed to promote online safety and digital literacy among our nation's youth. Carnegie Mellon University's annual "capture the flag" contest called...

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4 Good Digital Habits for a New School Year

By Lynette Owens As you make the transition from the leisurely pace of summer to the stressful balancing act of earlier bedtimes, new homework routines, and after-school activities, try to factor in how your kids’ use of  technology will change...

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