Ensure that your Google Cloud Filestore instances have Deletion Protection feature enabled in order to protect them from being accidentally deleted.
With the Deletion Protection safety feature enabled, your Filestore instances are guaranteed to be protected from accidental deletion, ensuring your data remains safe. Deletion protection prevents any existing or new Filestore instances from being deleted by any users through the Google Cloud Management Console, CLI, or API calls, unless the feature is explicitly disabled.
To determine if your Google Cloud Filestore instances are protected against accidental or unauthorized deletion, perform the following operations:
Remediation / Resolution
To enable the Deletion Protection feature for your Google Cloud Filestore instances and ensure protection against accidental or unauthorized deletion, perform the following operations:
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Documentation
- Filestore overview
- Prevent deletion of an instance
- GCP Command Line Interface (CLI) Documentation
- gcloud projects list
- gcloud filestore instances list
- gcloud filestore instances describe
- gcloud filestore instances update