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For Parents & Teachers

Get best practices, insights, and top tips from our Managing Family Life Online webinar series, our popular Cyber Academy videos and activities, plus more.

The Internet Safety Series for Kids age 7-10

It’s FREE and ready when you are!


Understand what a password is, why it’s important and learn 3 password skills to keep you safe and secure.

2-Factor Authentication

Understand Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and how it can protect your accounts online.


Understand what privacy online really means and learn 4 privacy skills to protect you and your information online.


Learn why and how to keep your information secure online; plus 6 ways to practice strong security skills.

Healthy Habits

Understand why it is important to have healthy habits when using the internet and learn 7 healthy habits.

NEW Episodes – Now Available

  • Camera Safety
  • Time Online
  • Kindness
  • Safety Settings
  • Misinformation

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Managing Family Life Online

Webinar Series

Securing your online journey

Managing Family Life Online Webinar Series aims to continuously educating kids, families, and communities globally about the ever-changing threat landscape of our digital world. We invite subject matter experts for an hour of discussion on topics ranging from online security and safety to misinformation and fake news, from bullying to screen time usage, and more.

These webinars are free and available on demand in our website. Share it with family and friends, and in social media.


Trend Micro employees deliver free internet safety talks to students, parents and educators all around the world covering a wide range of safety topics.

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All internet safety resources are freely available and on demand complements of Trend Micro’s Internet Safety for Kids and Families Program.

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Internet Safety Blog

Schwarzenegger vs. the Video Game Industry

by Lynette T. Owens On April 26, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to take on the case of Schwarzenegger vs. the Entertainment Merchants Association (EMA).  The outcome of this hearing has great bearing on how age ratings will be enforced for video...

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Phoebe Prince-Tragic Case of (Cyber)bullying

By Lynette Owens On Monday of this week, nine high school students of South Hadley, Massachusetts were charged in the case of 15-year old Phoebe Prince who, after months of being bullied online and in school, took her own life on January 14 of this...

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The “What’s Your Story?” Campaign

By Lynette Owens Today marks the launch of “What’s Your Story?”, a campaign designed to help educate kids, parents, and teachers about staying safe online. We are inviting anyone over the age of 13 in the U.S. or Canada* to submit a short video and...

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YouTube’s Attempt at Parental Controls

By Lynette Owens You may not have noticed, but earlier this month YouTube made available a new feature that is intended to help users block others from viewing videos that might be inappropriate for them.  It doesn’t remove any content from their...

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What you can do about Child Identity Theft

by Lynette Owens Child identity theft is on the rise. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, child identity theft occurs when a child’s personal information is used by someone for that imposter’s own gain, such as to obtain financial...

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Brittany Murphy, Curiosity, and You

By Lynette T. Owens As the end of 2009 draws near, many of us are consumed by the preparations needed to close out one year and open another.  Kids are excited by an impending lengthy school break (some parents less so!); shopping, cooking,...

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Privacy is in the Eye of the Beholder

by Lynette T. Owens I know several parents who within the last year became frequent users and heavy recommenders of social networking sites.  Most use it as a way to stay in touch with far flung friends and relatives (to share photos and updates of...

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You Are What You (Don’t) Post

by Lynette T. Owens A couple of weeks ago, I decided to search my daughter’s name on Google.  I was curious to see what the results might be for someone who has not yet established an online presence.  I was amazed, worried, and amused all at...

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Internet Safety at home, at school – Part 2 of 2

by Lynette T. Owens This past July, on my way to meet with the IT Director of a local school district, I walked the halls of the high-school where his office was located.  The building, like so many public schools, appeared structurally fatigued,...

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