Keyword: symbos
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BrokerInfrastructure ccEvtMgr ccSetMgr\SymbOS Cisserv CpqRcmc3 CSAdmin CSAuth CSDbSync CSLog CSMon CSRadius CSTacacs DB2-0 DB2DAS00 DB2GOVERNOR_DB2COPY1 DB2INST2 DB2LICD_DB2COPY1 DB2MGMTSVC_DB2COPY1
This spyware may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. It executes the downloaded files. As a result, malicious routines of the downloaded files are exhibited on the
This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. However, as of this writing, the said sites are inaccessible. Arrival Details This Trojan may be unknowingly
This backdoor application monitors the Short Message System (SMS) messages of an affected Symbian phone and forwards the message if the sender is listed in its monitored list. It interprets a
This spyware may be manually installed by a user. Arrival Details This spyware may be manually installed by a user. Installation This spyware drops the following files: C:\Private\10003a3f\import
This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. Arrival Details This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. Other
This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. It may be manually installed by a user. Arrival Details This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user
This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. Arrival Details This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. Other
This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. It may be manually installed by a user. Arrival Details This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user
This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. Arrival Details This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. Other
This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user while visiting malicious websites. It may be manually installed by a user. Arrival Details This Trojan may be unknowingly downloaded by a user
Trend Micro has flagged this spyware as noteworthy due to the increased potential for damage, propagation, or both, that it possesses. Specifically, it is a mobile device Zeus malware that steals
Trend Micro has flagged this Symbian as noteworthy due to the increased potential for damage, propagation, or both, that it possesses. To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this
This spyware is a variant of the ZBOT/ZeuS malware family that targets smartphones running on Windows Mobile. It intercept calls and text messages to steal user credentials used in online banking. To
This spyware is a variant of the info-stealing ZBOT/ZeuS malware family that aims to defeat the two-factor security authentication of banks using a ZeuS mobile malware, such as WINCE_ZBOT.B, to steal
Trend Micro has flagged this Trojan as noteworthy due to the increased potential for damage, propagation, or both, that it possesses. To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this
This spyware is flagged as noteworthy as it targets BlackBerry phone users. To get a one-glance comprehensive view of the behavior of this Spyware, refer to the Threat Diagram shown below. It sends