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Spotlight Sessions
Join our Spotlight Sessions, featuring industry experts and special guests tackling cyber threats, scams, misinformation, AI risks, and more. Stay informed and empowered.

Myth vs. Reality A New Look at Scams and Older Adults
March 11, 2025, 3PM ET
Join Marike Kuyper and Russell Slater from the National Council on Aging for a live Zoom session today at 3 PM ET. They’ll be addressing common myths about scams targeting older adults and separating fact from fiction.
Don’t miss this important conversation on how to protect your loved ones.

Family Tech Talk Night
Duration: ~75 minutesIn partnership with PTO Today, we are proud to offer a family Tech Talk event to your community. This free virtual event and live Q&A is hosted by one of our internet safety experts and covers a wide range of technology issues that every family is facing in some way today. We cover tips on the latest popular apps and games, managing screen time, dealing with conflict online, using the camera wisely, and helping kids use the internet in safe and positive ways.
Presentations are in English and Spanish, and additional languages as well as American Sign Language interpreters are available on request.
We are offering events through the school year and hope that you and your school community can join us for one. If you are interested in any of the dates, please contact us.
2024 – 2025 |
Family Tech Talk Night Wednesday, March 19, 2025 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific |
9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific |
Family Tech Talk Night Wednesday, April 9, 2025 7pm Eastern / 6pm Central |
7pm Eastern / 6pm Central |
How to Join
For access to the webinar link details please contact your PTO Today representative or contact us directly. We are offering events through the school year and hope that you and your school community can join us for one. If you are interested in any of the dates, please contact us or register your school for this free program online through PTO Today.
Note: During this webinar your audio and video/camera is off. Only the presenter will be seen and the presenter will be heard in English and an interpreter will be heard in Spanish. You can submit questions during the session using the Q&A button, but there will also be time for questions at the end. The presenter will remain on as long as needed. You will receive a question to complete a short survey at the close of the session. We appreciate any feedback you can provide! Those who complete the feedback form will be entered to win a 1-year license of Trend Micro Maximum Security, to protect up to 5 devices in your home (laptops, desktops, or mobile devices).
Internet Safety Events for Parents 2024
Trend Micro has been hosting FREE internet safety talks around the world since 2008. Our goal for each of these talks is to empower parents and educators online, offering practical advice, top tips, as well as useful online resources.
Subscribe to our mailing list above if you’d like to know about upcoming events.
Past Recordings
Let’s Talk Kids, Teens and Screen Time Challenges
Tuesday, February 6, 2024, Europe
Is screen time a constant battle in your home? Listen back to Trend Micro Ireland host and internet safety expert Avril Ronan who will explore the screen time challenges faced by so many parents in Ireland today. Avril will share evidence based research from the experts, screen time tool demonstrations, along with her own personal experience as a parent herself. Not to be missed is the last 30 minutes of this webinar which addressed the questions from parents in attendance. This webinar was supported by Irish Sign Language. The goal of these parent webinars is to empower parents and educators online, offering practical advice supported by online resources.
Screen Time Tools
Screen Time Guidelines for Children
Trend Micro Webinar Series: “Managing Family Life Online” – Recordings worth checking out!
- Dealing with Screen Time Challenges
- Supporting Out Kids’ Physical, Mental, and Digital Wellness
- Kids and Autism: Supporting Safety and Healthy Technology Use
Trend Micro Cyber Academy for Kids
Digital Wellness Lab Useful Resources
- A guide for helping kids build healthy safe digital habits, creating a positive effect on their overall mental and physical health.
- Practical, real-world steps you can take to help you raise healthy, smart, and kind children in our increasingly digital age.
- Pulse survey 13–17-year-olds (PDF); Use to engage with your children about their media use, highlighting specific areas where they may be more at risk for negative outcomes.
- Pulse Survey of 15–22-year-olds (PDF); Use to engage in more targeted conversations with your children about their experiences online and to discuss ways to use social media safely.
- Digital Wellness Lab Blog Articles
ASD and ADHD Research
- The association between screen time and genetic risks for neurodevelopmental disorders in children. Children genetically predisposed to ASD showed increased screen usage. (4 hours p/day) and children with ADHD tendencies increased their screen time as they aged. [Screen time does not cause ASD/ADHD].
Let’s Talk Kids and Gaming Safety
Tuesday, December 5, 2023, Europe
Trend Micro Host and internet safety expert Avril Ronan explored popular games such as Roblox, Fortnite, Call of Duty, Xbox, PlayStation and Discord; a popular app platform used when gaming. Trend Micro Cyber Security Architect and internet safety advocate Karl Schlauch joined as co-host and together they discussed everything from gaming safety, privacy and security to common parenting challenges that often accompany the world of gaming. Expect practical advice, top tips, live demonstrations and parent questions answered.
Additional supporting resources and research was also shared during the webinar. If you would like to be notified of upcoming events you can subscribe to our mailing list above.
Internet Safety Talk for Parents
Tuesday, October 3, 2023, Europe
Avril Ronan, Trend Micro Ireland host and internet safety expert explored the challenges of family life online and also the benefits that the online world brings, when used safely and responsibly. Expect practical advice and top tips with live demonstrations of popular app settings.
This webinar included live demonstrations of settings on Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, across iOS, Android, and MS platforms. Additional supporting resources and research was also shared during the webinar. If you would like to be notified of upcoming events you can subscribe to our mailing list above.
Taifeadadh san am atá caite
An Cyber Academy ó Trend Micro agus COGG
Dé Máirt, 19 Márta, 2024
An bhfuil tú ag múineadh rang 3 – 6? Ar mhaith leat níos mó a fhoghlaim faoi na hacmhainní nua ón Cyber Academy? Bígí linn le haghaidh Tráth na gCeist spraíúil ar líne faoi Sábháilteacht Idirlín le Trend Micro agus COGG.Sa seimineár gréasáin seo rachaidh Frank Ó Tormaigh (Oifigeach Oideachais Digiteach le COGG) tríd dhá ceacht le do rang agus beidh Tráth na gCeist ar líne (i bhfoirm ‘Zoom polls’) do na páistí.Beidh deis agat na ceachtanna eile a dhéanamh i d’am féin ansin.
An Cyber Academy ó Trend Micro agus COGG

Bígí linn le haghaidh Tráth na gCeist spraíúil ar líne faoi Sábháilteacht Idirlín le Trend Micro agus COGG.
An bhfuil tú ag múineadh rang 3 – 6? Ar mhaith leat níos mó a fhoghlaim faoi na hacmhainní nua ón Cyber Academy? Sa seimineár gréasáin seo rachaidh Frank Ó Tormaigh (Oifigeach Oideachais Digiteach le COGG) tríd dhá ceacht le do rang agus beidh Tráth na gCeist ar líne (i bhfoirm ‘Zoom polls’) do na páistí.
Beidh deis agat na ceachtanna eile a dhéanamh i d’am féin ansin. Beidh duaiseanna seolta amach chugat sa phost agus beidh tú eolach ar conas do rang a choimeád sábháilte ar líne!
Seolann Trend Micro, i gcomhpháirt le COGG, an Cyber Academy as Gaeilge ag tús Seachtain na Gaeilge Leigh Nios mo ›
Jeżeli nie miałeś okazji zobaczyć naszych webinariów i filmów edukacyjnych publikowanych wcześniej, tutaj możesz obejrzeć nagrania! Firma Trend Micro od 2008 roku organizuje BEZPŁATNE prelekcje na temat bezpieczeństwa w Internecie. Naszym celem jest dostarczenie dzieciom, rodzicom i nauczycielom praktycznych porad, najlepszych wskazówek oraz przydatnych narzędzi edukacyjnych.
Tutaj będziemy zamieszczać także wydarzenia organizowane w 2022 roku, więc odwiedzaj nas regularnie i bądź na bieżąco.
Cyber Akademia Podcast Odwiedź nasz blog Skontaktuj się z nami
Bądź bezpieczny online! (dla dzieci w wieku 10+)
Recorded: 30 listopada 2021
Internet stał się naszą codziennością, zarówno w prywatnym, jak i zawodowym życiu. Przenosimy do niego coraz więcej jego aspektów, od relacji, przez biznes, ostatnio także szkołę, aż po rozrywkę. W sieci są już prawie wszyscy, coraz częściej dzieci i osoby starsze. Jak czuć się bezpiecznie w sieci? Na co zwracać uwagę, czego unikać i o co zadbać? O tym usłyszycie w nagraniu.
Hosted By Joanna Dąbrowska – inżynier w Trend Micro, wolontariuszka ISKF
Pokaż mi swój login, a powiem Ci, kim jesteś
Recorded: 28 stycznia 2021
Wielu z nas w Internecie czuje się swobodniej, z uwagi na anonimowość. Ale czy tak jest naprawdę? Nasze działania, z pozoru okrojone z prawdziwej tożsamości, są zbierane przez dostawców usług internetowych i wykorzystywane w różnych celach – czy jesteśmy świadomi tych działań, ich legalności?
A jeśli już mowa o legalności – dane, które zostawiamy w sieci są przeglądane przez różne osoby. Zdjęcia nasze, naszych dzieci oraz publikowane informacje mogą być użyte przez przestępców – czy bierzemy pod uwagę to ryzyko? O tych i innych kwestiach związanych z prywatnością w sieci i konsekwencjami dzielenia się różnymi danymi usłyszycie w nagraniu z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Ochrony Danych Osobowych.
Hosted By Joanna Dąbrowska – inżynier w Trend Micro, wolontariuszka ISKF
Tutorial: Jak działa kontrola rodzicielska?
Recorded: 26 października 2020
Kochasz? Chroń i kontroluj! Co trzeci rodzic nie wie jak ustawić kontrolę rodzicielską na urządzeniach z dostępem do Internetu takich jak laptop czy telefon. Tymczasem według naszych badań niemal każde dziecko powyżej 8. roku życia codziennie sięga po urządzenia posiadające Internet. Jak wdrożyć kontrolę rodzicielską na urządzeniach z systemem Android i iOS oraz na co zwracać uwagę? Na to pytanie odpowiedzi znajdziecie w praktycznym przewodniku wideo.
Hosted By Joanna Dąbrowska – inżynier w Trend Micro, wolontariuszka ISKF