Ransom-TelUPass(NAI), Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Encoder.oqg(KASPERSKY)




  • Threat Type: Ransomware

  • Destructiveness: No

  • Encrypted: No

  • In the wild: Yes


Infection Channel:

Downloaded from the Internet, Dropped by other malware

This Ransomware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.

It connects to certain websites to send and receive information.

It encrypts files with specific file extensions. It drops files as ransom note.


File Size:

3,190,272 bytes

File Type:


Memory Resident:


Initial Samples Received Date:

20 Dec 2021


Connects to URLs/IPs

Arrival Details

This Ransomware arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.


This Ransomware drops the following files:

  • %All Users Profile%\encfile.txt
  • %All Users Profile%\public.txt
  • %All Users Profile%\showkey.txt

(Note: %All Users Profile% is the common user's profile folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\All Users on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\ProgramData on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit). )

It adds the following processes:

  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im msftesql.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "schtasks /delete /tn WM /F "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im sqlagent.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im sqlbrowser.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im sqlservr.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im sqlwriter.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im oracle.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im ocssd.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im dbsnmp.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im synctime.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im mydesktopqos.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im agntsvc.exeisqlplussvc.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im xfssvccon.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im mydesktopservice.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im ocautoupds.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im agntsvc.exeagntsvc.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im agntsvc.exeencsvc.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im firefoxconfig.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im tbirdconfig.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im ocomm.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im mysqld.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im mysqld-nt.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im mysqld-opt.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im dbeng50.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im sqbcoreservice.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im excel.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im infopath.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im msaccess.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im mspub.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im onenote.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im outlook.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im powerpnt.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im steam.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im thebat.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im thebat64.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im thunderbird.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im visio.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im winword.exe "
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im wordpad.exe"
  • cmd.exe /c "taskkill /f /im tnslsnr.exe"

Other Details

This Ransomware connects to the following website to send and receive information:

  • http://{BLOCKED}.{BLOCKED}.216.148/jquery.js?v=999999 → Used HTTP GET request

Ransomware Routine

This Ransomware encrypts files with the following extensions:

  • 3dm
  • 3ds
  • 3fr
  • 3g2
  • 3gp
  • 3pr
  • 602
  • 7z
  • ps1
  • 7zip
  • aac
  • ab4
  • accdb
  • accde
  • accdr
  • accdt
  • ach
  • acr
  • act
  • adb
  • adp
  • ads
  • aes
  • agdl
  • ai
  • aiff
  • ait
  • al
  • aoi
  • apj
  • arc
  • arw
  • asc
  • asf
  • asm
  • asp
  • aspx
  • asx
  • avi
  • awg
  • back
  • backup
  • backupdb
  • bak
  • bank
  • bat
  • bay
  • bdb
  • bgt
  • bik
  • bin
  • bkp
  • blend
  • bmp
  • bpw
  • brd
  • c
  • cdf
  • cdr
  • cdr3
  • cdr4
  • cdr5
  • cdr6
  • cdrw
  • cdx
  • ce1
  • ce2
  • cer
  • cfg
  • cgm
  • cib
  • class
  • cls
  • cmd
  • cmt
  • conf
  • config
  • contact
  • cpi
  • cpp
  • cr2
  • craw
  • crt
  • crw
  • cs
  • csh
  • csl
  • csr
  • css
  • csv
  • dac
  • dat
  • db
  • db3
  • db_journal
  • dbf
  • dbx
  • dc2
  • dch
  • dcr
  • dcs
  • ddd
  • ddoc
  • ddrw
  • dds
  • der
  • des
  • design
  • dgc
  • dif
  • dip
  • dit
  • djv
  • djvu
  • dng
  • doc
  • docb
  • docm
  • docx
  • dot
  • dotm
  • dotx
  • drf
  • drw
  • dtd
  • dwg
  • dxb
  • dxf
  • dxg
  • edb
  • eml
  • eps
  • erbsql
  • erf
  • exf
  • fdb
  • ffd
  • fff
  • fh
  • fhd
  • fla
  • flac
  • flf
  • flv
  • flvv
  • fpx
  • frm
  • fxg
  • gif
  • gpg
  • gray
  • grey
  • groups
  • gry
  • gz
  • h
  • hbk
  • hdd
  • hpp
  • html
  • hwp
  • ibank
  • ibd
  • ibz
  • idx
  • iif
  • iiq
  • incpas
  • indd
  • jar
  • java
  • jnt
  • jpe
  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • jsp
  • jspx
  • ashx
  • js
  • kc2
  • kdbx
  • kdc
  • key
  • kpdx
  • kwm
  • laccdb
  • lay
  • lay6
  • ldf
  • lit
  • log
  • lua
  • m
  • m2ts
  • m3u
  • m4p
  • m4u
  • m4v
  • mapimail
  • max
  • mbx
  • md
  • mdb
  • mdc
  • mdf
  • mef
  • mfw
  • mid
  • mkv
  • mlb
  • mml
  • mmw
  • mny
  • moneywell
  • mos
  • mov
  • mp3
  • mp4
  • mpeg
  • mpg
  • mrw
  • ms11
  • msg
  • myd
  • myi
  • nd
  • ndd
  • ndf
  • nef
  • nk2
  • nop
  • nrw
  • ns2
  • ns3
  • ns4
  • nsd
  • nsf
  • nsg
  • nsh
  • nvram
  • nwb
  • nx2
  • nxl
  • nyf
  • oab
  • obj
  • odb
  • odc
  • odf
  • odg
  • odm
  • odp
  • ods
  • odt
  • ogg
  • oil
  • orf
  • ost
  • otg
  • oth
  • otp
  • ots
  • ott
  • p12
  • p7b
  • p7c
  • pab
  • pages
  • paq
  • pas
  • pat
  • pcd
  • pct
  • pdb
  • pdd
  • pdf
  • pef
  • pem
  • pfx
  • php
  • pif
  • pl
  • plc
  • plus_muhd
  • png
  • pot
  • potm
  • potx
  • ppam
  • pps
  • ppsm
  • ppsx
  • ppt
  • pptm
  • pptx
  • prf
  • ps
  • psafe3
  • psd
  • pspimage
  • pst
  • ptx
  • pwm
  • py
  • qba
  • qbb
  • qbm
  • qbr
  • qbw
  • qbx
  • qby
  • qcow
  • qcow2
  • qed
  • r3d
  • raf
  • rar
  • rat
  • raw
  • rb
  • rdb
  • rm
  • rtf
  • rvt
  • rw2
  • rwl
  • rwz
  • s3db
  • safe
  • sas7bdat
  • sav
  • save
  • say
  • sch
  • sd0
  • sda
  • sdf
  • sh
  • sldm
  • sldx
  • slk
  • sql
  • sqlite
  • sqlite3
  • sqlitedb
  • sr2
  • srf
  • srt
  • srw
  • st4
  • st5
  • st6
  • st7
  • so
  • st8
  • stc
  • std
  • sti
  • stm
  • stw
  • stx
  • svg
  • swf
  • sxc
  • sxd
  • sxg
  • sxi
  • sxm
  • sxw
  • tar
  • tar.bz2
  • tbk
  • tex
  • tga
  • tgz
  • thm
  • tif
  • tiff
  • tlg
  • txt
  • uop
  • uot
  • vb
  • vbox
  • vbs
  • vdi
  • vhd
  • vhdx
  • vmdk
  • vmsd
  • vmx
  • vmxf
  • vob
  • wab
  • wad
  • wallet
  • war
  • wav
  • wb2
  • wk1
  • wks
  • wma
  • wmv
  • wpd
  • wps
  • x11
  • x3f
  • xis
  • xla
  • xlam
  • xlc
  • xlk
  • xlm
  • xlr
  • xls
  • xlsb
  • xlsm
  • xlsx
  • xlt
  • xltm
  • xltx
  • xlw
  • xml
  • ycbcra
  • yuv
  • zip

It avoids encrypting files with the following strings in their file name:

  • desktop.ini
  • autorun.inf
  • netuser.dat
  • iconcache.db
  • thumbs.db
  • bootfont.bin

It avoids encrypting files found in the following folders:

  • For Windows:
    • EFI.Boot
    • EFI.Microsoft
    • Windows
    • Program Files
    • All Users
    • Boot
    • IEidcache
    • ProgramData
    • Local Settings
    • System Volume Information
    • AppData
    • Recycle.Bin
    • Recovery
  • For Linux:
    • /bin
    • /boot
    • /sbin
    • /tmp
    • /etc
    • /lib
    • /proc
    • /dev
    • /sys
    • /usr/include
    • /usr/java

It appends the following extension to the file name of the encrypted files:

  • .locked

It drops the following file(s) as ransom note:

  • {Infected Directory}\README.html


Minimum Scan Engine:





20 Dec 2021




21 Dec 2021

Step 1

Trend Micro Predictive Machine Learning detects and blocks malware at the first sign of its existence, before it executes on your system. When enabled, your Trend Micro product detects this malware under the following machine learning name:

    • Ransom.Win32.TRX.XXPE50FFF051E0002

Step 2

Before doing any scans, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 users must disable System Restore to allow full scanning of their computers.

Step 3

Note that not all files, folders, and registry keys and entries are installed on your computer during this malware's/spyware's/grayware's execution. This may be due to incomplete installation or other operating system conditions. If you do not find the same files/folders/registry information, please proceed to the next step.

Step 4

Search and delete these files

[ Learn More ]
There may be some files that are hidden. Please make sure you check the Search Hidden Files and Folders checkbox in the "More advanced options" option to include all hidden files and folders in the search result.
  • %All Users Profile%\encfile.txt
  • %All Users Profile%\public.txt
  • %All Users Profile%\showkey.txt
  • {Infected Directory}\README.html

Step 5

Scan your computer with your Trend Micro product to delete files detected as Ransom.Win64.TELLUDPASS.THLBOBA. If the detected files have already been cleaned, deleted, or quarantined by your Trend Micro product, no further step is required. You may opt to simply delete the quarantined files. Please check the following Trend Micro Support pages for more information:

Step 6

Restore encrypted files from backup.

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