Ensure that client access to your Google Cloud Filestore instances is limited to specific (trusted) IP addresses or IP address ranges in order to protect your data against unauthorized access.
Granting untrusted clients access exposes Filestore instance data to unapproved access, modification, or deletion. By default, Filestore instances provide full (root-level read/write) access to all clients, such as Compute Engine virtual machines and Kubernetes clusters, within the same Google Cloud project and VPC network. To restrict this, you can create IP-based access rules. Once configured, any IP address or range not explicitly allowed will be denied access. Restricting access by IP address or IP range enhances security by limiting connections to known, trusted sources.
To determine if Filestore client access is restricted to trusted IP addresses or IP address ranges only, perform the following operations:
Remediation / Resolution
To ensure that client access to your Google Cloud Filestore instances is limited to specific, trusted IP addresses or IP ranges only, perform the following operations:
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Documentation
- Filestore overview
- Access control
- Create an instance
- Edit instances
- GCP Command Line Interface (CLI) Documentation
- gcloud projects list
- gcloud filestore instances list
- gcloud filestore instances describe
- gcloud filestore instances update