Critical Start

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Critical Start, a leading provider of managed detection and response (MDR) cybersecurity solutions, is committed to empowering mid-market and enterprise customers with tools to optimize their existing cybersecurity investments and continuously improve their security, without adding full-time staff or resources. Our collaboration with Trend Micro brings our joint customers a unique and impactful solution that enhances threat monitoring efficiency, productivity, and overall protection. With Critical Start’s 24x7x365 monitoring and Zero Trust Analytics Platform™ (ZTAP®), Trend customers have full visibility into what’s important and the ability to address attacks from anywhere at any time via the MOBILESOC® app. Critical Start’s proprietary Trusted Behavior Registry™ (TBR) enables ZTAP to auto-resolve 99% of endpoint OATs (Observed Attack Techniques) from Trend Cloud One™ and Trend Micro Apex One™ without any customer interaction while true positives are investigated by a member of Critical Start’s world class Security Operations Center (SOC). Our MDR services are an ideal fit for Trend Vision One for Endpoint customers that use best-of-breed, multi-vendor toolsets in their environment.